Originally posted by Bad wolfJokes. Make fun of the teacher for instance. Try to make them crack up in class.
What the heck are you supposed to send them anyway? 😵
Sexually explicit jokes are good. You want them to want to collapse in laughter when they are supposed to be hard at work and dignified but are really extremely bored.
Try these:
Cute smile!
Hi, my name is ______. Care to chat?
How about (name of movie) Sat Nght?
If you've been flirting and she's responded, you can try:
Nice (sweater, top, earings, H-do)
I'm trying not to stare! :-)
Can you hear my heart pounding?
If you've been close/close, then:
Only 4 hrs and 23 min 16 more secs, but who's counting?
Right now, right here!