A glimpse at what I consider an excellent site for adults as well as Kids.
Some ideas regarding this postion.
Black to play.
Relative Value of the Pieces No.179
Is a Rook better than a Bishop?
Is a Rook better than a Knight?
And a very good wrap up from Marinkatomb.
(good luck with the hunt for the girlfriend by the way.)
Blog 4
Hi Nimzo.
It's not a secret DB it's ALL the games from the 1400 DB played on here.
Of course it changes every day with more additions.
(I need it updating with 2011 games).
But that is the current state of affairs on what I have.
What Colle position do you want current stats on?
The prelude to the Colle.
Produces a stunning stat.
Played 11890.
White wins 5368
Drawn 1054
Black wins 5368
Dead level!
And I'm not making that up. It's absolutley true! I'm amazed.
Post where you want a search from and I'll supply what I have.
(I'm with you, I hope Black sneaks ahead but I'd bet White has a big plus
due to the fact he has an inkling of what to do and what he is doing.)
And be quick. I'm off to work soon.
No time left. Cannot wait.
This position is a Colle line from MCO 11
(about the only time this crap book has been any of any use.
If was not 50p in a junk shop then I would never have bought it.)
1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. e3 c5 4. Nbd2 e6 5. c3 Nc6 6. Bd3
From the u-14DB (2011 games not included) Played 574.
White wins 236
Draws 105
Black wins 233
A lot closer than what some on here would have you think.
Originally posted by nimzo5Lord have mercy, the move is dxc you pansies, heading for an advantageous Colle
So let's take this likely follow up.
[fen]r1bq1rk1/pp3ppp/2nbpn2/2pp4/3P4/2PBPN2/PP1N1PPP/R1BQ1RK1 w - - 0 8[/fen]
0-0 0-0
and now White to move.
Perhaps RHP should start a new ladder using this position as the starting point for all games.
I am trolling the gamesexplorer (praying for an update..) now looking at basic opening positions to see how they turn out % wise.
ending with a 3v2 queenside pawn majority! After ...Bxc5 we play e4!
Originally posted by robbie carrobieUnless White has an improvement over Mamedyarov- Volokitin Calvia 2004 then I wouldn't go throwing around words like "advantageous".
Lord have mercy, the move is dxc you pansies, heading for an advantageous Colle
ending with a 3v2 queenside pawn majority! After ...Bxc5 we play e4!
Originally posted by nimzo5sigh, where is the game, ol Mamedyarov is one of my favs (he plays the modern you
Unless White has an improvement over Mamedyarov- Volokitin Calvia 2004 then I wouldn't go throwing around words like "advantageous".
know!) Never the less, our strategy is clear, after Bxc5 we play e4! after ...dxe4 we
play Nxe4, after ...Nxe4 we play Bxe4, after ...Qxd1 Rxd1 we are not only in control of
the open d file, we are heading for an advantageous end game, b4 is coming with
tempo, so is c5 - c6 and we have every reason to use our exclamation mark! (this
might be a little inaccurate cause its all in my head, but its sounds plausible and i am
sure there are many games where white has advantageously pressed home his
queenside majority)
plus if i am not mistaken, we have a rather excellent pin against the c6 knight, and we
are not warranted in claiming an advantage?
Since Black doesn't have to take on e4 (and is strongly advised not to do so) I would suggest looking at lines with Qc7, Qe2 h6 (stopping the e5 & Bxh7+ motif) and now you have a real position.
So here Mamedyarov played Bc2, there are alternatives, notably h3 and e5 but game stats and theory pretty much sees this as slightly better for Black.
Game 4812993
The closest thing in the gamesexplorer to the e5!? line.
Interesting that the game is between a self proclaimed pimp in djibouti and a 1600 who mysteriously ramped up a few hundred points before getting bored and timing out a bunch of games.