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So, uhm, why do you people have kids?

So, uhm, why do you people have kids?



They're a nuisance, honestly. They crap and pee
themselves all over, they whine and shout and cry,
they are little Napoleons capable of the greatest
cruelty, and, besides a financial drain, they are frankly
annoying. Plus, they really, really bother the rest of us
in cafés, airplanes, malls, cinemas, etc.

Moreover, let's be honest: statistically speaking, they're
very likely to grow to become losers and, at best, as
mediocre as you. And, to be honest, if that is your only
way of leaving a legacy, pfff, that's simply pathetic and
kind of cruel, as they're just instruments of the parents'
inability to either live life chilled or leave a legacy with their
own freakin' efforts --other than, of course, the act leading
to procreation, which is not that much of an effort, really.

Yeah, yeah, if nobody would have children, then the human
species would disappear. Two things here:

(1) so?
(2) not everybody has to pop them like rabbits, you know.

Use this thread to explain yourself why in the name of
Saint Lemmy you actually frakin' reproduced, knowing that
you made a horrible, selfish mistake. Also, share with us
who in the world issued you with a certificate stating that,
indeed, you are qualified to create, raise and deliver to the
world a worthy human.

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Originally posted by Seitse
They're a nuisance, honestly. They crap and pee
themselves all over, they whine and shout and cry,
they are little Napoleons capable of the greatest
cruelty, and, besides a financial drain, they are frankly
annoying. Plus, they really, really bother the rest of us
in cafés, airplanes, malls, cinemas, etc.

Moreover, let's be honest: statistically speaki ...[text shortened]... stating that,
indeed, you are qualified to create, raise and deliver to the
world a worthy human.
So, uhm, why do you people have kids?

Originally posted by Seitse
"They're a nuisance, honestly. They crap and pee
themselves all over, they whine and shout and cry,
they are little Napoleons capable of the greatest
cruelty, and, besides a financial drain, they are frankly
annoying. Plus, they really, really bother the rest of us
in cafés, airplanes, malls, cinemas, etc.

Moreover, let's be honest: statistically speaking, they're
very likely to grow to become losers and, at best, as
mediocre as you. And, to be honest, if that is your only
way of leaving a legacy, pfff, that's simply pathetic and
kind of cruel, as they're just instruments of the parents'
inability to either live life chilled or leave a legacy with their
own freakin' efforts --other than, of course, the act leading
to procreation, which is not that much of an effort, really.

Yeah, yeah, if nobody would have children, then the human
species would disappear. Two things here:

(1) so?
(2) not everybody has to pop them like rabbits, you know.

Use this thread to explain yourself why in the name of
Saint Lemmy you actually frakin' reproduced, knowing that
you made a horrible, selfish mistake. Also, share with us
who in the world issued you with a certificate stating that,
indeed, you are qualified to create, raise and deliver to the
world a worthy human."

And, pray tell, what if your own dear parents had shared your point of view prior to the conception and birth of Baby Seitse?


Originally posted by Seitse
Also, share with us who in the world issued you with a certificate stating that,
you are qualified to create, raise and deliver to the world a worthy human.
no certificate, just the ability to maintain an erection at any level of drunkenness...


Originally posted by rookie54
no certificate, just the ability to maintain an erection at any level of drunkenness...


If everyone stopped having kids, just for a couple of decades, we'd save the planet.


Originally posted by Kewpie
If everyone stopped having kids, just for a couple of decades, we'd save the planet.
Who'd support us in our old age?


Originally posted by HandyAndy
Who'd support us in our old age?
All that money you would have spent on raising kids will be in the bank, won't it?

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Originally posted by Seitse
They're a nuisance, honestly. They crap and pee
themselves all over, they whine and shout and cry,
they are little Napoleons capable of the greatest
cruelty, and, besides a financial drain, they are frankly
annoying. Plus, they really, really bother the rest of us
in cafés, airplanes, malls, cinemas, etc.

Moreover, let's be honest: statistically spe ...[text shortened]... ting that,
indeed, you are qualified to create, raise and deliver to the
world a worthy human.
I have fathered two boys (now young men, 23 and 21) and four daughters (ranging in ages between 14 and two years).

It has been my pleasure and calling to be their regent, to serve them on their paths toward becoming sovereigns over their personal kingdoms, beholden to no one except those they deem worthy of their servitude and worship.

Although I lacked formal training in the art, from the early returns, it appears the labor of my love has been met with measures of success.

My failings are evident and obvious but despite the deficiencies of my soil, the sincere seed of my faith has been rewarded and those of my children who have become aware of themselves are each comfortable in their own skin.

That is my greatest reward, my lack of credentials notwithstanding...


You may not always like your children but you still love them.




Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]And, pray tell, what if your own dear parents had shared your point of view prior to the conception and birth of Baby Seitse?
I was an accident. They did share my point of view.

Otherwise, your question makes no sense: unborn, I'd not be me, hence
incapable of pondering these matters a existence is the condition for
any epistemological pursuit.


Originally posted by rookie54
no certificate, just the ability to maintain an erection at any level of drunkenness...
Thumbs up!

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Originally posted by HandyAndy
Who'd support us in our old age?
Why do you need support? In their old age, when close to death,
elephants gather in a single point to see their last moments on
earth. Humans could do the same. I'd suggest Libya.

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