"say something nice about money"
money came into being to facilitate trade
"i want what you have, but, instead of disemboweling you and carrying the prize home to the wife and kids, i will give you a trinket with which you are compensated"
thus began the unending slog into servitude of the inanimate master of humanity
"send me some"
and you get down upon bended knee as you worship, beg, and tremble at thought of trinkets
18 Nov 19
@rookie54 saidWhat a horrible thing to say rookie!!!
"say something nice about money"
money came into being to facilitate trade
"i want what you have, but, instead of disemboweling you and carrying the prize home to the wife and kids, i will give you a trinket with which you are compensated"
thus began the unending slog into servitude of the inanimate master of humanity
"send me some"
and you get down upon bended knee as you worship, beg, and tremble at thought of trinkets
You should be ashamed of yourself!
18 Nov 19
@very-rusty saidMoney is essential but love is a blessing.
True, but doesn't pay the bills or let you live in a certain life style! 😉
To have both is Perfection!!!
Money Power gives you that! 😉
18 Nov 19
@ponderable saidThat depends, how much we talk'in?
...and Money can't buy me love…
In fact money is quite useful as an exchange token.
@mister-moggy saidActually, paper money in the US is more akin to cloth than paper. That's why it endures.
( send me some. i know it is only paper but it smells nice when it is new and it doesn't crumble in the wash ).
@suzianne saidThe new notes in the UK are more akin to plastic and can spring out of your hand, if you're not careful.
Actually, paper money in the US is more akin to cloth than paper. That's why it endures.