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Sharp reply to e4...

Sharp reply to e4...

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I normally play the sicillian, but there are too many lines for me to put it to good use OTB (with my poor memory), especially considering I play the Smith Morra as white.

Any recommendations?

My OTB repertoire ATM is King's Gambit, Smith Morra Gambit, and Nf3 in response to d4 (adopting a modern defence). The French defense has had good success against me, but its not the kind of closed game I'm looking for.



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Originally posted by Ragnorak
I normally play the sicillian, but there are too many lines for me to put it to good use OTB (with my poor memory), especially considering I play the Smith Morra as white.

Any recommendations?

My OTB repertoire ATM is King's Gambit, Smith Morra Gambit, and Nf3 in response to d4 (adopting a modern defence). The French defense has had good success against me, but its not the kind of closed game I'm looking for.


If you want an open game the centre counter might be worth considering.

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I also suggest you try the center counter but with 2Nf6 instead of Qxd5.

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Originally posted by omulcusobolani
I also suggest you try the center counter but with 2Nf6 instead of Qxd5.
Well, I tried the center counter last night, and hated it. My queen got chased around the board, blocking the development of other pieces until I luckily got a draw.

Any other sharp responses to 1. e4?


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Originally posted by omulcusobolani
I also suggest you try the center counter but with 2Nf6 instead of Qxd5.
My suggestion was the center counter without getting the queen out, like this e4 d5 exd5 Nf6, white can try and hold on to the pawn but his best move after Nf6 is d4 after which you can get your pawn back with Nxd5 or play the interesting Bg4.Or if you don't like this you can try the Alekhine defense which can get pretty sharp.

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The most fun is the Goering gambit accepted,double pawn sacrifice.
The Goering is like the Smith Morra,set the board on fire.
The French is just a defense for cowards,white players should use the Alekhine Chatard attack.The Budapest gambit is useful against 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4.

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Originally posted by Ragnorak
I normally play the sicillian, but there are too many lines for me to put it to good use OTB (with my poor memory), especially considering I play the Smith Morra as white.

Any recommendations?

My OTB repertoire ATM is King's Gambit, Smith Morra Gambit, and Nf3 in response to d4 (adopting a modern defence). The French defense has had good success against me, but its not the kind of closed game I'm looking for.


1...g6 is ohe of the sharpest answer.

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I might also reccomend the Alekhine, risky but if you like sharp games - then go for it! Although it can lead to some awkward development for black - it also poses problems for white, especially when the chase is really on. Tried the centre game for a while, the Qa5 variation - a bit too dull for my liking. I'm getting tired of the sicilian because there's simply too many specialists out there! The latvian gambit is highly suspect. Maybe try the modern defence? I dunno to much about it, but it looks interesting anyway? But back on topic - the Alekhine!

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Alekhine is good-let white come at you with his pawns and thenchop them away after he pushes to far....it hasnt failed me in awhile (unless they play 2.Nc3...then thats just too easy)

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try the pirc! (1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 g7) or skip the Nf6 and head for a modern.

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Originally posted by Ragnorak
Well, I tried the center counter last night, and hated it. My queen got chased around the board, blocking the development of other pieces until I luckily got a draw.

Any other sharp responses to 1. e4?

1...e5 is sharp, especially if you follow it with f5 within the next few moves.

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Originally posted by Ragnorak
I normally play the sicillian, but there are too many lines for me to put it to good use OTB (with my poor memory), especially considering I play the Smith Morra as white.

Any recommendations?

My OTB repertoire ATM is King's Gambit, Smith Morra Gambit, and Nf3 in response to d4 (adopting a modern defence). The French defense has had good success against me, but its not the kind of closed game I'm looking for.


Don't worry, Rag, I've got you set.

Sicilian Dragon - make sure you pick up Play the Sicilian Dragon though.

If you look through it you'll be collecting tons of easy wins - and really, does it get any sharper!?

Plus it seems to be a nice combination with the KG. 🙂

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Originally posted by Ragnorak
Well, I tried the center counter last night, and hated it. My queen got chased around the board, blocking the development of other pieces until I luckily got a draw.

Any other sharp responses to 1. e4?

I'll second the recomendation for the icelandic gambit.

Edit: I also like the Petroff a lot, but you have to be prepared to play against the kings gambit.

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One problem is that you are asking people to suggest a sharp line against 1. e4, but that you have a bad memory, and can't remember the lines. Keep in mind that sharp lines acquire much more theory because....they're sharp and complicated, and people have to figure them out. But I second the Dragon. Or even something Hypermodern like the Modern/ Pirc. They can get really sharp, and a good knowledge of ideas there can help you out.

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