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Manage My Tournaments.

Manage My Tournaments.

Site Ideas

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I would like to be able to manage my own tournaments.
So it would be clear to me in which tournaments I'm still involved, and in which tournaments I no longer have a chance to win.
It would enable me to estimate in how many games I will be involved in the near future. ( When I progress to a next round in the tournament).

So: Could it be made possible to manage "My Tournaments" as it is possible to Manage My Games.......??

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Originally posted by Mafkees999
I would like to be able to manage my own tournaments.
So it would be clear to me in which tournaments I'm still involved, and in which tournaments I no longer have a chance to win.
It would enable me to estimate in how many games I will be involved in the near future. ( When I progress to a next round in the tournament).

So: Could it be made possible to manage "My Tournaments" as it is possible to Manage My Games.......??
Just create a folder and put all your tournament games into that folder

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Originally posted by adramforall
Just create a folder and put all your tournament games into that folder
You don't even need to do that - just filter on tournament games (click the little board icon between 'Game Id' and 'Opponent' column headings.

To the O.P. - what's wrong with the existing tournaments page? (The link is there just below the bar with your username in it at the top of the page) Click the links on the left of that page and you can see various views of tournaments you are in / have completed.

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Thread 83706

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Thanks John, all clear now.

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