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Who is the highest rated opponent you have beat...

Who is the highest rated opponent you have beat...

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Game 5719271

I recently beat a 1900 player (his rating dropped a bit after I beat him) in style. I thought I was really stuffed when He played the French defence as I absolutely HATE the french defense and constantly lose to it yet I managed to force a resignation within 15 moves. So I was wondering what everyone elses highest rated victories were. Which games were you the huge underdog but came out on top?

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Originally posted by theundertaker84
Game 5719271

I recently beat a 1900 player (his rating dropped a bit after I beat him) in style. I thought I was really stuffed when He played the French defence as I absolutely HATE the french defense and constantly lose to it yet I managed to force a resignation within 15 moves. So I was wondering what everyone elses highest rated victories were. Which games were you the huge underdog but came out on top?
My top 3 games Game 4446698 Game 5554023 and Game 3363092(The last one doesn't really count, because I won it when he was rated 1400 or something, but the game looks much more impressive now😵)

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[Event "Open invite"]
[Site "http://www.timeforchess.com"]
[Date "2006.09.29"]
[EndDate "2006.10.03"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Mathurine"]
[Black "PAWN RIOT"]
[WhiteRating "2043"]
[BlackRating "2352"]
[WhiteELO "2043"]
[BlackELO "2352"]
[Result "1-0"]
[GameId "2560157"]

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nb1c3 Bf8b4 4. e5 c5 5. a3 Bb4a5 6. Bc1d2 Nb8c6
7. dxc5 Nc6xe5 8. Bf1b5 Bc8d7 9. Qd1e2 Ne5c6 10. b4 Ba5c7 11. Nc3xd5 Nc6d4
12. Nd5xc7 Qd8xc7 13. Bb5xd7 Qc7xd7 14. Qe2c4 Ra8d8 15. O-O-O Qd7a4
16. Bd2g5 Qa4xa3 17. Kc1b1 f6 18. Bg5c1 Qa3a6 19. Rd1xd4 Rd8xd4 20. Qc4xd4 Qa6f1
21. Qd4e4 Ng8e7 22. Qe4xb7 Ke8f7 23. g3 Rh8d8 24. Ng1f3 Qf1xf2 25. Rh1e1 Rd8d5
26. Re1e3 a5 27. c4 Rd5d1 28. Nf3e5 Kf7e8 29. Qb7b5 1-0

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Couple of people at my chess club beat John Nunn. I've beaten Basman...

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Originally posted by theundertaker84
Game 5719271

I recently beat a 1900 player (his rating dropped a bit after I beat him) in style. I thought I was really stuffed when He played the French defence as I absolutely HATE the french defense and constantly lose to it yet I managed to force a resignation within 15 moves. So I was wondering what everyone elses highest rated victories were. Which games were you the huge underdog but came out on top?
The highest rated player I nicked for a full point was 2016 (USCF) back in 1984. It was an OTB game at the Seattle Chess Club. The guy's name was Abelnour-Ziad. This 84 move gem took over 5 hours. I'm afraid I don't have the game anymore, but it was a real thrill. (I wish I could play like that everytime!)😏

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Originally posted by doodinthemood
I've beaten Basman...
Was that in a serious game? Can you post it here?

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Both me vs. Basman and the people at my club vs. Nunn were in simultaneous displays.

But leaving that information off makes it more impressive 😉

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Game 2504043

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Game 853210 and Game 971127

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Originally posted by adramforall
Game 853210 and Game 971127
drunken monkey? wow. Not only did he miss mate in 1, he missed it twice.

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My best win:

Game 5599004

My opponent was over 2000 during most of the game.

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I've never beaten anyone high rated. 🙁

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I think my highest beat so far is an finnish IM rated about 2400. Funniest thing is that in the tournament where I beat him, he had 100% score so far (I think 7/7 or something). And then he was paired against me, unfortunately for him.

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This is probably the strongest player I have ever beaten (rated 2300+ for quite some time)
Game 4596493

This is currently the highest rated player I have beaten:
Game 4461282

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I've beaten Korch here, Game 4924483 and Jusopov in a simul.

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