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What instruments do you play?

What instruments do you play?


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I sometimes listen to the financial news radio station when driving to work. There is a local guy who invites people to call in with questions about investing. He starts his show by playing a tape of himself on trumpet. I would rate him "fair amateur" for playing ability. Herb Alpert he ain't, but he is well beyond the beginner level.

That's got me wondering what sort of instrumental talent we've got here. List any instruments you play, and if you care to, add comments such as how advanced you are, what sort of music you play, what song you learned first, whether you sight-read, whether you've been in a band, and any other such groovy stuff.

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Originally posted by Paul Dirac
I sometimes listen to the financial news radio station when driving to work. There is a local guy who invites people to call in with questions about investing. He starts his show by playing a tape of himself on trumpet. I would rate him "fair amateur" for playing ability. Herb Alpert he ain't, but he is well beyond the beginner level.

That's got me ...[text shortened]... first, whether you sight-read, whether you've been in a band, and any other such groovy stuff.
I used to play the violin, with a heavy emphasis on classical. I was on my way to being pro at the age of 14, gave that life the proverbial finger, and haven't done much after that. Oh, I still played a bit for a few years. Did some bluegrass and celtic, had a lot of fun with that. Played in a few small time musicals (most fun was, naturally, fiddler on the roof). Haven't really played in a while though. It a tough division in me. I love the music, but hate playing it like I did as a kid. Maybe I should take up a whole new instrument......

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I play guitar pretty poor, but a lot better than someone who can't play at all! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I can't read music, but can figure out tabs, that is how I learn anything that I happen to know (not much)

The first song I really learned was Butterfly by Weezer. Pretty simple strumming, as that is all I can do. The hard part is singing and playing, and I am getting better.

I can also play some harmonica, but know only the simpson's theme song. Other than that, I wing it to either my gitar on tape, or when friends play. They say I play it a lot better than the guitar... but that really doesn't mean a lot!

Music is fun regardless of how crummy anyone is!


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Im pretty sure some of us play skin flute!

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Originally posted by Weadley
Im pretty sure some of us play skin flute!
Would you be surprised if I told you I pretty much knew your instrument of choice before I clicked into the thread?


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I play guitar fairly well, or at least I'm improving, I was self taught for 10 years but have recently started taking lessons to kick my bad habits. I play limited piano, but am a reasonable midi programmer and strangely enough I am grade 5 in alto recorder.

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I took up classical guitar when I was 7, played for 6 years then gave up.
Bought an electric guitar when I was 17, then played on and off for several years in my bedroom, jamming with friends. Got pretty good at one stage.
Played in a death metal band for a couple of years and did some recording and gigs.
I also play some folk and classical still (although not much good at these).
Recently started writing and recording some songs with a friend who has a home studio. The style is kind of indie-pop-rock but varies a lot.
I've also played bass guitar, tried my hand at keyboard (not much good) and a few other instruments.

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I'm a pianist...(used to play keyboards in a band)I also taught myself how to play the mandolin...great instrument.

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I can play the didgeridoo! Haven't quite got the hang of circular breathing, so I have to keep stopping to draw breath, but other than that I'm not bad.

Also trying to learn the harmonica, but I'm not all that good. I've got all the mechanics of playing it - I can play a single note, and bend notes after a fashion - I'm just not very good at stringing tunes together. I think I just need more practise though.

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i can play the guitar, although i'm not exactly what you would call "good" (i have a bad habit of -erm- not practicing...)

i used to play teh bagpipes, but no longer (i can still play the scale!)

and i now wanna pick up the fiddle cause i was at a celigh the otehr day and...yeah...๐Ÿ˜›

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Started with classical violin as an adult. Been playing about 4 years. I absolutely love it. Another case of a lefty being coerced righty.

Played electric bass guitar for years in rock bands. Vocals too.

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Originally posted by Paul Dirac
I sometimes listen to the financial news radio station when driving to work. There is a local guy who invites people to call in with questions about investing. He starts his show by playing a tape of himself on trumpet. I would rate him "fair amateur" for playing ability. Herb Alpert he ain't, but he is well beyond the beginner level.

That's got me ...[text shortened]... first, whether you sight-read, whether you've been in a band, and any other such groovy stuff.
I play bass guitar, been playing for about 12/13 years, and I'd call myself intermediate. I've played in bands here and there but never anything serious. I play funk, rock, blues, soul, and since I just got given a great set of effects pedals for Christmas, now I play all sorts of weird, effected, delayed, spacy nonsense ;-)

I can't read music well enough to make it worthwile, I'd say I read at about a bar a minute....


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I play guitar. Although, it is up for debate.
However, when people tell me: "Mark...you're guitar playing is utter rubbish." I generally tell them: "That's nothing, you should hear me sing."

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I play the spoons. But, there's an instrument that I play better than the spoons, which people always ask for at parties.... the no spoons. Quite an experience (more visual than aural) to see somebody click out a choon on the no spoons.

; D

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I played piano (mostly classical) for about 10 years. At one point I was reasonably good, but I haven't played very much for several months, and whenever I do get near a piano I'm shocked by how much has been lost, or at least gone dormant, in that short space of time. I can mess around with a guitar, but it's a situation where I understand how it works but can't really get my fingers to do anything interesting--'really rubbish' is a fair assessment.

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