I'm a new chess player and subscriber to RHP.
I've started playing a couple of months ago (I already knew basic chess) and I'm rated around 1300 after about 70 games.
I'd like to stop 'blundering' and that is only on my side.. and I'd like to buy some books to start studying chess in the right way. What do you think of this list I was able to compose reading over the Internet? Is it necessary to add something? Is it anything not so useful? In which order do I have to read those books?
Here it is:
- My system, 21st century edition - Aron Nimzowitsch;
- The Amateur's Mind: Turning Chess Misconceptions into Chess Mastery, Jeremy Silman;
- How to Reassess Your Chess: The Complete Chess-Mastery Course(Exp. 3rd Edition);
- Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual - Mark Dvoretsky
Thank you in advance for your kindly responses.
Ok I know.. I shoud improve my english too! 🙂
I have read everything except My System. From my understanding My System covers the same things as the Silman books which are the same material in different format. I much prefer How to Reaccess Your Chess, but most people are the opposite. The crux of the matter however is this, those three books cover strategy. That is what to do when neither you nor your opponent are blundering pieces. Therefor while I encourage you to pick one and read it, the endgame book will be more helpful (certain portions of it at least) and an even better idea would be to pick up Reinfelds 1001 Winning chess sacrafices and combinations. These are in an easily transportable, rather fun to do (stick to a page or two per day) and will greatly increase your tactical vision to the point where I you start dropping fewer and fewer pieces. If you still have time in your day for chess, then start the strategy book as well. Just a warning buy Devoretskys Manual is very dry and should only be attempted by the most serious of players.
Originally posted by zebanoActually it doesnt cover the same thing as The Amateurs Mind, My System
I have read everything except My System. From my understanding My System covers the same things as the Silman books which are the same material in different format. I much prefer How to Reaccess Your Chess, but most people are the opposite. The crux of the matter however is this, those three books cover strategy. That is what to do when neither you nor your o ...[text shortened]... buy Devoretskys Manual is very dry and should only be attempted by the most serious of players.
Originally posted by zebanoHere here! I second the motion for reaccess your chess.
I have read everything except My System. From my understanding My System covers the same things as the Silman books which are the same material in different format. I much prefer How to Reaccess Your Chess, but most people are the opposite. The crux of the matter however is this, those three books cover strategy. That is what to do when neither you nor your o ...[text shortened]... buy Devoretskys Manual is very dry and should only be attempted by the most serious of players.
Originally posted by zebanoHmm.. Since I have read both I would say they are very different. My System covers fundamental position play concepts which is not found in HTRAYC. It would be a real long-shot to say that, even if you could perhaps remotely derive it from what Silman says (although I am not even sure that would be possible).
I have read everything except My System. From my understanding My System covers the same things as the Silman books which are the same material in different format.
Originally posted by zebanoYes it is. The material is different though, he gives sort of a mechanical way of playing, ie, dont move a pawn more than twice in the opening, avoid pawn grabbing, that sort of thing, there was a very good book that Tengu recommended to me, that takes everything that was written in My System and applies it to the modern system, the book is called secrets of modern chess strategy: advances since nimzowitsch
It is another strategy book though??
Originally posted by mfoolbGet to 1500, then read those books. First, get a good tactics puzzle book and do those each day, that's the fastest way to fix blunders.
thank you all very much for the suggestions.
I'll buy the books in the next couple of weeks from Amazon (if there's no better deal); at the moment I'm rated 1297 here, my goal is 1500 in June.
Let's see what happen..