This forum is for all the stuff that doesn't fit into the other forum categories.
That leaves about 9,985 possible topics to entertain our readers with.
Our forum is getting filled up with long threads of one-word postings, and lots of me-too threads.
Surely people can find interesting topics - stories, jokes, questions or even (shudder!) puns and limericks to share with our friends in the RHP community?
Originally posted by MissOleumSurely stories, jokes and limmericks belong in the culture forum.
This forum is for all the stuff that doesn't fit into the other forum categories.
That leaves about 9,985 possible topics to entertain our readers with.
Our forum is getting filled up with long threads of one-word postings, and lots of me-too threads.
Surely people can find interesting topics - stories, jokes, questions or even (shudder!) puns and limericks to share with our friends in the RHP community?
Leaving puns, certain questions (not chess related) and crap for this forum.
20 Mar 08
Originally posted by MissOleumThere lies the problem. You said friends.
Surely people can find interesting topics - stories, jokes, questions or even (shudder!) puns and limericks to share with our friends in the RHP community?
As 99.99% of the posters are not friends we get left with what we have.
Originally posted by MissOleumI'm sorry, are you actually saying that this forum is for stuff that doesn't go in other forums and then saying that we shouldn't post stuff that doesn't go in other forums?
This forum is for all the stuff that doesn't fit into the other forum categories.
That leaves about 9,985 possible topics to entertain our readers with.
Our forum is getting filled up with long threads of one-word postings, and lots of me-too threads.
Surely people can find interesting topics - stories, jokes, questions or even (shudder!) puns and limericks to share with our friends in the RHP community?
Umm... what?
Originally posted by MissOleumWell yes, the theory is to keep all the howler monkeys in one place to make deleting posts and forum banning more convenient for the mods. (And yes, they do escape more than one would the monkeys, not the mods).
Our forum is getting filled up with long threads.....
And do brace yourself for threads about why your avatar shows a cat passing heart-shaped gas. 😲
Originally posted by shavixmirIf you post any of those three things the culture troll will go on about how the culture forum is only for his rigid definition of "the arts."
Surely stories, jokes and limmericks belong in the culture forum.
Leaving puns, certain questions (not chess related) and crap for this forum.
Originally posted by MissOleumOne word postings...there goes the Word Association game.
This forum is for all the stuff that doesn't fit into the other forum categories.
That leaves about 9,985 possible topics to entertain our readers with.
Our forum is getting filled up with long threads of one-word postings, and lots of me-too threads.
Surely people can find interesting topics - stories, jokes, questions or even (shudder!) puns and limericks to share with our friends in the RHP community?
On the "interesting topics" deal...there are alot...but when someone decides to take my post...which was legitimate about a meeting of RHP'ers in the Denver area and makes posts of..
Denver meat
Denver Feet
and the like...i can see a mod's problems.
Cause that crap is about as funny as an Elementary School joke