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I'm above 1700!

I'm above 1700!

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Yezz !!! I've reached 1700 !!! Feels just sweeeet !!!

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Then let me knock you back down 😛

on a serious note: Congrats man 🙂

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Originally posted by tomtom232
Then let me knock you back down 😛

on a serious note: Congrats man 🙂
Oh, you can easily knock me down from my ivory tower. 😵
I am peaking only, I am not good as on 1700+ player. Perhaps one sunny day I will have 1700 as a baseline in my graph, that will be the day!
The big question is now what will I have in a month? back to around 1600?

Thank you, Tomtom! 🙂

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
Yezz !!! I've reached 1700 !!! Feels just sweeeet !!!
What's your secret?

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
Yezz !!! I've reached 1700 !!! Feels just sweeeet !!!
Don't worry, we all have bad days. You will be back where you belong in no time at all so don't feel too bad about it. 😉

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The rating goes up, the rating goes down. Each new water mark is still a sign of progress though, particularly when you look back and see that despite the valleys, the peaks continue to get higher and higher. Congrats on making 1700. That's where I'm at now, and my next goal, an interim one, is 1800.

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I reckon I'm realistically around 1500-1550 elo or 90-100 ECF.
First season OTB at my local club & I've got 60% wins so far in all games.
On this site I seem to average-out at around 1600-1650.

You can add many points onto your actual rating simply by doing the following common sense things:

1) Manage your gameload.
a) Not too many games in progress. I like between 10 & 30 max.
b) No short time controls. Take your time in the games without any added pressure.

2) Carefully formulate & refine an openings repertoire.
a) Get openings-specific books on your choices.
b) Choosing sharp openings for black & white will mean that one early mistake by your opponent could leave you with a won position.
c) Use a good database & prune the results looking not only for results in your favour, but also for how the specialists with you opening handle the position.
You should never make an openings mistake again!

3) Use the analyse board feature. That's what it's there for...

4) Don't make any moves if you're tired or stressed.

5) Never move once you've started on the drink, however tempting it may be!

6) Play the same way against a 1000 rated as you would an 1800. Use the same thought process for each of your moves. Don't play for traps or simple threats that if countered leave you worse off.

7) Resign clearly lost positions.
Playing on (unless you really think you'll learn something) will only cause you to feel deflated & can spill over into other games where you were doing rather better.

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Originally posted by Squelchbelch
I reckon I'm realistically around 1500-1550 elo or 90-100 ECF.
First season OTB at my local club & I've got 60% wins so far in all games.
On this site I seem to average-out at around 1600-1650.

You can add many points onto your actual rating simply by doing the following common sense things:

1) Manage your gameload.
a) Not too many games in pro to feel deflated & can spill over into other games where you were doing rather better.
I agree 100% with all the above. My ECF is equivilant to about 1885 but by doing the above I have maintained 100-150 extra points here.

My biggest mistake is

"5) Never move once you've started on the drink, however tempting it may be!"

which I fear is responsible for my worst blunders, a few over Christmas.

Usually after a few drinks I can be guaranteed to give away a piece in at least 1 game and 30 odd rating points have gone.

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
Yezz !!! I've reached 1700 !!! Feels just sweeeet !!!
Gratulerer! I have been there twice, and the second time I think it was more justified, so I hope I can fight my way back soon and stay a bit longer the next time.

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Thank you, all my friends, for sharing my joy! I'm euphorically glad!

The advice of Squelchbelch is really good. Some of them I already use.

Like the one when making moves when you shouldn't. When I have had a rough day at work, a quarrel with someone, or other things shaking your mental status, I put myself of (as I call it) a quarantine of chess. I can read in the forms, I can watch my games, but make moves? No no.
Once I was totally out of my nerves and went to RHP to easen up a little. At that particular night I made several gross blunders that cost me the games later on. It was at that time I invented the quarantine.

Well, I should resign already lost games, but there are games that I make more effort to when I'm under in material. Like the Game 4377733 after a super duper blunder (Of what was I thinking?) I regained the materials. But Squelchbelch thoughts of psychological overspill to other games is worth considering.

I don't remember passing 1500 at something in particular. It was quite early in my RHP career. at April 2006 I peaked at 1540. At June the next peak came at 1578. At August I was at 1598 only two points from the magical 1600. But it wasn't before February 2007 I entered the magical 1600 and I felt as I were one of the big boys. 😏 And in April I climbed up to 1668. At all peakings I told myself "To these heights I will never come again, this is how high I will get." And now, dear friends, I'm over 1700! To these heights I will never come again!

What will be the next goal? Perhaps to be among the top-1000? I'm only a few points away. If I can make it to 1709 then I'm there.

From now on it is downhill. Perhaps steep, but somewhere I will find my baseline once gain. Where? Perhaps all the way down to 1600 again? Or, preferably at 1650. I'm not skilled as a 1700-player, I know that, but what am I skilled as? The future will tell.

My friends, thank you all for letting me pretend that I am good as 1700 for a while. Thank you all.

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Looking at your games and oppoenents you have won against you are still underrated. I expect you'll reach 1800 in no time.

However, I won't go easy on you in our game 😉

Well done !

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I too have just passed 1700 (for what feels like the 10th time). My problem is that the higher I climb, the steeper the fall.time I crashed back to just below 1500. My goal now is to play well enough that I never fall back below 1650 (I have far fewer losing games this time around). Once that is complete, it will be time to start the push to stay above 1700 permanently.

My one big difference this time around is that I have cut my gameload back from 100+ to right around 50.

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Congratulations and may you soar even higher 🙂

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
Yezz !!! I've reached 1700 !!! Feels just sweeeet !!!
Good job. Hopefully I can make that claim soon 🙂

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