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Site Ideas




also what is BADLY BADLY needed in the INBOX list of opponents, besides each players name, is their rating; or even better, a separate column on the INBOX list for players ratings. that way we could select who to oppose next, based on his or her RATING, if desired. that would be just fantastic!😲🙄😵

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Originally posted by @brrr
also what is BADLY BADLY needed in the INBOX list of opponents, besides each players name, is their rating; or even better, a separate column on the INBOX list for players ratings. that way we could select who to oppose next, based on his or her RATING, if desired. that would be just fantastic!😲🙄😵
Can I suggest you join the new "beta" process for the update to the site UI? A good opportunity to make changes. Despite delays, this is nearly ready for test.

If you (or anyone else) would like to help out, just post your account name to this thread.

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Originally posted by @russ
Can I suggest you join the new "beta" process for the update to the site UI? A good opportunity to make changes. Despite delays, this is nearly ready for test.

If you (or anyone else) would like to help out, just post your account name to this thread.
What do the initials UI stand for?.
I only use the site on desktop PC so if it's to do with phones and things, I don't think I'd have much to contribute

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Originally posted by @venda
What do the initials UI stand for
User Interface. Applies to both desktop and mobile, though of course with responsive design the same UI will look different on both.

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as for helping out, how do I do that???

as for joining the beta test, how do i do that???

willing, but not able.... 😍

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Originally posted by @russ
Can I suggest you join the new "beta" process for the update to the site UI? A good opportunity to make changes. Despite delays, this is nearly ready for test.

If you (or anyone else) would like to help out, just post your account name to this thread.
I would be happy to help with beta testing. Thanks.

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Originally posted by @gedwin
I would be happy to help with beta testing. Thanks.
Thanks, now on the list.

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