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Annotate some games!!

Annotate some games!!

Only Chess


Well i know there are still several players in my clan with a rating much higher then my own, but i will start first and lead the example for the clan, i have gone through my last 250 plus games and have selected all the games against high rated players i have faced and won...

If you want me to annotate other games that i lost, id be more then happy too, but i dont think it would be the best info since i lost the game, but if there is a move in question you want to know about, i will definitely look into the game...

In the past 250 games i have won 8 games against 1800 rated players or higher...and im going to throw on another game against a just under 1800 rated player...

Game 2900765 Quirine (app 2000 rating) This being probably the best game ive ever played on RHP/PIM
Game 2900861 Quirine Move 8 quirine blundered a rook away for no apparent reason...
Game 2944737 Quirine also a major blunder early in the game for no apparent reason
Game 2629049 Redmike (1850ish)
Game 2785915 Finnegan (1820ish)
Game 3061932 IceCold (1850ish) This is the most recent of all the games
Game 2974540 Adim (2000) Made a blunder as well earlier, a gift i suppose...he went on to destroy me in our other three games as i remember
Game 2548727 Plumber (1775) Lowest rated player on here... we split are set of games
Game 2900686 Tonytiger41 (1800ish)

I think it would be best to annotate the only game that Quirine did not severly blunder within the first 15 moves
Game 2900765
as well
Game 2629049
Game 2785915

The other games were bad blunders early, and plumber, well that game is pretty straight forward. Therefore, ive selected these three games...is this good for you guys and Ragnorak, let me know, and ill start annotating them for you...

This will be fun!! Remember this is my chess knowledge, if you think i played the wrong move or missed something let me know...thanks...

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Originally posted by ItsYouThatIAdore
Well i know there are still several players in my clan with a rating much higher then my own, but i will start first and lead the example for the clan, i have gone through my last 250 plus games and have selected all the games against high rated players i have faced and won...

If you want me to annotate other games that i lost, id be more then ha ...[text shortened]... hess knowledge, if you think i played the wrong move or missed something let me know...thanks...
I want you to annotate the one against Quirine - I'm almost completely sure he's the real deal - not that the others aren't also, but Quirine does have interesting games.

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Im on it right now, give me a little time...

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This sounds like a very good Idea I am glad a higher rated player is willing to do this. I hope I learn a lot watching this post Thanks Kevin

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[Event "Xmas 2006 Grand Split II"]
[Site "http://www.playtheimmortalgame.com"]
[Date "2006.12.17"]
[EndDate "2006.12.30"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Quirine"]
[Black "ItsYouThatIAdore"]
[WhiteRating "1834"]
[BlackRating "1938"]
[Result "0-1"]
[GameId "2900765"]

The game starts out almost exactly as all my games when i am replying to d4, that is i played the queens indian...

1. d4 Ng8f6 2. Ng1f3 e6 3. c4 b6 4. g3 Bc8b7 5. Bf1g2 Bf8b4
I play this in an attempt to develop all my pieces before white. In the Queens Indian white grasps a strong hold on the center, i always feel that if i can somehow get that extra development ill be able to put strain on the center before my opponent can establish themself.
6. Bc1d2 Qd8e7
7. O-O O-O 8. Qd1b3 Bb4xd2 9. Nb1xd2 d6 10. Rf1e1
I was playing straight from my database at this point until white played this move, (I actually looked into another database and found one game where white wins from this variation [1993. 12. ?? Stockholm, Stockhold op Round 0, eco e16 Lappalainen (white) vs Safholm, Sten 1-0]
I simply continued to develop my pieces, hoping to play c5 to try and establish a presence in the center.
11. e4 c5 12. d5 e5 13. Nf3h4 g6
I figured g6 to be a sound move since whites dark square bishop was off the board (I do not like to promote early pawn movement in front of the king, it creates way to many weaknesses, but in this case i feel this is a safe move)...my main worry at this point was a possible f4, but based on the position of the knight i knew i had a few moves before he could possibly play it.
14. Bg2h3 I like this move by Quirine, if provided a valuable square for his knight on g2 and reiforced f4...which i didnt think would come so quickly. The only real positive i seen for myself was the ability to bring my light squared bishop back into the game and possibly trade off. Bb7c8 15. Nh4g2 Nd7b8 16. Bh3xc8 Rf8xc8
At this point i think i have equalized the game, and i set out to do what i felt was my most important objective, build a strong defensive structure and stop white from completely dominating the center. I have weaknesses on f5 from a possible pawn push, but because of his piece placement he could not offer a threat to my king side until much later in the game...this is where and I still think that a queen side push is my best option. I could put pressure on the c4 pawn and possible gain some strength in the center for the end game.
17. f4 Nb8d7 18. Qb3d3
Once again quirine makes a nice move here, and puts more pressure on the f5 square, possibly looking to push it in the near future...
a6 I continued to set out my objective of breaking the c4 pawn off.
19. Nd2f3 Puts more pressure on my center...
Rc8e8 but i think this move gives me a lot of counter in the center..(20. fxe5 nxe5 21. nxe5 Qxe5...now his center is nothing, and he has weaknesses on e4 c4 and eventually d5) instead quirine played
20. Nf3d2 i think quirine should have possibly pushed the pawn here instead of just moving his knight back basically lossing him the initiative and I gained an extra move.
Ra8b8 Simply to help my push on the b-file, i assumed that White would have played a4 here but he didnt...21. Re1e3 b5 22. b3 Rb8b6 simply to double my rooks on the b-file and set up for one heck of a ram if possible..
23. cxb5???? I think this is a really questionnable move for white...this allows me to put more pressure on the center in the future and opens the game up for me when i was, although defensively, pinned down not to mention the potential for a passed pawn on the c file (i was thinking more end game at this point during the game)...
axb5 24. a4 i think here white's tactics become obvious, he is looking for some sort of push down the a column forcing a passed pawn...
exf4 25. gxf4 bxa4 26. bxa4 Rb6b4!!! I think this is a very strong move since it puts more pressure on whites center and attacks the pawn on A stopping Quirine from reinforcing with his rook to E1...
27. a5 White feels he has choosen the lesser of two evils here by trying to take advantage of his passed pawn on the A column...
Nf6xe4 I felt that i had enough protection in the center and meanwhile i could still easily stop quirine from pushing his pawn...i think this is where Quirine over estiminated his pawn push and didnt realize that his center was about to fall apart and the game with it.
28. a6 f5 simple tactics here, i just wanted to protect the knight so that i could swing protection over to a8 to stop his push... 29. a7 Nd7b6 30. Qd3a6 Once again i think white is overestimating his push and the simple play of Ra8 puts white in a lot of trouble not to mention all his pieces are beginning to hang in the center...
Re8a8 My position is now far stronger then whites...my center is secure and his pawn isnt going no wheres...he has weaknesses now on d5 and his over extended pawn on a7...not to mention my rook on b4 is very active and white has no legitimate way of removing it without hurting himself (and his rook and knight are now in trouble)
31. Ng2e1 Nb6xd5 This is where i start picking apart his weaknesses, in my opinion the game is lost here, but he fights on...as he should since there is a lot of pieces and play and if i dont pay attention his pawn on the A column could punish me in the end game...Whites main problem is the two knights are now squarely focused on his rook and not to mention his hanging knight now...white has to play desperate now
32. Qa6c6??? very questionable and bad move, i understand the idea, looking to put pressure on both the rook and knight but this gives me an extremely stronger reply
Qe7b7!! basically forces the exchange and puts both rooks on the a pawn while still attacking the rook and also the hanging knight!! almost too perfect...White is left in the worse positon possible here... From here the game is pretty simple.
33. Qc6xb7 Rb4xb7 34. Re3b3 Rb7xa7 35. Ra1xa7 Ra8xa7
36. Nd2c4 Nd5xf4 37. Rb3b6 Ra7d7 38. Ne1f3 Kg8g7 39. Kg1f1 d5 40. Nc4e5 Rd7a7 41. h4 Ra7a1 42. Nf3e1 h6 43. Rb6b7 Kg7f6 44. Ne5d7 Kf6e6 45. Nd7f8 Ke6e5 0-1

Game one... any questions???
If anyone is unclear about a move i made, let me know...ill explain it in more detail...

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Originally posted by ItsYouThatIAdore
[Event "Xmas 2006 Grand Split II"]
[Site "http://www.playtheimmortalgame.com"]
[Date "2006.12.17"]
[EndDate "2006.12.30"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Quirine"]
[Black "ItsYouThatIAdore"]
[WhiteRating "1834"]
[BlackRating "1938"]
[Result "0-1"]
[GameId "2900765"]

The game starts out almost exactly as all my games when i am replying to d4, that i clear about a move i made, let me know...ill explain it in more detail...
Yeah, your explanation of g6, the idea seems clear to me - stop Nf5, but you didn't seem to bother mentioning that, and focused instead on how that might weaken your kingside.

How the hell could that weaken your kingside in a major way - his queens out of play on the queenside, you don't have to worry too much about kingside threats right now.

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What prompted the OP if anything?

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Originally posted by Squelchbelch
What prompted the OP if anything?
Some stuff in the Clan forum.

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Originally posted by cmsMaster
Yeah, your explanation of g6, the idea seems clear to me - stop Nf5, but you didn't seem to bother mentioning that, and focused instead on how that might weaken your kingside.

How the hell could that weaken your kingside in a major way - his queens out of play on the queenside, you don't have to worry too much about kingside threats right now.
i thought that the intention to stop the knight was obvious, and rather i focused on the more positional aspect of it...and several moves down i mentioned that white cannot threaten my king side anyhow...sorry i should have explained that part a little better

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Originally posted by ItsYouThatIAdore
i thought that the intention to stop the knight was obvious, and rather i focused on the more positional aspect of it...and several moves down i mentioned that white cannot threaten my king side anyhow...sorry i should have explained that part a little better
Stopping the knight from landing on f5 seems like a positional aspect to me.

It might've seemed obvious - but how many 1300's could you have confused if I didn't mention the thread of Nf5 with a nice position for white. Lower rated players don't tend to look at square weaknesses too often, a lot of them might've missed that and been confused about the purpose of g6 - which otherwise looks plain silly.

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Originally posted by cmsMaster
Stopping the knight from landing on f5 seems like a positional aspect to me.

It might've seemed obvious - but how many 1300's could you have confused if I didn't mention the thread of Nf5 with a nice position for white. Lower rated players don't tend to look at square weaknesses too often, a lot of them might've missed that and been confused about the purpose of g6 - which otherwise looks plain silly.
true...ill remember that for the next one i do...i was in a hurry, i havent eaten all night and i missed my super lol. But your right...thats why i want you guys to keep asking questions, that way i can point out anything else that could help improve someones game...

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I was also thinking about bolding the moves...like i said this was rushed...maybe i can make is a bit easier to read, but it will take longer then for the next one...

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Thanks for the annotations. I think cmsMaster is going a little overboard in his critique, because it didn't seem the annotations were for people learning the absolute positional basics. If the explanation for g6 was unsatisfactory, then so should many of the other positions with a much subtler positional nuance.

Anyway, I updated the PGN so that the comments use the standard format. I was able to easily import it into SCID this way. No need to bold the moves, etc. after doing so.

[Event "Xmas 2006 Grand Split II"]
[Site "http://www.playtheimmortalgame.com"]
[Date "2006.12.17"]
[EndDate "2006.12.30"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Quirine"]
[Black "ItsYouThatIAdore"]
[WhiteRating "1834"]
[BlackRating "1938"]
[Result "0-1"]
[GameId "2900765"]

{ The game starts out almost exactly as all my games when i am replying to d4, that is i played the queens indian... }

1. d4 Ng8f6 2. Ng1f3 e6 3. c4 b6 4. g3 Bc8b7 5. Bf1g2 Bf8b4
{ I play this in an attempt to develop all my pieces before white. In the Queens Indian white grasps a strong hold on the center, i always feel that if i can somehow get that extra development ill be able to put strain on the center before my opponent can establish themself. }
6. Bc1d2 Qd8e7
7. O-O O-O 8. Qd1b3 Bb4xd2 9. Nb1xd2 d6 10. Rf1e1
{ I was playing straight from my database at this point until white played this move, (I actually looked into another database and found one game where white wins from this variation [1993. 12. ?? Stockholm, Stockhold op Round 0, eco e16 Lappalainen (white) vs Safholm, Sten 1-0] }
{ I simply continued to develop my pieces, hoping to play c5 to try and establish a presence in the center. }
11. e4 c5 12. d5 e5 13. Nf3h4 g6
{ I figured g6 to be a sound move since whites dark square bishop was off the board (I do not like to promote early pawn movement in front of the king, it creates way to many weaknesses, but in this case i feel this is a safe move)...my main worry at this point was a possible f4, but based on the position of the knight i knew i had a few moves before he could possibly play it. }
14. Bg2h3 { I like this move by Quirine, if provided a valuable square for his knight on g2 and reiforced f4...which i didnt think would come so quickly. The only real positive i seen for myself was the ability to bring my light squared bishop back into the game and possibly trade off. }
Bb7c8 15. Nh4g2 Nd7b8 16. Bh3xc8 Rf8xc8
{ At this point i think i have equalized the game, and i set out to do what i felt was my most important objective, build a strong defensive structure and stop white from completely dominating the center. I have weaknesses on f5 from a possible pawn push, but because of his piece placement he could not offer a threat to my king side until much later in the game...this is where and I still think that a queen side push is my best option. I could put pressure on the c4 pawn and possible gain some strength in the center for the end game. }
17. f4 Nb8d7 18. Qb3d3
{ Once again quirine makes a nice move here, and puts more pressure on the f5 square, possibly looking to push it in the near future... }
a6 {I continued to set out my objective of breaking the c4 pawn off.}
19. Nd2f3 {Puts more pressure on my center...}
Rc8e8 {but i think this move gives me a lot of counter in the center..(20. fxe5 nxe5 21. nxe5 Qxe5...now his center is nothing, and he has weaknesses on e4 c4 and eventually d5) instead quirine played }
20. Nf3d2 { i think quirine should have possibly pushed the pawn here instead of just moving his knight back basically lossing him the initiative and I gained an extra move. }
Ra8b8 { Simply to help my push on the b-file, i assumed that White would have played a4 here but he didnt...21. Re1e3 b5 22. b3 Rb8b6 simply to double my rooks on the b-file and set up for one heck of a ram if possible.. }
23. cxb5???? { I think this is a really questionnable move for white...this allows me to put more pressure on the center in the future and opens the game up for me when i was, although defensively, pinned down not to mention the potential for a passed pawn on the c file (i was thinking more end game at this point during the game)... }
axb5 24. a4 {i think here white's tactics become obvious, he is looking for some sort of push down the a column forcing a passed pawn... }
exf4 25. gxf4 bxa4 26. bxa4 Rb6b4!!! {I think this is a very strong move since it puts more pressure on whites center and attacks the pawn on A stopping Quirine from reinforcing with his rook to E1...}
27. a5 White feels he has choosen the lesser of two evils here by trying to take advantage of his passed pawn on the A column...
Nf6xe4 I felt that i had enough protection in the center and meanwhile i could still easily stop quirine from pushing his pawn...i think this is where Quirine over estiminated his pawn push and didnt realize that his center was about to fall apart and the game with it.
28. a6 f5 simple tactics here, i just wanted to protect the knight so that i could swing protection over to a8 to stop his push... 29. a7 Nd7b6 30. Qd3a6 Once again i think white is overestimating his push and the simple play of Ra8 puts white in a lot of trouble not to mention all his pieces are beginning to hang in the center...
Re8a8 My position is now far stronger then whites...my center is secure and his pawn isnt going no wheres...he has weaknesses now on d5 and his over extended pawn on a7...not to mention my rook on b4 is very active and white has no legitimate way of removing it without hurting himself (and his rook and knight are now in trouble)
31. Ng2e1 Nb6xd5 This is where i start picking apart his weaknesses, in my opinion the game is lost here, but he fights on...as he should since there is a lot of pieces and play and if i dont pay attention his pawn on the A column could punish me in the end game...Whites main problem is the two knights are now squarely focused on his rook and not to mention his hanging knight now...white has to play desperate now
32. Qa6c6??? very questionable and bad move, i understand the idea, looking to put pressure on both the rook and knight but this gives me an extremely stronger reply
Qe7b7!! basically forces the exchange and puts both rooks on the a pawn while still attacking the rook and also the hanging knight!! almost too perfect...White is left in the worse positon possible here... From here the game is pretty simple.
33. Qc6xb7 Rb4xb7 34. Re3b3 Rb7xa7 35. Ra1xa7 Ra8xa7
36. Nd2c4 Nd5xf4 37. Rb3b6 Ra7d7 38. Ne1f3 Kg8g7 39. Kg1f1 d5 40. Nc4e5 Rd7a7 41. h4 Ra7a1 42. Nf3e1 h6 43. Rb6b7 Kg7f6 44. Ne5d7 Kf6e6 45. Nd7f8 Ke6e5 0-1

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Thank you very much! I appreciate it, i dont know how to import it to that format?

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Originally posted by ItsYouThatIAdore
Thank you very much! I appreciate it, i dont know how to import it to that format?
Well, I'm assuming you saved the PGN from RHP and then added your comments, right? RHP doesn't suppose in-game annotations from what I can tell.

If you use something like SCID, Chessbase, etc. to enter the moves you can add your annotations and then export the full PGN.

Hope that helps, and thanks again.

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