Originally posted by NordlysI memorised Pi to 1000 decimal places when I was 16, and bored during school holidays.
I rounded it because I like round pie.
265358979 32384626 43383279 50288419 716939937 510582097 494459230 781640628 620899862 80348253 42117067 9
8214808 65132823 06647093 84460955 05822317253594081 28481117 45028410 270193852 110555964 462294895 4930381 96
44288109 75665933 4461284756 482337867831 652712019091 456485669234 6034861045 4326648213393 6072602 49141273
I have no idea how I did, but looking back I was using 4s and 9s to recite it mentally.
Steak and Kidney pie is the best pie in the world!.