30 Mar 16
Originally posted by Metacomedianas i try to think of any quality i possess that may be perceived as a weakness,
Tell us a weakness of yours in a way that sounds like a quality.
my brain formulated warp speed while simultaneously uniting the entire universe with the mind of consciousness...
Originally posted by MetacomedianI hold myself to a higher standard than I hold others, which ~ I suppose, technically speaking, is a form of hypocrisy in that it';s a case of one rule for others and a different rule for myself. 😏
Tell us a weakness of yours in a way that sounds like a quality.
Originally posted by FMFIt seems the mysterious thumby downer is holding all of us to a higher standard... well, almost everyone.
I hold myself to a higher standard than I hold others, which ~ I suppose, technically speaking, is a form of hypocrisy in that it';s a case of one rule for others and a different rule for myself. 😏
Originally posted by MetacomedianYes, I have a weakness regarding punctuality. I am altogether TOO inclined to be loyal and dedicated, and to devote time and emotional energy to others without counting the personal cost I might bear; as a result I am sometimes late for appointments.
Tell us a weakness of yours in a way that sounds like a quality.
Originally posted by Metacomedian (OP)@Metacomedian: "In everlasting search of who I am."
Tell us a weakness of yours in a way that sounds like a quality.
A similar weakness of mine is accepting the the fallout associated with the perils of candor.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyI sometimes don't let deceitful or deluded statements of others pass without calling them out ~ for instance, I'd read your claims above and say you are not known for your candour or for "accepting the the fallout associated" with your behaviour, but instead you are an often pusillanimous, passive aggressive poster who hides behind 'un-originality' and spammy copy pasting designed to dodge and deflect, and who cowers away from the conflicts you cause while letting others abuse your critics. So candour is perhaps a weakness of mine. And verbosity too. 😛
A similar weakness of mine is accepting the the fallout associated with the perils of candor.
30 Mar 16
Originally posted by MetacomedianI keep a casual, natural, impromptu kind of home where guests need not worry about being messy or feel intimidated by order and neatness; I think people appreciate this for its genuineness and refreshing lack of edifice. Some, however ~ in seeking to find or invent "weaknesses" ~ would perhaps call me lazy and untidy. 😛
Tell us a weakness of yours in a way that sounds like a quality.
30 Mar 16
Originally posted by FMFThere's more! I'm spontaneous to a fault. I usually react without thoroughly thinking things through. I'm impulsive, ready at the drop of a hat to do or say something I almost always regret.
I've the same 'weakness'. Me responding to you here by saying 'it's a pity that that is all you have to offer' is a good example of it. 😉
I've heard people say that if they had a chance to live life over again they'd do it the same, but not me. I'd do everything differently. That is to say, I'd do it right.