i forgot what my rating was at when i first started this site. i'd really like to find out what my rating was and how my graph went so i can see all the progress i've made in the past few years. would that be possible to make? or could we have the lowest rating ever highest rating ever and the avarage rating? thanks
Originally posted by kmac27All new members here start provisionally at 1200.
i forgot what my rating was at when i first started this site. i'd really like to find out what my rating was and how my graph went so i can see all the progress i've made in the past few years. would that be possible to make? or could we have the lowest rating ever highest rating ever and the avarage rating? thanks
I have the opposite problem. My rating charts looks ridiculous due to my first 5 games - I got a ranking of 1800+ briefly but was soon back to 1400+ ... it will take me years to get up to the ranking i had after my second game! How can I prevent the first 5 games from being displayed. I dont need to tell you it is causing me some distress. 🙁
Originally posted by kmac27I heard that this was in the pipeline last year sometime.
why worry? when you are provisional you can go up very high. your points can fluxuate up to 200 pts a game. does it really matter what everyone else thinks? you know whether your improving or not.
It's a good idea.