Things I still fail to understand...

Things I still fail to understand...


Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
26 May 12
1 edit

Things I still fail to understand...

There are at least several dozen which have been itching for air time. Noted a number of them (I found myself reflecting on late last evening) on an old scratch pad over a few cups of strong black Colombian Coffee earlier this morning. Gut tells me a long listing would overwhelm and prove counter productive. So, if you're game, let's take another closer look at them one or two at a time.

1) How is it that some seem to enjoy procrastinating, apparently unable to set correct priorities, and in the process living out their lives wasting precious days majoring on trivial pursuits and minor things?

Boston Lad


16 Feb 08
26 May 12

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]Things I still fail to understand...

There are at least several dozen which have been itching for air time. Noted a number of them (I found myself reflecting on late last evening) on an old scratch pad over a few cups of strong black Colombian Coffee earlier this morning. Gut tells me a long listing would overwhelm and prove counter producti ...[text shortened]... es wasting precious days majoring on trivial pursuits and minor things?

Boston Lad

Welcome back, try not to walk the wrong way around the pillar...

Already mated

Omaha, Nebraska, USA

04 Jul 06
26 May 12

Welcome back! We've sorely missed you. These forums have barely had a breath of life while you've been on vacation.

I fail to understand how guys can be so deep in love right before and then turn so cold so fast.

23 Nov 09
26 May 12

I have to stop spending money on wishing wells. The wishes never come true. 😞

Mystic Meg

27 Mar 03
26 May 12

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]Things I still fail to understand...

There are at least several dozen which have been itching for air time. Noted a number of them (I found myself reflecting on late last evening) on an old scratch pad over a few cups of strong black Colombian Coffee earlier this morning. Gut tells me a long listing would overwhelm and prove counter producti ...[text shortened]... es wasting precious days majoring on trivial pursuits and minor things?

Boston Lad

I can only assume you feel procrastination is flaw by what you've written. This coming from the guy who's spending his valuable time writing platitudes in a chess forum designed to make you out as the perfect person while everyone else has major drawbacks.

I love the way you introduce it too, like you're some sort of deep philosopher solving the world's biggest mysteries and the only way is lesser people can follow your advanced lines of reasoning is to be spoon fed bit by bit.

Well here we are, GB is back and nothing's changed. Have a buiscuit.

13 Jul 04
26 May 12
1 edit

Originally posted by coquette
We've sorely missed you.
I can speak for myself so please refrain from using *we because *I* definitely don't share your sentiment !


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
26 May 12
1 edit

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]Things I still fail to understand...

There are at least several dozen which have been itching for air time. Noted a number of them (I found myself reflecting on late last evening) on an old scratch pad over a few cups of strong black Colombian Coffee earlier this morning. Gut tells me a long listing would overwhelm and prove counter producti es wasting precious days majoring on trivial pursuits and minor things?

Boston Lad

"1) How is it that some seem to enjoy procrastinating, apparently unable to set correct priorities, and in the process living out their lives wasting precious days majoring on trivial pursuits and minor things?"

Define some:-


"More specifically, a 1992 study showed that "52% of surveyed students indicated having a moderate to high need for help concerning procrastination".[12] It is estimated that 80%–95% of college students engage in procrastination, approximately 75% considering themselves procrastinators.[13]"

Also even if it was not as popular among the population at large you have come to the wrong place if you think it is a negative thing

I have no figures for the percentage of important ideas and inventions that reveal themselves to active procrastinators, but I imagine it would be quite high.

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
26 May 12

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
1) How is it that some seem to enjoy procrastinating, apparently unable to set correct priorities, and in the process living out their lives wasting precious days majoring on trivial pursuits and minor things?
The spider returns, along with its insatiable appetite for unwary flies.

In your face

21 Aug 04
26 May 12

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]Things I still fail to understand...

1) How is it that some seem to enjoy procrastinating, apparently unable to set correct priorities, and in the process living out their lives wasting precious days majoring on trivial pursuits and minor things?

Boston Lad

Why do other peoples' priorities bother you so much? Why waste your time worrying about things you cannot change?


hirsute rooster

13 Apr 05
26 May 12

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]Things I still fail to understand...

There are at least several dozen which have been itching for air time. Noted a number of them (I found myself reflecting on late last evening) on an old scratch pad over a few cups of strong black Colombian Coffee earlier this morning. Gut tells me a long listing would overwhelm and prove counter producti ...[text shortened]... es wasting precious days majoring on trivial pursuits and minor things?

Boston Lad

Wait ... wat?
Did I read that right?

GB: There are a whole bunch of things that I don't understand that I'm going to tell you about.
The first thing is - I don't understand why people procraste!! I hate that!!
The rest - well ... I'll get round to that some other time ...


Cowboy From Hell

American West

19 Apr 10
26 May 12

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]Things I still fail to understand...

There are at least several dozen which have been itching for air time. Noted a number of them (I found myself reflecting on late last evening) on an old scratch pad over a few cups of strong black Colombian Coffee earlier this morning. Gut tells me a long listing would overwhelm and prove counter producti ...[text shortened]... es wasting precious days majoring on trivial pursuits and minor things?

Boston Lad

Folks are different Bob. Some can't sit still, others can fall asleep next to a pile of work. I tend to want to be lazy, but am too self driven to do so.
Pass the Splenda please too.


Lyme BayChesil Beach

09 Dec 06
27 May 12

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]Things I still fail to understand...

There are at least several dozen which have been itching for air time. Noted a number of them (I found myself reflecting on late last evening) on an old scratch pad over a few cups of strong black Colombian Coffee earlier this morning. Gut tells me a long listing would overwhelm and prove counter producti ...[text shortened]... es wasting precious days majoring on trivial pursuits and minor things?

Boston Lad

With regard to what, when and whom, sorry ?

In your face

21 Aug 04
27 May 12

Originally posted by RevRSleeker
With regard to what, when and whom, sorry ?
Boston lad with too much time to stew in his own juices.




19 May 12
27 May 12

A point also worth noting: who says that all of these people enjoy procrastinating?

free tazer tickles..

wildly content...

09 Mar 08
27 May 12

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
apparently unable to set correct priorities

oh great and wise OZ, please to tell us lowlife riffraff what it iz that we should engage ourselves with next???

and when you do, az you always have, and you are rejected yet again,

will you listen???

sigh, i thought not...


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