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Low rated player's amazing games:

Low rated player's amazing games:

Only Chess

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1) Try to find the lowest rated player who took you to school.

2) If you are pathetically low rated (like myself) post your best game against the highest rated player.

3) Post the games you feel are worth observing.

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Originally posted by nihilismor
1) Try to find the lowest rated player who took you to school.

2) If you are pathetically low rated (like myself) post your best game against the highest rated player.

3) Post the games you feel are worth observing.
I'll let you know. I'm a low rated player and NONE of my games are worth posting.

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A quick search revealed this one. It was one of my first games though. 5170672 (forgot how to do the link thing).

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Originally posted by MilkyJoe
A quick search revealed this one. It was one of my first games though. 5170672 (forgot how to do the link thing).
Game 5170672

Your opponent didn't play like a pro; you played like a monkey.

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Originally posted by clandarkfire
Game 5170672

Your opponent didn't play like a pro; you played like a monkey.
I don't doubt it. Must have been drunk. That's my excuse anyway.

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Lower rated players generally win when the higher rated player plays like a monkey. I know that when I play lower rated players I'll make stupid moves because I don't have the respect that I should.

Here's a game I won against at 1700. Good play on my part or bad play on his?

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Originally posted by Eladar
Lower rated players generally win when the higher rated player plays like a monkey. I know that when I play lower rated players I'll make stupid moves because I don't have the respect that I should.

Here's a game I won against at 1700. Good play on my part or bad play on his?

[pgn]1. d4 Ng8f6 2. Ng1f3 g6 3. Bc1f4 Bf8g7 4. e3 O-O 5. Nb1c3 d5 6. Bf1e2 N ...[text shortened]... . h5 a5 18. hxg6 f5 19. Rh1xh7 Kg7f6 20. Qd2h6 Rf8g8 21. Qh6h4 Kf6xg6
22. Qh4h6 1-0
When I play lower-rated players I'll make more risky moves thinking they'll miss what my plan is. Sometimes they spot it. So when playing seamingly weaker players you look like you're playing like a monkey (more often than not I'm playing like a monkey (or drunk)).

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One of my worst loses against a lower rated player was in Game 2970871.

I was over confident, didn't think through the combinations and was punished severely for moving too quickly.

I leave it for you to find the very fundamental error when the game became a loss for me.

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Originally posted by Dragon Fire
One of my worst loses against a lower rated player was in Game 2970871.

I was over confident, didn't think through the combinations and was punished severely for moving too quickly.

I leave it for you to find the very fundamental error when the game became a loss for me.
Well, at first sight, 12...Bxe5 seems like a bad move. Your position went downhill from there. 15.Nd5 would have further deteriorated your position.

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Wiped off the board by my good friend Neckodeemus. Anything he lacks in technique he more than makes up for in stubbornness.

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Originally posted by clandarkfire
Game 5170672

Your opponent didn't play like a pro; you played like a monkey.

Words fail me.

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Originally posted by clandarkfire
Well, at first sight, 12...Bxe5 seems like a bad move. Your position went downhill from there. 15.Nd5 would have further deteriorated your position.
Correctly identified. 12. ... c6Xd5 is the correct move after which black stands no worse than white.

12. ... BXd5?? is the sort of move it is easy to make in error when one is over confident and just goes to show it is important to take every move seriously no matter how much you out rank your opponent.

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im low rated right now and was still much lower rated when i beat this guy...must not have been using his engine this game, hehe. we both messed up a bit i think...

Game 4463337

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I didn't play this game, but I've always been very impressed with this player.

Game 1141313


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Originally posted by Sam The Sham

Words fail me.
That bad, eh? Drunk I tell you. Like now.

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