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random act of kindeness

random act of kindeness



If you guys want to do something good for Brisbane (where I live), and hence the world, then I suggest you subscribe to our local radio station, 4ZZZ, 102.1 FM. It is the only radio station that offers a real alternative to the other crap stations. It is entirely subscriber run, the only ads are from sponsors of the station (not many ads at all).
They play all kinds of music. Even people with the most crappy demos can be given a chance to spin their tunes. They play punk, metal, reggae, hip-hop, "alternative rock" ,etc,etc.
The news they have is independent and is genuinely good information.
Without 4ZZZ Brisbane would be way less good. Way less!!
Only 15$ for international (those outside of australia) subscribers, which entitles you to request tunes. (For those in Brisbane, Subscription fee between 28$- 40$, the benefits are so great that that 40 buks can easily be made back by attending shows, cd purchases,etc.)

15$ (Australian) is really a small amount of money and you can feel good about yourself for sustaining a truly down to earth , non sell out station.

Ok. There's my half-arsed spiel.
I'd be happy to answer any more questions, if you guys have any.
All I will say to finish (for now 🙂 ) is that 4ZZZ has been the only shining light in this otherwise straight, wretched , boring, repetitive crap that is played on the other stations here.


internet killed the radio star

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
If you guys want to do something good for Brisbane (where I live), and hence the world, then I suggest you subscribe to our local radio station, 4ZZZ, 102.1 FM. It is the only radio station that offers a real alternative to the other crap stations. It is entirely subscriber run, the only ads are from sponsors of the station (not many ads at all).
They wise straight, wretched , boring, repetitive crap that is played on the other stations here.
Would you be generous enough to donate the radio station to an orphanage? The income would help it, and the children, tremendously. 😉


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Originally posted by mikelom
Would you be generous enough to donate the radio station to an orphanage? The income would help it, and the children, tremendously. 😉

Or perhaps the orphanage could donate some children to the radio station. They could sweep up , n make coffee n stuff.

It would reduce the stations staffing cost's and Karoly could continue to listen to his favourite choons.😉


Originally posted by tim88
internet killed the radio star
Stolen quote from a Canadian RHP member I believe.... several years back.

"Radio killed the vaudeville star, Mammy!"

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Originally posted by mikelom
Would you be generous enough to donate the radio station to an orphanage? The income would help it, and the children, tremendously. 😉

There are many different levels of charity.
If it weren't for 4ZZZ this city would be much more like George Orwells 1984

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Originally posted by kevcvs57
Or perhaps the orphanage could donate some children to the radio station. They could sweep up , n make coffee n stuff.

It would reduce the stations staffing cost's and Karoly could continue to listen to his favourite choons.😉
All the staff are volunteers.

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One thing a community radio station can do is collect money from their listeners. 3MBS in Melbourne does very well out of its subscribing listeners, who pay a small yearly amount and also donate stuff for other people to make bids for on regular fundraising days. If it can't find enough listening subscriber base to support itself, well, tough titty. It's a cruel world.

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Originally posted by Kewpie
One thing a community radio station can do is collect money from their listeners. 3MBS in Melbourne does very well out of its subscribing listeners, who pay a small yearly amount and also donate stuff for other people to make bids for on regular fundraising days. If it can't find enough listening subscriber base to support itself, well, tough titty. It's a cruel world.
Thats a whole different world down there.

"tough titty" ?

Oh, you got run over by a car and are calling out for help. Tough titty buddy,I cant help you, I've got a lunch to be at 😛


Again with the thumbs down. Just ignore it if you dont like it or cant formulate any words to express why. Heck there are a whole bunch of my posts you could thumb down, but this one? Grow a brain.

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
Oh, you got run over by a car and are calling out for help. Tough titty buddy,I cant help you, I've got a lunch to be at 😛
That's a whole different matter, don't you think - ramping up a statement about money for a radio station to a plea from an accident victim?

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Originally posted by Kewpie
That's a whole different matter, don't you think - ramping up a statement about money for a radio station to a plea from an accident victim?
Not really.

Depends on where you're at,eh?

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
Again with the thumbs down. Just ignore it if you dont like it or cant formulate any words to express why. Heck there are a whole bunch of my posts you could thumb down, but this one? Grow a brain.
Some try manure in the cranium to grow a brain...fail 😞

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
Not really.

Depends on where you're at,eh?
lf you were at a place where a radio station was as important as a human life, would you not jump on the first bus out of there?

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Originally posted by kevcvs57
lf you were at a place where a radio station was as important as a human life, would you not jump on the first bus out of there?
Which planet are you on?

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