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Criteria for new memeber

Criteria for new memeber

Site Ideas

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Rhp should definitely have some criteria’s for new member. Some chess skills tests.

Before being allowed to join, new member must show each piece moves.

Then to eliminate more players:

Mating with 2 rook + King vs King.

Mating with Queen + King vs King.

And to eliminate the really annoying users with their dumb threads in the general forums, you know who! The ultimate test!

Mate with King + 2 Knights vs King 😛

As soon as they touch any piece in the test, the warning “You are a _______” should pop up and reject them!

I believe, the forums would be much better after this.


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Originally posted by RahimK
Rhp should definitely have some criteria’s for new member. Some chess skills tests.

Before being allowed to join, new member must show each piece moves.

Then to eliminate more players:

Mating with 2 rook + King vs King.

Mating with Queen + King vs King.

And to eliminate the really annoying users with their dumb threads in the general forums, ...[text shortened]... ” should pop up and reject them!

I believe, the forums would be much better after this.

Before being allowed to join, new member must, at least, know below and do the following:

One must be familiar with the concept that the rook pawns usually draw.

One must know before joining this site that bishops of opposite color is usually a draw and when both sides have weak pawns one should not try for a big advantage.

One must be able to win a game easily when two pawns up and show it to the site admins in an example game before joining.

One must know that if a pawn up against a lone king and your king is in front of your pawn, it is a win.

One must know before registering that a knight ending is really a pawn ending.

One must know that with opposite colored bihops the attacking side has in effect an extra piece in the shape of his bishop.

One should never without a very good reason retreat the knight to the backrank, if it hinders the linking of two rooks.

Before being allowed to join, new member must beat RahimK in a two minute bullet game.

One must know these basic things and contact the Web site entry instructor😛 Mr. Gino Jay, at ginoj07@gmail.com

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Originally posted by GinoJ
Before being allowed to join, new member must, at least, know below and do the following:

One must be familiar with the concept that the rook pawns usually draw.

One must know before joining this site that bishops of opposite color is usually a draw and when both sides have weak pawns one should not try for a big advantage.

One must be able to win a g ...[text shortened]... hese basic things and contact the Web site entry instructor😛 Mr. Gino Jay, at ginoj07@gmail.com
Then we would have no new players! Take it easy on them, eh?

My rules were reasonable at least.

Would you have got filter out on step 3 of my rules?

K + 2N vs K?

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Originally posted by RahimK
Then we would have no new players!
So you are saying that that there's nobody who can beat you at 2-minute-bullet, eh?


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Originally posted by GinoJ
So you are saying that that there's nobody who can beat you at 2-minute-bullet, eh?

One must know before joining this site that bishops of opposite color is usually a draw and when both sides have weak pawns one should not try for a big advantage.

One must be able to win a game easily when two pawns up and show it to the site admins in an example game before joining.

One must know that if a pawn up against a lone king and your king is in front of your pawn, it is a win.

One must know before registering that a knight ending is really a pawn ending.

One must know that with opposite colored bihops the attacking side has in effect an extra piece in the shape of his bishop.

A bit to much don't you think?

Would you have passed my K+2N vs K test?

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Originally posted by RahimK
Would you have passed my K+2N vs K test?
I have trouble even mating with two bishops.

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Originally posted by GinoJ
I have trouble even mating with two bishops.
Are you saying you would not pass my K + 2N vs K test?

Think carefully now.

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This is a chess site not a flippin doomsday cult. Believe you me if someone can stand 20 provisional games and not give up then they deserve to be a member.

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Originally posted by z00t
This is a chess site not a flippin doomsday cult. Believe you me if someone can stand 20 provisional games and not give up then they deserve to be a member.
Chess site? Have you read some of the general threads recently?

Just filtering the ____ out, who aren't here for the chess.

Make's it harder for those spammers to join also. Not a 1 minute process anymore.

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Astoundingly, I'm with z00t on this one. You two eejits can play away at your elitist BS. Remember that for most people chess is a game. When you pay the bills by playing chess you can start ranting about how great you are. Until then... hm... how can I say this without getting modded? Actually I can't. So instead I'll say "here's a quarter, buy a life."

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Originally posted by st00p1dfac3
Astoundingly, I'm with z00t on this one. You two eejits can play away at your elitist BS. Remember that for most people chess is a game. When you pay the bills by playing chess you can start ranting about how great you are. Until then... hm... how can I say this without getting modded? Actually I can't. So instead I'll say "here's a quarter, buy a life."
You would have got filter along with GinoJ I believe 😛


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Originally posted by RahimK
You would have got filter along with GinoJ I believe 😛

Your idea sucks. Just admit it and acknowledge it.

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They don't let anyone into elite schools do they?



The Solution to the K + 2N vs K is not to move any of the pieces. Players who touch any of the pieces and try to move them think that mate is possible 😕

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Originally posted by RahimK
They don't let anyone into elite schools do they?



The Solution to the K + 2N vs K is not to move any of the pieces. Players who touch any of the pieces and try to move them think that mate is possible 😕
RahimK,RahimK,RahimK; Surely you are Chessticulating!
RHP is not a chess academy! If it were , one should maybe have to take an entrance exam. You are an excellent player. I am scum, but i enjoy playing for fun. Your getting yourself in snotnose trouble again. Don't make me flip out! Please!

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Originally posted by smw6869
RahimK,RahimK,RahimK; Surely you are Chessticulating!
RHP is not a chess academy! If it were , one should maybe have to take an entrance exam. You are an excellent player. I am scum, but i enjoy playing for fun. Your getting yourself in snotnose trouble again. Don't make me flip out! Please!
Chess is not the problem.

The threads started by spammers who keep re-joining after getting the boot.

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