I've been using the site about a year. I would say I am a moderately heavy user - qpproaching 3000 moves that's nearly ten a day - and I have known it go down maybe 3 or 4 times. Last night was the only time I have been locked out for more than an hour or two. I think that's a pretty good record.
Obviously if you use it really heavily you will run into a higher proportion of the outages, but still, it's a chess server, it's not the air traffic control system.
What actually surprises me, even only half-understanding the size and complexity of the database structures, is that outages happen so infrequently and are attended to so promptly. My state (Victoria) had its Government schoolteacher payroll processing database collapse on a Tuesday before Easter and those guys didn't get their pay into their accounts (due in Wednesday) until the following Tuesday. And that was a super-multiple-backup-extraredundant payroll processing bureau ... I think the RHP administration does a GREAT job!
i made 117,000 or so moves in a little over a year. the site is amazingly consistent and stable. glitches are fixed quickly. the admins respond to suggestions in due time. All of our (RHP subs and non-subs) should express our appreciation for excellent performance.
now, where are those blitz ratings anyway? 🙂😉