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The story of my life...

The story of my life...


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So I just recently graduated high school. Its funny, its the first real acheivement recognized by society as a milestone in a person's life that I have crossed, but nevertheless I feel like I have been cheated. What a waste of time... Even a blind monkey with some kind of work ethic could graduate from an American public high school. But nevertheless, when talking to a college interviewer or a friend of my parent's, they always want to hear about my graduation rather than the first time I got laid, or the time I got away from the school bully after hitting him with a rock, both of which I consider far more interesting and influential to my personal life... Maybe they dont want to know about my personal life because then theyd have to examine their own... Whatever, its not really important.

I took the first semester off college, and am staying in a foreign country. I wont say which one in the interests of universality. But I left my friends, and my significant other, and my family, and my dogs, and my... and my... and my. But this isnt the first time I have travelled abroad for an extended period of time and so I feel ready for the challenges that have been set before me. I dont even miss anyone or anything that I have left behind, so I feel very unconstrained in the new experiances that i will have. Its a good feeling to have, and at the risk of sounding horribly cliched, much like youth as a whole.

Anyway, the point is this. I was walking out of a building yesterday, and in front of me was a young man, maybe 23-24. He seemed very happy; we was whistling and holding a folder which seemed important to him, like it bore some good news. So as he exited the stairwell and stepped out into the street, a bird dropped an absolutely massive load right on this guy's head, all in his hair and all down his arm. Just terrible, hilarious at the same time, and totally guarenteed to ruin your day.

This seems to be the way the world works when viewed from my eyes. Things happen around me, not really to me, but close enough that I can claim the stories as mine. Maybe Im just lucky that I wasnt 3 seconds earlier, passing a young man on the stairwell and exiting the building first, or maybe the chances of getting crapped on by a bird are small enough that my 18 years havent been sufficient to come up positive. Either way, Im glad I walk slowly...

Hey, write me back and tell me about your lives. If you think Im boring and full of myself, kindly keep it to yourself, Im young enough to be allowed to justify my illusions.

Take it easy everybody.

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Did you get a good look at the bird that dropped this massive load? Was it perhaps a swallow, the massive load, a coconut? Did you manage to record the average velocity of the coconut laden swallow, and whether or not it was an African or a European swallow?

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Originally posted by hopscotch
and whether or not it was an African or a European swallow?
Assuming it was a swallow. If I were you, I wouldn't rule out a spit.

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Originally posted by zakkwylder
Assuming it was a swallow. If I were you, I wouldn't rule out a spit.
I think more importantly we should consider how a swallow could carry such a heavy load.

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I didnt get a good look at the bird, but assuming that it was a swallow it would probably be african because Im in a tropial climate. But either one is equally likely...

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Originally posted by blitzkrieg33
I didnt get a good look at the bird, but assuming that it was a swallow it would probably be african because Im in a tropial climate. But either one is equally likely...
Hah! Your scientific analysis of the situation is completely unfounded! African swallows are not migratory! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

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Damn frenchi. I fart in your general direction.

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Originally posted by blitzkrieg33
Maybe they dont want to know about my personal life because then theyd have to examine their own...
I hate tests. I start sweating profusely and I get doublevision.

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If you see a shark in the park,
and it offers you a bun, run!

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Originally posted by blitzkrieg33
Hey, write me back and tell me about your lives. If you think Im boring and full of myself, kindly keep it to yourself, Im young enough to be allowed to justify my illusions.

Take it easy everybody.
Is your name Stan?

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No one I know has ever called me Stan.

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Originally posted by blitzkrieg33
No one I know has ever called me Stan.
Well there's your problem right there.

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Originally posted by blitzkrieg33
Had i known this gem of information I would certainly have done things differently...
Story Of MY Life Dude!

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Originally posted by blitzkrieg33
No one I know has ever called me Stan.
That doesn't answer the question.

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