Originally posted by invigorateAt our level, I don't really feel the need to resign. With players rated a 100 or 200 points above me, I'd normally resign, if I had no immediate counterplay. GM's and the top players here would resign probably before us, as they can see easier that they are fecked.
Is there a moral code to resigning?
Is it ever right to resign in a game? -
Surely in life and in chess you win nothing by resigning
However I wonder if there is chess etiquette about resigning in chess generally on more pertinently on rhp?
Its entirely up to u. Here's an OTB game that I probably should have resigned after a disastrous opening (my theory on the english is zilch), and a couple of tactical mistakes (like castling queen side). I then decided to sac my queen to try to make the game less straightforward for my opponent and was able to get back to just being a pawn down. 34 ...Nb3 would have been a winning move for me.
[Event "OTB"]
[Site "Killarney"]
[Date "2005.02.26"]
[Round "?"]
[White "?"]
[Black "Ragnorakl"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. c4 e5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. Nf3 Nc6 4. g3 d5 5. b3 Be6 6. e3 Bd6 7. d3 Bb4 8. Bd2
dxc4 9. bxc4 Qd7 10. Ng5 O-O-O 11. Nxe6 Qxe6 12. Bg2 Bxc3 13. Bxc3 Qd6 14. Ke2
Rhe8 15. Qc2 h6 16. Rhd1 Kb8 17. Rab1 a5 18. Qa4 e4 19. dxe4 Nxe4 20. Bxe4 Rxe4
21. Rxd6 Rxd6 22. Bxg7 Nd4+ 23. Kd3 Nb3+ 24. Kxe4 Nc5+ 25. Kf4 Nxa4 26. h4 Rd2
27. f3 Rxa2 28. Bxh6 Rc2 29. e4 Rxc4 30. Rb5 b6 31. Rf5 Nc5 32. Rxf7 a4 33. Kf5
a3 34. h5 a2 35. Bg7 Nb3 36. Bb2 a1=Q 37. Bxa1 Nxa1 38. h6 Rc3 39. Kf4 1-0
I've resigned a couple of times, but on each occasion they'd told me they were going to sack me, so it seemed the right thing to do.
I think on a chess site like this, the plan is to play on and on and on and on while suffering from a huge material deficit. Then when you see that mate in one is inevitable, let your time bank run out. The OTB equivalent is to slip out of the playing hall for a smoke, and not come back.
On the other hand, I've had so many weak players resign to me, because they thought it was just a matter of time. One guy resigned because I won the exchange. He forgot that I'd already sacrificed a piece. I'm reasonably convinced I was completely lost.
I think that if you're a beginner, and you know that you're losing, but you have no idea how you'd win the position yourself, then it's OK to play on. Just to find out. If you play on for the hell of it, don't be surprised when your opponent starts promoting all his pawns to knights. Or starts to make pretty patterns with their pieces.
When I was a kid, I used to try to REFUSE resignations. Once I was winning, I was having way too much fun. I find that chess often brings out the latent sadist in a person, 😛.
This guy from over chess club never resigns..he's an old senior and likes to drag on the game even when he is losing really bad. anyways last thursday we had the last round of our monthly tournament. his opponent was up a queen a knight and pawns vs his lone king... he made another queen for fun so now he has 2 queens a knight and some pawns vs a lone king...
the senior still didn't resign and kept on moving his king around and finally announced STALEMATE!!!!
and now he will truly never resign!!!
there's an intersting thread in the chess forum
why never to resign or something similar to that.... u guys should check it out...personally if i'm down a bit i'll play on but when i see that the win is forced for the other guy or that i absolutely have no chance of coming back then i resign...especially when it comes ot OTB play.... It dont' seem right to drag the game on like that during OTB and ppl get upset at u for doing it to them!
Sometimes I will play the game to the bitter end (when I lose). I have learned, though, that many really good chess players will resign as soon as they see that they will lose.
Here on rhp, if I am playing with a good friend, we will simply drag it on because we are enjoying our conversation.
you should know when to resign, when you think that your position is hopeless..or when the opponent has just too much advantage on pieces...know when to stop, ask for a rematch if you want to get even, but for christ's sake, just drop the game...no use waiting for your timebank to run out...
Originally posted by RagnorakYou should have used: "Insert link to a game", Rav... What's wrong with you? You know better.
At our level, I don't really feel the need to resign. With players rated a 100 or 200 points above me, I'd normally resign, if I had no immediate counterplay. GM's and the top players here would resign probably before us, as they can ...[text shortened]... 35. Bg7 Nb3 36. Bb2 a1=Q 37. Bxa1 Nxa1 38. h6 Rc3 39. Kf4 1-0