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Who would win in a fight?

Who would win in a fight?


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Pick anybody from any genre: Real or Fictional and throw them into the octagon. 2 go in but only one leaves:

Example: Kelly Ripa vs Kathy Lee Gifford

I have to give this one to Kelly. I think she is much more spry and mobile whereas Gifford is, I think, a little older. Kathy, on the other hand, has a great deal of pent up aggression (Frank cheating on her, Cody not becoming the little celebrity she had hoped for, never getting her acting career off the ground, etc) and she probably rationalizes that Ripa is the source of her pain. It would be a decent fight for the first few minutes but in the end, youth prevails in this one.

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Russ vs. Bill Gates

I COULD make a long list of reasons based upon personality, business traits, etc. but I will simply say this:

Cow vs. Window

It's not rocket science. (I might add that the cow has been known to set chess pieces on fire, somehow creating intelligent entertainment for boys and girls around the world. Sure, Gates has billions of dollars. Take away his money and give him a pawn and a match see how well he does.) πŸ˜‰

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Originally posted by Omnislash
Russ vs. Bill Gates

I COULD make a long list of reasons based upon personality, business traits, etc. but I will simply say this:

Cow vs. Window

It's not rocket science. (I might add that the cow has been known to set chess pieces on fire, somehow creating intelligent entertainment for boys and girls around the world. Sure, Gates has billions of dollars. Take away his money and give him a pawn and a match see how well he does.) πŸ˜‰
Interesting hypothesis Omnislash. I know I didn't really express this is clearly in my initial post but I really meant who would win in a physical fight and not so much in a game of chess. It can be for a game of chess, if anybody wants that to be the contest but I was coming front the point of view of a deathmatch. I hope that does not throw off things 😏

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Pamela Anderson vs. the Pope.

I am thinking Pamela would win. Heck, the Pope would probably die, but what a way to go. πŸ™‚

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer vs. a Rope-a-Dope Pope (pre-Parkinson's, as that wouldn't be fair).

Result: Indeterminate. Buffy has a reach and strength advantage, as well as significant martial-arts training and a crossbow. If God exists, and the Pope has direct access to His intervention (i.e., if the Pope can "make the tag" ) then I have to give it to Pope. If there is no God, or if the Pope can't make the tag in time, then he's just an old Polish dude at the business end of ass-kicking.

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See, this is why I miss Celebrity Death Match!!!! That was my favorite show! Stupid MTV! 😞


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Joe Theisman vs. Joe Morgan

Draw, no blood shed. Both of these blowhards will spend more time pontificating on what his opponent should have done and speculate on what his opponent was thinking and what the opponent should be reacting to and how the object used to strike the opponent with should be used and...

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The Terminator vs Wiley E Coyote:

Hands down the coyote and I think we would all agree. He's resilient, much more so than any terminator (it doesn't matter which model). The guy falls off cliffs, blows himself up, drops boulders on himself on a daily basis. Plus he has the hookup with ACME (I don't understand how he pays them) but once he loads up on the super vitamins that buff out his legs, he is also speedy like the Road Runner. Good fight for the first minute or so.

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Originally posted by Frank Burns
Joe Theisman vs. Joe Morgan

Draw, no blood shed. Both of these blowhards will spend more time pontificating on what his opponent should have done and speculate on what his opponent was thinking and what the opponent should be reacting to and how the object used to strike the opponent with should be used and...

I disagree Frank,

What if both of them could use the equipment they were famous for? So give Theisman his football gear and give Morgan his bat. Then its a different "ball game" right there. Theisman still probably has nightmares about LT shattering his leg and Morgan could hit one out of the park on his anterior cruciate ligament.....Play Ball!!!!!

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no1marauder and rwingett. slimjim and chancremechanic. STANG and tuco.

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Alien vs Predator.

I believe, they fight, and end up making a crappy movie.

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Originally posted by Joe Fist
I disagree Frank,

What if both of them could use the equipment they were famous for? So give Theisman his football gear and give Morgan his bat. Then its a different "ball game" right there. Theisman still probably has nightmares about LT shattering his leg and Morgan could hit one out of the park on his anterior cruciate ligament.....Play Ball!!!!!
Excellent rebuttal Joe!
However that brings me back to my first argument. Those two dopes would be so busy second guessing and analyzing each other the worst they could expect from each other is a dose of halitosis. However I do like the thought of Joe parking Joe's cranium. But Joe (schmoe that is) has the option of pass or run. Joe (other schmoe) has the choice of charge the mound or take his base.

See what I mean?

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Originally posted by royalchicken
no1marauder and rwingett. slimjim and chancremechanic. STANG and tuco.
Cribs and ivanhoe!!!!

What a great match would be............

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Originally posted by royalchicken
no1marauder and rwingett. slimjim and chancremechanic. STANG and tuco.
I think the general viewing public would win these.πŸ˜‰

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