I have a CD I created (my own music, good or bad) and I tried to put each track on my comp as individual wav files but hit properties, the CD comes up with 0 bytes.
The weird part is I can play the files in win media player but have to hit 'play all' button and if I copy and place on desktop it comes out the same way, not a wav file.
Pretty sure I recorded the CD as all wav files but something is wrong, don't know what.
If I copy and paste to desktop, it just says 'track 1, track 2' and so forth with file size of 44 bytes and 'size on disc' of 4 K. I used win media to rip the cd to the library.
When I just load the CD into the player and hit properties, it says 'used space' 0 and free space 0
Tried rename but no help.
I can copy the CD to another CD but of course with the same result.
Anyone help?
Originally posted by Great King RatGee, I NEVER would have thought of that. You always give out such special help? I am not trying to READ the files, Win media does that fine. I am trying to get the thing to transfer from CD file to Wav file which it isn't doing right now.
Get an MP3-player, gramps.
Originally posted by SuzianneYou can't burn a decent audio CD from mp3's, not even @ 320 kbps. A wav file is 4x bigger (and it's better) than an mp3. People interested in audio fidelity should always work with wav and only convert to mp3 as a last resort or to listen to it on certain devices.
This brings up my first question.
Why .WAV, sonhouse? I thought that went out with SoundBlaster™ cards.
Originally posted by sonhouseWhy are you using outdated software like microsoft windows? get rid of it and get a Linux dist. Do it! do it now!
I have a CD I created (my own music, good or bad) and I tried to put each track on my comp as individual wav files but hit properties, the CD comes up with 0 bytes.
The weird part is I can play the files in win media player but have to hit 'play all' button and if I copy and place on desktop it comes out the same way, not a wav file.
Pretty sure I r ...[text shortened]... t no help.
I can copy the CD to another CD but of course with the same result.
Anyone help?
Originally posted by sonhouseOh, I'm sorry, I glanced over your post and thought you were trying to do that "burn-your-own-CD" thing that was totally hip and kewl back in 1998.
Gee, I NEVER would have thought of that. You always give out such special help? I am not trying to READ the files, Win media does that fine. I am trying to get the thing to transfer from CD file to Wav file which it isn't doing right now.
Still, get an MP3-player, gramps.
Or a FLAC-player, if you're one of those hipsters who likes to pretend he can hear a difference between .WAV and 320 kbps.
Personally, I hook up my Ipod to my home-stereo or car-stereo and listen to delicious 192 kbps or 320 kbps. And my ears are still young, because I'm not a gramps, yet.
Originally posted by Great King Ratyou can tell the difference between 128kbps and 192kbps
Oh, I'm sorry, I glanced over your post and thought you were trying to do that "burn-your-own-CD" thing that was totally hip and kewl back in 1998.
Still, get an MP3-player, gramps.
Or a FLAC-player, if you're one of those hipsters who likes to pretend he can hear a difference between .WAV and 320 kbps.
Personally, I hook up my Ipod to my hom ...[text shortened]... n to delicious 192 kbps or 320 kbps. And my ears are still young, because I'm not a gramps, yet.