Originally posted by 7ate9Black. If white plays anything other than Rxd6 then white will lose, as 1... Rxd1, 2. Rxd1 Qxd1 is mate.
$2 for the win on black.
if H6 had cover, i would go white.
(i don't know)
If white plays 1.Rxd6 then .... Qxd6, 2. Qxd6 exd6 will follow. From here it could go either way in theory, but I think the precarious position of white's queen and the well-defended position of Black's will hand the latter victory (and black is also pawn up).
Originally posted by GorgarYou're right of course, but maybe better is 1.Rxd6 Nxd6 covering f7. White is surely lost here.
I can't find a winning tactic and white is on the brink of losing a piece so:
1.Rxd6,Qxd6 2.Bh6+,Kxh6 3.Nf7+,Rxf7 4.Qxf7 gaining the exchange for the inevitable loss of a piece.
Best I could find 😞
Originally posted by hammertime217White can win!
Black. If white plays anything other than Rxd6 then white will lose, as 1... Rxd1, 2. Rxd1 Qxd1 is mate.
If white plays 1.Rxd6 then .... Qxd6, 2. Qxd6 exd6 will follow. From here it could go either way in theory, but I think the precarious position of white's queen and the well-defended position of Black's will hand the latter victory (and black is also pawn up).