Originally posted by celticcountryNo. I would go with longer timebanks and spend more time thinking abut each move in each game. Isn't that what correspondence chess is all about? Taking as much time as you need to make the best possible move?
My rating is terrible and this bothers me.So I think If I reduced my games to 6 and really concentrated , I should reach 1500 .
Is this a good enought reason to unsubscribe?
Well I never have read a book completely. I just bagen to read one Extreme Chess about Fischer vs spassky and i havent finish it yet my experience is based in the many games i have play I ve seen opnenings through them!!! but now I am seriously thinking in stdying theory but col;ege won't let me at this moment 🙁
I think it was about a week ago when I started implementing a structured though process, most importantly a proper blunder check, on every single move. since then, my rating has risen almost 100 pts, and I haven't dropped a single piece (a couple of sac's gone wrong though). I even increased my gameload to see if the approach works, and it's going just fine. It's of course too early to say, but it seems to be working. several won games in the pipeline, so I expect my rating to continue rising. a couple of older probably lost games too, though..
I think you might want to try cutting back the gameload a bit though, at least to 20 from your current 40. and longer timecontrols. or, if you're not using most of your current time, start doing so. besides of you playing better, you will also learn more by not blitzing the games through.
I think the reason why 6 or less games work out better than big gameloads, is not necessarily due to the amount of games, but the time you tend to use on one move.
Originally posted by celticcountryNo, because those six games will be better matches, and have more meaning if they are clan games, which requires membership. Quantity of games is not the best reason to subscribe, IMHO.
My rating is terrible and this bothers me.So I think If I reduced my games to 6 and really concentrated , I should reach 1500 .
Is this a good enought reason to unsubscribe?
After 450 games, you have a rating of 1099.
I have some bad news for you. If you're 30 years old or more and have been playing for say, the past ten years, then you're as good as you'll ever be. If, however, you're like, 16 years old, and have only played for the last year or less, then there is some hope, but it looks doubtful even at that.
Originally posted by celticcountryFirst of all, dont listen to negative posters.
My rating is terrible and this bothers me.So I think If I reduced my games to 6 and really concentrated , I should reach 1500 .
Is this a good enought reason to unsubscribe?
Anyone can improve.
Get lots of ideas from playing over games.
If you dont have chessbase, or bookup, etc, find an online site, with lots of games you can play over.
Im 35 and am still improving in chess. I study tactics, games, books, play a lot, etc.
Its easy to get into a rut. Find new ideas. Chess is about ideas, and patterns.
Forget annotated books for now, they will only confuse you. Try tactical puzzle books like polgars Chess, and go over lots of un-annotated games, until you feel ready to look at annotated games.
Originally posted by GrandmousterWell said Grandmouster, I wonder who people have guts to speak 'You will remain as you are, you do not have enough skills to improve your rating' even without knowing the person's talent!!!!!!
First of all, dont listen to negative posters.
Anyone can improve.
Get lots of ideas from playing over games.
If you dont have chessbase, or bookup, etc, find an online site, with lots of games you can play over.
Im 35 and am still improving in chess. I study tactics, games, books, play a lot, etc.
Its easy to get into a rut. Find new ideas. Chess ...[text shortened]... Chess, and go over lots of un-annotated games, until you feel ready to look at annotated games.
Read my post, need help getting to 1400 page 2 in the chess forum. It was about 2 weeks ago.
I say cut down your games, take chess seriously and put some quality time into it.
Reading chess books it great also. I like annotated books with comments. Help you pick up ideas quickly.
Logical chess move by move by Chernev if great and same with Chess, the logical art of thinking by neil mcdonald.
Both books they explain the reason behind each move starting with move 1. Logical chess is older with older games and chess, the logical..... is with newer games from 90's -2000 with kasp, anand, topolav, kramnik etc...
Originally posted by wormwoodNice work 🙂
I think it was about a week ago when I started implementing a structured though process, most importantly a proper blunder check, on every single move. since then, my rating has risen almost 100 pts, and I haven't dropped a single piece (a couple of sac's gone wrong though). I even increased my gameload to see if the approach works, and it's going just fine ...[text shortened]... ssarily due to the amount of games, but the time you tend to use on one move.
Care to mention what kind of stuctured process you picked?
The SCAN ones pretty good, i read all 3 articles again but looks time consuming and not everyone has the time to color in the squares with crayons hehe 🙂
You could just print out a chess position and get a kid to color it in for you if you have a kid hehe.
Originally posted by RahimKOr you could just use the 'analyze board' feature that comes standard with joining...
Nice work 🙂
Care to mention what kind of stuctured process you picked?
The SCAN ones pretty good, i read all 3 articles again but looks time consuming and not everyone has the time to color in the squares with crayons hehe 🙂
You could just print out a chess position and get a kid to color it in for you if you have a kid hehe.