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They own you

They own you



You have owners.


When I was living on a dairy farm we tagged cattle. We put a tag in their ear with a number on it. Technology has advanced since then and now they are using micro chips and some people want to mandate them.


When somebody owns something they want to tag it. That is why Bill Gates and his parasitic elite buddies want to do to you with their microdot technology.

They own you.


@metal-brain said
You have owners.


When I was living on a dairy farm we tagged cattle. We put a tag in their ear with a number on it. Technology has advanced since then and now they are using micro chips and some people want to mandate them.

https://www.bendbulletin.com/localstate/microchips-in-cattle-ranchers-not-so-sure/a ...[text shortened]... and his parasitic elite buddies want to do to you with their microdot technology.

They own you.
scary proposition...


@ogb said
scary proposition...
Yep. They want something like the Chinese Credit System. Bill and his buddies envy what China has and they want it too. It is all about control.


Well you can bitch about it but what do you plan to DO about it besides bitching about it here?

You are still obsessing over Gates.

There are a LOT of REALLY bad folks out there MUCH worse than Gates so why do you obsess with him?

I guess you figure Roger Stone to not be a traitor but a hero?


@sonhouse said
Well you can bitch about it but what do you plan to DO about it besides bitching about it here?

You are still obsessing over Gates.

There are a LOT of REALLY bad folks out there MUCH worse than Gates so why do you obsess with him?

I guess you figure Roger Stone to not be a traitor but a hero?
Who is worse than Gates?



@metal-brain said
Who is worse than Gates?
People who spread conspiracy myths on-line?


The post that was quoted here has been removed
Roger Stone? What did he do that was so bad?

What is Bill Gates going to buy with all that money? There is no way he can spend it unless he gives it away and he only does so much of that. He uses his foundation as a tax shelter. It isn't for purely philanthropic purposes.

Gates has a perverse lust for power. He cannot possibly spend the money he has. He wants more money because he wants more power. He is also a control freak. He wants to tag us like cattle because he thinks he owns us. That is what power freaks do.

Gates is a super creep. He is selfish to the core. He even tried to take advantage of a man during his cancer treatment. He cares nothing of other people. He is a complete sociopath at the least. I think he is a psychopath. He wants people to die to reduce the population, especially in Africa. His father was a eugenicist who worked for planned parenthood to abort negro babies. His father worked for the Rockefellers, known eugenicists who also want to reduce the world population.

Gates was friends with Jeffery Epstein.


You can tell a lot from the company a person keeps. There is a lot you do not know about Bill Gates. You can learn what you don't know here:



Like I said, Stone is a TRAITOR. A kind of criminal a lot lower on the criminal totem pole than Gates.

But of course, you agree with the insurrection on Jan 6 and it would not surprise me in the slightest that you secretly wish you had been there to kill a few people yourself.

ANYONE involved should be considered traitors to the US and you know what happens to traitors in places like North Korea or China or Russia or Iran.
Paul Manifort, Roger Stone and Trump are ALL traitors.
There are more than those dudes though. There are active insurrectionists who happen to be senators and congressmen/women and we will suss those folks out also.

You may want to downplay the whole debacle of Jan 6 but WE will not, we understand what is going on which is repubs want to destroy democracy in the US and we will not allow that without a fight.

You wanted Civil war 2 and now maybe you will get it.

Those dudes are FAR worse than anything Gates comes up with.

I know about the Epstein connection and if they find him culpable then throw him in jail but it is not up to you to try him, convict him, incarcerate him or anything to do with Gates' future.

So why don't you go after REAL criminals, TRAITORS to the US?

Oh I forgot, you don't consider them traitors, just good old boy PATRIOTS who want to SAVE America.
In reality they were DUPED by Trump.


@metal-brain said
You have owners.


When I was living on a dairy farm we tagged cattle. We put a tag in their ear with a number on it. Technology has advanced since then and now they are using micro chips and some people want to mandate them.

https://www.bendbulletin.com/localstate/microchips-in-cattle-ranchers-not-so-sure/a ...[text shortened]... and his parasitic elite buddies want to do to you with their microdot technology.

They own you.
Get a grip, and a life.


Good luck with that one🙂 Way too busy with wingnut conspiracy theories to actually GET a life.


@sonhouse said
Like I said, Stone is a TRAITOR. A kind of criminal a lot lower on the criminal totem pole than Gates.

But of course, you agree with the insurrection on Jan 6 and it would not surprise me in the slightest that you secretly wish you had been there to kill a few people yourself.

ANYONE involved should be considered traitors to the US and you know what happe ...[text shortened]... raitors, just good old boy PATRIOTS who want to SAVE America.
In reality they were DUPED by Trump.
"Like I said, Stone is a TRAITOR"

But you never explain why?
Again, what makes him so bad? Be specific. What did he do that was so bad?


Anyone who possesses a smartphone is already owned. Get over it.


Well when I tell you , you will just go Nothing wrong with that, he is a HERO.

He and Manafort were in the original meetings to overthrow the government.

But OF COURSE because you ONLY watch what, Bretbart, Fox, Newsmax you won't hear a frigging WORD about the corruption of those two.
I just mentioned them because they are public figures flaunting congress, sticking middle finger up to them but there are others, like Eastman, who actually started the whole ball rolling, coming up with a REALLY STUPID plan he convinced Trump was a GOOD thing, HE is pleading the fifth if they ever get him to the stand and you KNOW that means EVERYONE knows he is guilty of SOMETHING and WE think that something is TRAITOR just like the rest of that crowd.

You should really look at REAL news sometime instead of all these REALLY STUPID conspiracy theories.

Maybe you would learn something if you did, but we both know that is NEVER going to happen so you will STAY in your little self assured bubble of BS for the rest of your life.

So when will you bitch about the loss of our democracy?

I can only assume you think that could NEVER happen but democracies EVERYWHERE on Earth are in peril as we speak by bad actors like the Chinese, the Russians and their buddies and they want nothing more than the total destruction of ALL democracies on the planet.


We CAN lose our democracy and BELIEVE me, I WILL FIGHT IF NEED BE.

I will NOT go quietly into that cold night AND YOU SHOULD THINK THE SAME.

That is, if you actually CARE if we continue to have a democracy.

Everything I see you write indicates you WANT an authoritarian government.

Well if I have anything to say about it, that won't happen.

But it still can happen no matter WHAT I do, it is THAT perilous RIGHT NOW.

And that would be because of the now MORE than 400 republican state bills restricting voting rights and the infection of Trump saying massive voter fraud and OF COURSE his STUPID base believes every lying word that cretin says.

So that engendered the STUPIDITY in Arizona and now repubs are pushing the same BS on us here in Pennsylvania and also Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, repubs there are starting the same POS that already led to NOTHING in Arizona and even the Qanon dude at Ninja Turtle or whatever he calls himself, even HE said after all that BS, there was nothing to see but repubs don't CARE there is nothing there, the idea is to run out the clock on all the criminality that has already gone on with Trump in legal trouble in several areas, so if they run out the clock and win back the house and senate, ALL those investigations get thrown in the trash because the next AG will be just like Barr, Trump's personal henchman, throwing his enemies under the bus but his BUDDIES, like Manafort and Stone, BOTH convicted criminals but pardoned by Trump and they BOTH were heavily involved in the beginnings of the insurrection.


@sonhouse said
Well when I tell you , you will just go Nothing wrong with that, he is a HERO.

He and Manafort were in the original meetings to overthrow the government.

But OF COURSE because you ONLY watch what, Bretbart, Fox, Newsmax you won't hear a frigging WORD about the corruption of those two.
I just mentioned them because they are public figures flaunting congre ...[text shortened]... als but pardoned by Trump and they BOTH were heavily involved in the beginnings of the insurrection.
"He and Manafort were in the original meetings to overthrow the government"

How do you know? What is your source?

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