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OK, next idea...
A button that moves all completed games from the In-Box to the Archive folder.
Every few weeks I move them one my one so they don't clutter up the in box. I'm thinking that there should be a quicker way.



That is worth considering...and I am working on stuff like this right now too.


@dm7 said
OK, next idea...
A button that moves all completed games from the In-Box to the Archive folder.
Every few weeks I move them one my one so they don't clutter up the in box. I'm thinking that there should be a quicker way.
Hi dm7, if you use the browser version:
Go to the MyGames list and click on "manage games" then you can check all boxes for games you want to move, at the upper left side is a menue, weher you can choose where to move.

At least you don't have to do it one by one then...


OK, thanks @Ponderable. That does make it a bit easier , and if you have whole pages of games to archive, you can click "select all", then "move".
Depending how much work it is for @Russ, an option to archive all completed games would still be welcomed.


Also, you can create several additional folders and name them whatever you wish, such as clan, tournament, ladders, etc. for example. There is a limit to how many you can add, but it's quite a few. The games can then be moved around or stored in you own filing system.

Just go to the bottom left of the 'my games' page and click 'manage folders'.


@mwmiller Thanks for the info, although organising my history doesn't really interest me. All I'm trying to do is avoid a build up of clutter in my Inbox.

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@dm7 said
@mwmiller Thanks for the info, although organising my history doesn't really interest me. All I'm trying to do is avoid a build up of clutter in my Inbox.
I make a point of moving a completed game to the relevant folder(clan wins,ladder losses etc) as soon as the game is over.There's no waiting time,The result comes up instantly.
Also, if you change your settings to "my move" it won't matter what is in your inbox.You will only see current games where it is your move.
To find this option scroll down the page to game status filter where the setting is all, or my move including other filters


Filtering on "my move" does get rid of the clutter, but you don't see the opportunities to claim Time Out.

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As @venda suggested, moving each game to archive as it is completed is easiest, because the archive button is on offer straightaway. That way Inbox only has active games in it at any time, and the timeout button stands out so it's easier to spot. It's an easy habit to get into.

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That is fine for when your list of current games fits onto one screen.
When you have a LOT of games, you tend to activate the "My Move" filter. But then, when a game is complete, it then just disappears and you don't get the opportunity to archive it manually.
It's only when you later remove the "My Move" filter you see what a mess you are left with.
That's why I was asking for a button to archive all completed games.


I will definitely add this.

Also, the post game result pop-up (as currently found on both apps) is coming to web too. It shows result and point gain/loss for both players.

I'll add an archive game button to that too.

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