Taken from the A-Z thread, because this is quite a tricky one.
A word association is a common thing that links two words, such as "sea" and "the letter c" (sound the same), "speed" and "friday the thirteenth" (both films), "Kerry Holmes" and "running" (Kerry holmes runs),
The game is to get from one word to the other by a chain of associated words, eg Sea->Port->Gin->Chess (Ports are Sea harbours, Port and Gin are alcoholic drinks, Gin and Chess are games.
So, the challenge is, via just two more intermediate words, get from "Veni, Vidi, Vici" to mint.
Good luck!
Originally posted by iamatigerFor the Yanks:
Taken from the A-Z thread, because this is quite a tricky one.
A word association is a common thing that links two words, such as "sea" and "the letter c" (sound the same), "speed" and "friday the thirteenth" (both films), "Kerry Holmes" and "running" (Kerry holmes runs),
The game is to get from one word to the other by a chain of associa ...[text shortened]... e is, via just two more intermediate words, get from "Veni, Vidi, Vici" to mint.
Good luck!
VVV --> E. Pluribus Unum (sp?) --> mint
Originally posted by THUDandBLUNDERI thought pyramid schemes were illegal (but obviously profitable!). And when you get into burping rubber products, the fun is just beginning.
Literary digression:
..........VIDI, VICI, VENI
..Oh, please do not touch me
.....Oh, please do not touch
........Oh, please do not
...........Oh, please do
.............Oh, please
Waa-PISH! <crack>
Originally posted by fearlessleadergrass
lewis carrol wrote out rules for a sort of similar game.
one phase consists of rearranging the letters, adding one letter anywhere in the word, or removing any one letter.
after each phase, you must have a real word. spaces are not allowed.
can anybody get from "grass" to "weed"?