Check only temporarily disrupts ability to castle, provided it can be answered without moving the king.
Here are the full list of things which prevent castling..
1) Interposing pieces between the king and selected rook.
2) Currently in check (or checkmate).
3) Castling into check.
4) Castling king moves through an attacked square.
5) King has previously moved.
6) Selected rook has previously moved or has been captured.
Please note that the only things which permanently take the option of castling off the table are a king move or both rooks either moved/captured or checkmate.
Read the faq, particularly the section on castling. Just to clarify, your understanding of the rules is incorrect, a king may not castle while in check, but as long as he meets the conditions listed in the FAQ (or above) he may still castle on a latter move.
Originally posted by GuychSee
I think the rules of chess say that if the king has been checked he cannot castle. However, some chess software, which I've seen, take this into account others don't. And I think this rule is not taken into account here on RHP.
Could anyone, plz, enlightedn me.
If your chess software says you cannot castle after being checked that is mickey mouse software and you need to get your money back. Apparently some PDAs or handheld are very weak and do not know the rules of chess, even making illegal moves.
Originally posted by GuychYou will find the Official Laws on the FIDE site : -
I think the rules of chess say that if the king has been checked he cannot castle. However, some chess software, which I've seen, take this into account others don't. And I think this rule is not taken into account here on RHP.
Could anyone, plz, enlightedn me.
Then go to Article 3.8.ii
(1) The right for castling has been lost:
if the king has already moved, or
with a rook that has already moved
(2) Castling is prevented temporarily:
if the square on which the king stands, or the square which it
must cross, or the square which it is to occupy, is attacked by
one or more of the opponent`s pieces.
if there is any piece between the king and the rook with which
castling is to be effected.