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Small thrills in chess

Small thrills in chess

Only Chess

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I play low level, high quantity chess here. Like any drug, chess has a few small thrills that compensate for the lows. For me I get a small thrill from mating with a horse, mainly because it is comparitively rare.

But in one of my games I'm about to reveal checkmate, something I haven't done for ages and I'm hoping for another small thrill.

What rare events give you thrills?

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Good tactical feats like a combination or sacrifice. Small forks and things like that are exciting too.

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Originally posted by invigorate
I play low level, high quantity chess here. Like any drug, chess has a few small thrills that compensate for the lows. For me I get a small thrill from mating with a horse, mainly because it is comparitively rare.

But in one of my games I'm about to reveal checkmate, something I haven't done for ages and I'm hoping for another small thrill.

What rare events give you thrills?

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Defeating a 2400 plus player in under 10 moves.

One day it will happen..😏

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14 moves isnt bad 🙂

[Event "Friendly Game, 12m + 0s"]
[Site "Main Playing Hall"]
[Date "2005.11.08"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Caffeinated"]
[Black "Samoht"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C00"]
[BlackElo "2589"]
[PlyCount "27"]
[EventDate "2005.11.08"]
[TimeControl "720"]

1. e4 {1} e6 {5} 2. d4 {2} d6 {10} 3. f4 {7} Nf6 {8} 4. Nc3 {3} Nbd7 {20} 5.
Nf3 {3} g6 {11} 6. Bd3 {13} Bg7 {7} 7. O-O {2} e5 {10} 8. f5 {11} exd4 {9} 9.
fxg6 {2} dxc3 {23} 10. gxf7+ {1} Kxf7 {35} 11. Ng5+ {2} Kg8 {40} 12. Bc4+ {10}
d5 {27} 13. Bxd5+ {2} Nxd5 {3} 14. Qxd5# {(Lag: Av=0.33s, max=0.5s) 1} 1-0

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Originally posted by invigorate
For me I get a small thrill from mating with a horse

I love triple or quadruple forks. I also get a thrill from setting up a cunning plan, having to work hard on making it work because my opponent sees what I am up to, but still being successful in the end.

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Originally posted by cmsMaster
Har Har don't we all -.-

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Originally posted by Dragon Fire
Defeating a 2400 plus player in under 10 moves.

One day it will happen..😏
Wow... that is a bit ambitious, isn't it? Beating a 2400 in 10 moves? I remember a game Kramnik/Kasparov drawn in 11 moves. But that was a draw. Haven't heard modern masters' games won in 10 moves. Would like to see it if there's any available.

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Originally posted by cmsMaster
that's a rare event for you? How sad :'(

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Fighting back to draw a position you've been losing all game. Against a higher rated player than you.

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my highest moment was when i used a knight to fork the queen and a rook and threaten checkmate all at once (the move in my title)

or when you get someone to resign, while they're completely even with you. more satisfying than when someone resigns because they're down pieces


chess is a stupid game for fools.the only reason i play is to show you geeks that its not about this deep and intelectual thing you call logic, its about tic tac toe whoopty do. i might as well play checkers. same thing.

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mating with a horse..now thats hardcore

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i like d1 openings

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Exiting for me is when a (far) better opponent makes a move and I cannot decide if it is a losing blunder or a winning sacrifice if I take the darn thing. So I take it and he just don't answer for a week. During this waiting period I can't think of anything but that blunder/sacrifice. Should I or shouldn't I? My heart rate is constantly high and my friends ask me if I'm sick or something. Then the opponent decides to make a move and it shows that it was a blunder of his after all.
This is exiting!

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