The correct theory of everything must not include time. TIME is a human invention and not "real" in our universe. Please tell all the physicists and mathematicians to eliminate time and then they can get the theory of everything written up. The Wheeler-DeWitt equation has already been very close to what I solved the Hamiltonian Constraint..
13 Nov 18
@ogb saidSo do things happen one after the other or not?
The correct theory of everything must not include time. TIME is a human invention and not "real" in our universe. Please tell all the physicists and mathematicians to eliminate time and then they can get the theory of everything written up. The Wheeler-DeWitt equation has already been very close to what I solved the Hamiltonian Constraint..
If there is no time, how do we understand the phenomenon of oscillation?
@ponderable saidPicky picky😉
So do things happen one after the other or not?
If there is no time, how do we understand the phenomenon of oscillation?
13 Nov 18
once again people are confusing an "arrow of time" concept.. ALL time is present at once..past, present, future exists simultaneously
14 Nov 18
@ogb saidDoesn't that make statistical predictions at the quantum level redundant?
once again people are confusing an "arrow of time" concept.. ALL time is present at once..past, present, future exists simultaneously
If the future already exists then isn't it deterministic?
14 Nov 18
@ogb saidHave you ever sat in the exact same place as someone else at a different time? If there was not time you would occupy the same space simultaneously as other moving objects like people or pets.
once again people are confusing an "arrow of time" concept.. ALL time is present at once..past, present, future exists simultaneously
I think what you are talking about is some sort of extra dimensional observation of space-time (the universe) we cannot possibly have. Like a deity.
14 Nov 18
@wolfgang59 saidIt would have to be. We are not allowed to see the future though. The uncertainty principle shows that.
Doesn't that make statistical predictions at the quantum level redundant?
If the future already exists then isn't it deterministic?
@ponderable said"Time" has more than one meaning, easily and often confused. "Time" in the metaphysical sense is the framework within which "tenses" occur. "Tenses" are what we commonly refer to as "past," "present," and "future," which correspond to physical processes which have beginnings, middles, and ends, befores and afters, oscillations, and so on.
So do things happen one after the other or not?
If there is no time, how do we understand the phenomenon of oscillation?
Time in the metaphysical sense can be thought of as being like the rules of chess; they set up a certain structure wherein "moves" happen; but it is a howler to think that the rules of chess are a move in the game. They are not; they stand at a different logical level. The rules of the game are meta-game, not moves within the game. So too, time in the metaphysical sense: it is a structure wherein "happenings" occur but is not itself one of the happenings. "Time" in this sense is timeless -- that is, without past or present or future or oscillation or before or after. Just as the rules of chess are neither pawns nor kings nor any other piece in the game.
To expand the metaphor: space corresponds to the chess board, again a structure or framework whereon the moves (as defined by the rules) are made.
To say that time is a human construct is not to say that it is not real. Humans are real, therefore what we construct is also real. Time is not a physical object in the universe, that is so; but lots of other things too are real without being physical objects.
14 Nov 18
@metal-brain saidThe uncertainty principle has nothing to do with determinism. Certain simple quantum systems are completely deterministic, yet the uncertainty principle still holds.
It would have to be. We are not allowed to see the future though. The uncertainty principle shows that.
@ogb saidThat assertion is self-contradictory.
ALL time is present at once..past, present, future exists simultaneously
14 Nov 18
@ogb saidare you telling me that building a time machine is a waste of my time?
once again people are confusing an "arrow of time" concept.. ALL time is present at once..past, present, future exists simultaneously
14 Nov 18
@kazetnagorra saidI didn't say the uncertainty principle had anything to do with determinism. What makes you think that I did?
The uncertainty principle has nothing to do with determinism. Certain simple quantum systems are completely deterministic, yet the uncertainty principle still holds.
15 Nov 18
@metal-brain saidThe statement "We are not allowed to see the future though. The uncertainty principle shows that." is incorrect.
I didn't say the uncertainty principle had anything to do with determinism. What makes you think that I did?
16 Nov 18
@kazetnagorra saidA photon does not experience the passage of time, right?
The statement "We are not allowed to see the future though. The uncertainty principle shows that." is incorrect.
16 Nov 18
@metal-brain saidI don't think Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle involves the future.
It would have to be. We are not allowed to see the future though. The uncertainty principle shows that.
It just states that one cannot know both the
position and velocity of a particle at any moment.