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I think it would be great to have a buzzer to notify me when it's my turn to move. I hate when I have a spread sheet open I am working on something and have to keep refreshing to see when it's my turn. Back and forth, back and forth. Or better yet a buzzer to notify some one else who has fallen asleep after I move. WAKE UP!!!😴😲

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Originally posted by cashthetrash
I think it would be great to have a buzzer to notify me when it's my turn to move. I hate when I have a spread sheet open I am working on something and have to keep refreshing to see when it's my turn. Back and forth, back and forth. Or better yet a buzzer to notify some one else who has fallen asleep after I move. WAKE UP!!!😴😲
Why not just use email notifications with an email client which alerts you when you receive an email?


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Originally posted by Ragnorak
Why not just use email notifications with an email client which alerts you when you receive an email?

Because I would have to check my email which is hard to do when I have several windows open while doing research or some such activity. Besides I get to much email so it would be constantly falsely notifying me. But it might be good for some people. So thanks, but no thanks.There is always another way not to have a new feature,and do something else instead. It was just an idea similar to yahoo's buzz feature. But if it can't be done...

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Here is a useful application that was developed by John Bartkiw:


Keeps you notified when there are games available in your task bar.

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Originally posted by cashthetrash
I think it would be great to have a buzzer to notify me when it's my turn to move. I hate when I have a spread sheet open I am working on something and have to keep refreshing to see when it's my turn. Back and forth, back and forth. Or better yet a buzzer to notify some one else who has fallen asleep after I move. WAKE UP!!!😴😲
Funny how some insist on using a correspondence site to play chess in real time.

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Originally posted by cashthetrash
Because I would have to check my email which is hard to do when I have several windows open while doing research or some such activity. Besides I get to much email so it would be constantly falsely notifying me. But it might be good for some people. So thanks, but no thanks.There is always another way not to have a new feature,and do something else instead. It was just an idea similar to yahoo's buzz feature. But if it can't be done...
I don't think you quite understood my suggestion.

Have an email account just for RHP, eg: gmail.
Install gmail notifier
Do your other work on your pc,
Everytime an opponent makes a move, you will receive an email which in turn will cause the gmail notifier to ding and tell you what opponent has moved in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
You never have to actually check your email, just use it for the notification.


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Originally posted by Ragnorak
I don't think you quite understood my suggestion.

Have an email account just for RHP, eg: gmail.
Install gmail notifier
Do your other work on your pc,
Everytime an opponent makes a move, you will receive an email which in turn will cause the gmail notifier to ding and tell you what opponent has moved in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
You never have to actually check your email, just use it for the notification.

Doh! Ahh now I do understand. Hey that is a good idea. Guess I can have more than one account. Thanks in that way I suppose it will work. Sort of a work around. But would work provided the email account doesn't take too long to send it to me like a day delay or something. And to think all this good advice for free. I guess you haven't been kicked in the head too much after all.😛

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Originally posted by lausey
Here is a useful application that was developed by John Bartkiw:


Keeps you notified when there are games available in your task bar.
Hey I like this Idea too. Now my only problem is choosing which idea I like the best. Decisions, decisions. Thanks everyone. I still like my buzzer idea the best though. Sounds like more fun. I like waking people up.

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Originally posted by BigDoggProblem
Funny how some insist on using a correspondence site to play chess in real time.
What is so funny about it? You think one move a day is fast? That's like watching moss grow on a rock. It's like watching a snail race a turtle. It's like trying to pour frozen molasses out of a mason jar. It's like a three year old waiting for Christmas. It's...It's...just not natural thats what its not. I can build a house faster than that! 😛

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Originally posted by cashthetrash
What is so funny about it? You think one move a day is fast? That's like watching moss grow on a rock. It's like watching a snail race a turtle. It's like trying to pour frozen molasses out of a mason jar. It's like a three year old waiting for Christmas. It's...It's...just not natural thats what its not. I can build a house faster than that! 😛
Then go play blitz somewhere else.

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Originally posted by XanthosNZ
Then go play blitz somewhere else.
OH shut up I was joking. Moss breath.

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Originally posted by cashthetrash
What is so funny about it? You think one move a day is fast? That's like watching moss grow on a rock. It's like watching a snail race a turtle. It's like trying to pour frozen molasses out of a mason jar. It's like a three year old waiting for Christmas. It's...It's...just not natural thats what its not. I can build a house faster than that! 😛
Precisely. So why would you want to play here when 1 move per day is the fastest time control offered?

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Originally posted by BigDoggProblem
Precisely. So why would you want to play here when 1 move per day is the fastest time control offered?
Why wouldn't I? There are plenty of players who fit within my time controls and like to play more than one move a day. I don't complain about how someone else moves. I laugh about it. But what does that have to do with move notification?

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Originally posted by cashthetrash
Hey I like this Idea too. Now my only problem is choosing which idea I like the best. Decisions, decisions. Thanks everyone.
This idea only works if you get your games load down to 0 games waiting, which is no good for me, but perfect for others, I guess.


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I use the RHPTray icon - someone suggested a while back.
When I try to download/install onto another computer it comes on with the red exclamation mark instead of a red pawn.....is it only possible to have it on one pc or what - I can find nothing about that on the website.
Anyone know?

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