Just noticed that Weyerstrass is no longer a subscriber.
He has just two games on the go, - the one against woodworm that many of us are watching closely: Game 4054880 and one against Nowakowski (User 446247): Game 6698090.
Nowakowski is on a very long non-losing streak (as is Weyerstrass, of course) and has improved enormously in the last year (e.g. see Game 5378643).
Originally posted by greenpawn34I'm a giant sitting down. I used to have a girlfriend who was about the same height standing as I was sitting. 🙂
I'm nearly right. Human adult bodies are all the same size, tall people have
longer legs. So sitting down we are the same size.
As for gradings, they don't make you play any better.
Everyone is equal. pick a number, any number....we are all 1400 and 5 foot, 10'.
but I fully agree about ratings, numbers don't give you a single move in the game.
Originally posted by Fat LadyThanks for posting these! Interesting games indeed! One's a done deal. How do you see Nowakowski's chances without giving away any moves, of course.
Just noticed that Weyerstrass is no longer a subscriber.
He has just two games on the go, - the one against woodworm that many of us are watching closely: Game 4054880 and one against Nowakowski (User 446247): Game 6698090.
Nowakowski is on a very long non-losing streak (as is Weyerstrass, of course) and has improved enormously in the last year (e.g. see Game 5378643).
Originally posted by scacchipazzoNot allowed to comment on games in progress, even if you don't give analysis. Once the games are over I will comment though!
Thanks for posting these! Interesting games indeed! One's a done deal. How do you see Nowakowski's chances without giving away any moves, of course.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieonce you mentionned gambits i immediately went to see those games, and an interesting thing is that he seems to play a bit carelessly against lower rated players, allowing them to get an advantage.
woodworms games are awesome, he is a true gambiteer! the ones that i recognise are the smith morra, the elephant, scotch gambit. perhaps someone can identify some more?
for example Game 3248275, not only does he play the risky morra gambit, but then he plays the inferior 7.e5?!, after which his opponent could have got an advantage with 7...Ng4 8.Bf4 f6! (according to my book on the morra by langrock)
So go on, underrated players : challenge him and refute his overoptimistic play!