11 Apr 07
The post that was quoted here has been removedGeez, what a diatribe. I must admit I had to skim it because I’m not in the mood to read a book. In regards to the original point about bloggers, I think bloggers from the right and left lie. I never said only the left wing bloggers lie, just that they do. I sure right bloggers do whatever they can to support their agenda too. I just think the left wing bloggers are more numerous. I can type in 9-11 conspiracy in find hundreds or blogs. I can never find as many from the right, although there are some.
In regards to you second point. I have no idea about a Drudge report. I never read that site. Also, for Cheney's he saying he thinks Al-Qaeda was in Iraq prior to the war? If so I think it’s possible, especially since Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was treated for battle field injuries in one of Saddam's son's hospitals. Regardless, Iraq was a terrorist enabler to say the least. But Cheney's speech you were specifically refering to?? I'm not going to go read the transcript but would not be surprised if it contained half true’s....I'm not a big Cheney supporter.... I guess with the wordiness of your posts I am missing you main point, what is it?
p.s. sites like media matters are notoriously partisan. You can't get much more left than m.m. Drudge might be the same way to the right, again i don't know much about drudge. But I am very familiar with media matters, and it appears they have a definate grudge with drudge.
The post that was quoted here has been removedI won't overlook any thing America does, or the administration does (i voted for Gore, fyi). But i'm sick and tired of reading lies about Bush, that's why it appears I'm a blind supporter. My comments on left wing bloggers was in response to a specific instance where a left wing blog story was ran with in fact. I was addressing THAT story, thus comments on other blogs (righ wing or left) would not be appropriate. No one in their right mind (no pun intended) would say there are no inaccurate right wing blogs. But, even in your commentary you referenced Media Matters which is funded by FAR left Soros and run by congenital liar David Brock. But I don't need to debate Media matters, it's just an example of bad sourcing. THe media is dominated by the left, and many times they use these types of internet sites as their source. The NY Times will take something from Media Matters, for example, and run with it as a story. The average person at home reading the newspaper thinks they are getting "hard" news. What they are actually getting is information, usually inaccurate, that was written by committed liberals..
The post that was quoted here has been removedlook...if you want to give me the site addr to the c.s.m to review i will and give you my opinion. As far as cheney's speech, sorry but i'm not going to go read it.....wayyyyy to boring. If you want to bring up a specific point to debate I will. But, I'm sure there are statments out there that are not true, and this is true for everyone. So, an "I gotcha" on Cheney is no big deal. Unless you can prove he deliberaly lied with the intent to decieve. But, a speech on Rush's show?? Rush is an entertainment idiot, anything said on that show is preaching to the choir...nothing is taken from that show and re-printed as a news story like say the NY Times takes from media matters or something. Rush's show is completely insignificant.
The post that was quoted here has been removedwhen Bush went into Iraq with wmd's as the main reason every intelligence source (Israel, russian, england, and cia) said they had wmd's. Dems like clinton and gore said they had wmd's. That intellengence may have been proven false but that doesn't change his knowledge of it when he decided to go into Iraq. Bob Woodward is a liberal, he said in his book Tenet sat in the oval office and told Bush wmd's are a "slam dunk". But you think Bush had forknowledge that the intel was bad but chose to go to Iraq for other reasons. I just don't see any proof of that. If you want to show me where he knew the intel was bad prior to initially going into Iraq I will consider it.
p.s. don't give Rush's audience credibility. People who listen to him already have their minds set, nothing Cheney says to them makes a difference. Not that lieing in that forum is ok, I just don't think researching a speech on Rush's show is a good use of time. But, if you want to quote him from that speech/interview i will debate his remarks. If they are about Al-Queda in Iraq I already gave my opinion.
p.s. wmds is a stupid debate as Iraq has used them, we know they had them once.