I've been awaiting for someone to challenge me on the 7 day ladder for over a week. There are numerous players below me with open games that need to challenge someone, but have sat there vacantly for weeks on end. There should be a requirement on the ladder that as soon as you finish a game as a challenger you have the same number of days to enter a challenge or you forfeit your position and revert to the bottom of the ladder. Also, it would be helpful if players had a final column at the right side of the ladder to post a brief comment, such as: "Hey there! I'm looking for a game. Hit me up!" . . . or something like that.
Ed AKA Frijole
Originally posted by FrijoleI don't see it that way. the idea of a ladder is to let players select who they will challenge. it worlks out to be a fair system. if you aren't getting challenges, it may just be that it's not worth the risk of their rating points to play you for the advancement they would get.
I've been awaiting for someone to challenge me on the 7 day ladder for over a week. There are numerous players below me with open games that need to challenge someone, but have sat there vacantly for weeks on end. There should be a requirement on the ladder that as soon as you finish a game as a challenger you have the same number of days to enter a challe ...[text shortened]... looking for a game. Hit me up!" . . . or something like that.
Ed AKA Frijole
Originally posted by coquetteCoquette: I can understand someone being a bit selective about who they challenge . . it's certainly risky to challenge someone rated way higher . . . but in my case, there are people below me on the ladder that are rated higher and have an open challenge window. In the past I have sent messages to those people and offered the opportunity of a match, if they were inclined, and I got responses to those messages and a game . . . but there seems to be a need for a better way. If it's a 7 day ladder, it seems to me that the longest a player should be idle is 7 days, otherwise the ladder is too stagnant. I have sat on #652 on the ladder for a week . . . nothing is happening. Maybe I'm just too antsy . . I enjoy meeting new folks on the ladder and am eager to play someone new. Oh well . . . I gave my suggestion . . I'm still happy to be here.
I don't see it that way. the idea of a ladder is to let players select who they will challenge. it worlks out to be a fair system. if you aren't getting challenges, it may just be that it's not worth the risk of their rating points to play you for the advancement they would get.
This is just CRAZY! I last posted on this subject in January and here it is MARCH and I'm still waiting for someone on the 7-day ladder to challenge me! I even sent a message to one guy who's rated WAY above me asking for him to give me a challenge, but no reply. Board Monitors: THIS HAS GOT TO BE FIXED! PEOPLE SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO JUST SIT THERE AND NOT ISSUE A CHALLENGE. PLEASE MAKE SOME KIND OF ADJUSTMENT. PLEASE!
The idea of a ladder is to move up. Not being challenged should not be such a problem 🙂
Worse is that games by inactive players don't get automatic timeouts, which really congests the ladder and frustrates.
See also Thread 137114
But principally I agree with you. Progression rhytm is ridicoulously slow for the motivated. Players inactive for X months should be relegated to the tail. Where they would be challenged by newcomers. Then they could leave, if no longer interested.