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Identical Games

Identical Games

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I have recently had two games Game 1116333 vs Meule andGame 1598758 vs Fnugbatter that were identical until black varied on the 26th move. I am sure in all my years of chess I have never had two games stay the same for this long.

Can anyone beat this with 2 games from the site against different opponents

I admit that up to white's 19th can be found in 4 Knights theory (e.g John Nunn - New Ideas in the 4 Knights), but I still think it is very unlikely.

Also check out both the finishes - the same attacking idea wins for white pleasingly in both games!

Should I really be giving away my secrets like this!!

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Originally posted by APB

Should I really be giving away my secrets like this!!
Quick, someone call Fox!

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Actually, I am suprised you don't have more of them like that. It seems that the higher rated you are the more lines you have to know way out past the 15th move. However, this is naturally moreso when the line played is very sharp.

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Game 1071120
Game 1071121
Game 1162520
Game 1185061

They aren't my games, but they still fit the criteria.

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Originally posted by tmetzler
They aren't my games, but they still fit the criteria.
Apart from the different opponents bit. 😉


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Originally posted by Ragnorak
Apart from the different opponents bit. 😉

Too true, I had forgotten about that. 🙂

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I beg to differ - It was found out that Fernando J P Vasquez and the PO were the same player - Pretty obvious when you see this evidence!

So my record still stands

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Originally posted by APB
I beg to differ - It was found out that Fernando J P Vasquez and the PO were the same player - Pretty obvious when you see this evidence!

So my record still stands
And can anyone explain why FJPV/PO (whatever he called himself) played the same losing line 4 times - makes no sense to me!

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Originally posted by APB
And can anyone explain why FJPV/PO (whatever he called himself) played the same losing line 4 times - makes no sense to me!
That's why I don't understand those people who play 100's of games at once and then never go over them and they keep losing the same way, in the same variation.

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Originally posted by APB
And can anyone explain why FJPV/PO (whatever he called himself) played the same losing line 4 times - makes no sense to me!
Because "he" wasn't doing the playing, his engine was. Engines are very stupid that way.

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So he was paying twice as much as everyone else to play with same engine - now that is really dumb!!

Anyway pack to the point of this thread - can anyone claim any 2 games (people only!) against 2 different opponents that lasted longer than 26 moves

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Originally posted by APB
can anyone claim any 2 games (people only!) against 2 different opponents that lasted longer than 26 moves
propawnkiller can:

As discussed in:


Game 1293439
Game 1293116

The games are identical up to move 38! However, unlike your games, propawnkiller wins with white in one, and loses with black in the other!

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Originally posted by Gatecrasher
propawnkiller can:

As discussed in:


Game 1293439
Game 1293116

The games are identical up to move 38! However, unlike your games, propawnkiller wins with white in one, and loses with black in the other!
Don't know how to compare the "times" of moves, but based on the fact that the oponent was rated much higher in both games, and that they happened about the same time, can we conclude that propawnkiller was pulling a middle-man stunt, with his two opponents actually playing against each other, unbeknownst to them?

If so, is that a violation of terms of service?

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Originally posted by Gatecrasher
propawnkiller can:

As discussed in:


Game 1293439
Game 1293116

The games are identical up to move 38! However, unlike your games, propawnkiller wins with white in one, and loses with black in the other!
OK - I admit defeat! Can anyone beat this??

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Originally posted by techsouth
Don't know how to compare the "times" of moves, but based on the fact that the oponent was rated much higher in both games, and that they happened about the same time, can we conclude that propawnkiller was pulling a middle-man stunt, with his two opponents actually playing against each other, unbeknownst to them?

If so, is that a violation of terms of service?
Nicohuyboom, propawnkiller or Cludi could get the games sent to the with the move times included.

It would be interesting to see, alright.


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