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ratings calculator

ratings calculator

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Russ caould you include something like Roland Young's rating calculator to the page?
a link on each game page or the history or the pgn or.... please! 🙂

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Thanks for the compliment, but as I mention in this thread http://www.redhotpawn.com/board/showthread.php?threadid=15460 , it's greg's calculator, not mine. Credit where credit is due!

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Thanks for that Roland, that's great!

; D

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okay, thanks Greg for this wonderful tool! 🙂
And thanks Roland for hosting it! 🙂
But I think it would be even better if this was included diecetly in RHP.
so perhaps Russ hears me nagging... 😉

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Good grief thire! 😵 I really appreciate the enthusiasm with which you support these forums and the constructiveness of your suggestions, so I hope you won't mind me making one more try to put the story straight. 🙂

It's greg who hosted my PGN purifier. The rating calculator is his, and so are the web pages. When I offered to do the PGN purifier as a Perl program, he said "why not javascript" and I said "because I don't know javascript". So he said "I'll do the form and I'll host it, you write the bit to transform the PGN, here's a page that will tell you what you need to know". So that's what I did, and because I'm a professional programmer, I put a copyright statement into the code. Because he's also an IT professional, he made sure that my name appears on the PGN purifier page. Why he hasn't put his own name on the ratings calculator, I'm not sure, but there you are and everyone keeps giving me credit for his really useful calculator. 🙄

[edit] I nearly forgot to say that I agree that it would be a really good idea for Russ to host the calculator or post a link somewhere on the site. Actually, a links page would be handy in itself.

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Please do not misunderstand me: I like your and Greg's work and it's just perfect. But it should not be too sophisticted to make a ratingscalculator for Russ - perhaps he prefers to make his own on his own website.
Anyway - plase Russ give us such a tool (which we already have!) and make it easy-accesable 🙂

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I would certainly be happy for Russ to lift my code and host it here; I'm sure the same would go for Greg.

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Russ or Chris - any comments on this thread here?

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This has probably been asked before, but why can't the ratings be calculated on the ratings held at the beginning of the game, and not from that which occurs after a players computer has fouled up and his ratings have fallen WAY down because he had so many games to T O and rating has fallen so low. seems somehow very unfair the way it is now. Can this not be changed? Thanks for consideration.

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Please see my post at the bottom of this thread, Sorry, I didn't know how this posting works. Can this be done?

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Originally posted by Al Green
This has probably been asked before, but why can't the ratings be calculated on the ratings held at the beginning of the game, and not from that which occurs after a players computer has fouled up and his ratings have fallen WAY down because he had so many games to T O and rating has fallen so low. seems somehow very unfair the way it is now. Can this not be changed? Thanks for consideration.
It has indeed been asked before. The surprising thing is that it what seems such a logical suggestion would actually make things far worse.

Suppose someone with a rating of 1800 gets timed out in 50 games. If the effect on his rating was based on his original rating each time, and not the rating as affected by the previous timeouts, he gets hit for, let's say 50x20 points and his rating falls to 800. Now suppose he starts another bunch of games. Will his 1200-rated opponents be pleased about losing 29 or 30 points, instead of one point when they are beaten by someone with a natural 1800 rating? Probably not.

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