People when the game is obviously over, why drag it out for a couple of weeks. I am currently involved in a game in which this person gave away all his material in a matter of 20 minutes through constant email notices. My opponent has a completely lost position and me being 4 pieces up with a mating net in place it makes little sense to play out a completely lost position. Why drag this out for the next 5-6weeks? Some people should have more respect for their opponent and just resign instead of giving everything away then making him wait for weeks to get the win.
Originally posted by ArtisanHaxan1) please don't blaspheme in your posts - it's going to annoy and upset someone
People when the game is obviously over, why drag it out for a couple of weeks. I am currently involved in a game in which this person gave away all his material in a matter of 20 minutes through constant email notices. My opponent has a completely lost position and me being 4 pieces up with a mating net in place it makes little sense to play out a com ...[text shortened]... and just resign instead of giving everything away then making him wait for weeks to get the win.
2) don't you think advertising other sites as "better" in your profile is bad taste?
3)it's a persons choice how long he continues to play. Time outs are there to prevent him never moving. It may not be sporting to slow down your play to prolong a lost game but it's allowable. And maybe they don't realise they've lost. Or maybe they want to learn from how you finish them off. Maybe they just enjoy playing to the death.
4) have you asked them to resign before you started complaining to the world at large? Why do you need them to resign in a hurry? Want to play more games? Get a star.
Jon - still in a foul mood. If you hadn't guessed.
Originally posted by belgianfreakWell said i dont know why he bothers playing here if there are so many better sites according to him.
1) please don't blaspheme in your posts - it's going to annoy and upset someone
2) don't you think advertising other sites as "better" in your profile is bad taste?
3)it's a persons choice how long he continues to play. Time outs are there to prevent him never moving. It may not be sporting to slow down your play to prolong a lost game but it's ...[text shortened]... hurry? Want to play more games? Get a star.
Jon - still in a foul mood. If you hadn't guessed.
It annoys me too when players carry on in hopeless positions, but it's just one of those things you learn to accept.
You should play more games, so you don't have to wait so long for someone to move. Check people's profiles to see which ones promise to move quickly, and avoid anyone who says they will fight to the end!
I wouldn't tell your opponents to resign, as it might provoke them into taking even longer over their moves.
Originally posted by ArtisanHaxanI am one of them who plays usually to the end, but my games do not take long. Usually it is my opponent who is controlling the length of the game. I am moving several times during the day, in many cases I have finished the game same day as it was started.
People when the game is obviously over, why drag it out for a couple of weeks. I am currently involved in a game in which this person gave away all his material in a matter of 20 minutes through constant email notices. My opponent has a completely lost position and me being 4 pieces up with a mating net in place it makes little sense to play out a com ...[text shortened]... and just resign instead of giving everything away then making him wait for weeks to get the win.
If you want to play fast, play me!
I am also one of the players who players everyone, I have played the highest ranked players with few exceptions, usually loosing, and I have played the lowest ranked players.
Most of my losses are against new players at 1200 level.
a.k.a. Luck
I happen to agree with the original poster completely. If you're in a hopeless position, down a minor piece or more, a good rule of thumb would be to resign then and there. It would make RHP even a more interesting and more fun site to enjoy. You should simply do it out of respect for your opponent's time. There's no reason to drag out a game to 60 or 70 moves when you're down considerably with few hopes for a counterattact at move 20.
Just my thoughts.
Originally posted by treyvusI am often down a bishop, knight or even a rook, but I usually win one third of those games.
Yes, but not if you're down a queen or a rook or even a bishop. If your position is hopeless, then a polite thing to do is to resign. Save yourself and your oppenent some time.
Sometimes I really mess up in openings, but I come back in middle game!
My weakest point is probably the end game, I would like to take he chance to practice, but if it is hopeless, I usually resign against the higher rated players!
a.k.a. Luck
What about playing for a draw? Is this considered 'dishonorable' amongst chess players? I honestly don't know - but I don't see anything wrong with it. Even if you're at a substantial material disadvantage, if you can get into a perpetual check situation, or if your opponent is unable to force you into a mating position, I don't think they should be rewarded with a win.
I don't know. Playing for a draw is fine, but sometimes it can be taken to the extreme. In a tournament last week, towards the end of a game, I had a queen, a king, and five pawns, while my opponent had only a king. He began trying for a triple repetition of a board position, and eventually the only way to stop it was by stalemate. However, this was a good 30 moves after he had lost his last piece. So, you decide. Was it lack of foresight on my part, or his lack of etiquette in refusing to resign when down by 14 material points?
Originally posted by royalchickenYou were unable to promote a pawn?
I don't know. Playing for a draw is fine, but sometimes it can be taken to the extreme. In a tournament last week, towards the end of a game, I had a queen, a king, and five pawns, while my opponent had only a king. He began trying for a triple repetition of a board position, and eventually the only way to stop it was by stalemate. However, this wa ...[text shortened]... ight on my part, or his lack of etiquette in refusing to resign when down by 14 material points?