A god kills billions of animals to get humans?

A god kills billions of animals to get humans?


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Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
17 Sep 13

Just exactly what kind of god, this supposedly loving god, would kill EVERY LAND ANIMAL on Earth except for the few lucky ones in the ark to get to a few thousand pesky idol worshiping nightly debauchery humans?

Why don't you think about exactly what that means for your god, to make BILLIONS of animals pay for the alleged sins of a few thousand humans.

Come on, don't you think that just a LITTLE ridiculous?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
17 Sep 13

Originally posted by sonhouse
Just exactly what kind of god, this supposedly loving god, would kill EVERY LAND ANIMAL on Earth except for the few lucky ones in the ark to get to a few thousand pesky idol worshiping nightly debauchery humans?

Why don't you think about exactly what that means for your god, to make BILLIONS of animals pay for the alleged sins of a few thousand humans.

Come on, don't you think that just a LITTLE ridiculous?
In war there is what is called collateral damage. We do not know how many animals were killed in the flood. You evilutionists always exaggerate these things. Anyway, we have plenty of animal kinds and varieties today. You liberals are okay with "the end justifies the means" when it supports what you want.

The Instructor

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
17 Sep 13
2 edits

Originally posted by RJHinds
In war there is what is called collateral damage. We do not know how many animals were killed in the flood. You evilutionists always exaggerate these things. Anyway, we have plenty of animal kinds and varieties today. You liberals are okay with "the end justifies the means" when it supports what you want.

The Instructor
So you think 3 miles of water won't kill all the land animals? Just which ones in your fantasy world do you desperately wish survives? Elephants? Would they just float? Does your delusion know no bounds?

So you figure your so-called Lord was waging WAR on those humans and oh well, touch shyte, all those BILLIONS of animals died.

So you figure 'the ends justify the means' makes it ok for a god to kill literally BILLIONS of animals to get to a few humans? To me that makes that god just another thug bully thrashing around to get its way.

If it was so omniscient why wouldn't it go, Hey I created all these beautiful creatures of the Earth, Elephants, Otters, mice, Turkeys, and so forth. Why should I kill my own creation to get back at a few humans. Therefore, ZIPP with his metaphoric hand, and 10,000 debaucherizing idol loving humans instantly turns to stone or dust or something.

THAT is what a real omniscient god would do, not your thug god needing millions of sycophants giving hosannahs 24/7.

Just exactly what kind of a god do you worship anyway? So it get pissed at a bunch of humans and the ones that pay are ALL the land animals? Get real.


29 Mar 09
17 Sep 13

Originally posted by sonhouse
Just exactly what kind of god, this supposedly loving god, would kill EVERY LAND ANIMAL on Earth except for the few lucky ones in the ark to get to a few thousand pesky idol worshiping nightly debauchery humans?

Why don't you think about exactly what that means for your god, to make BILLIONS of animals pay for the alleged sins of a few thousand humans.

Come on, don't you think that just a LITTLE ridiculous?
You make a good point there. As stated before in the science forum the idea of a hell fire is obviously a man made concept unless we are to believe god is pure evil. It speaks volumes about someone who would believe such things but nothing about a loving god. If a religious person truly believes in life hereafter, and goes along with the whole collateral damage is ok thing, and the concept of self sacrifice for others, then what keeps the crazies from killing babies before they can do something bad and guarantee them a shot at heaven? If it meant that the killer die or go to hell or whatever, why don't you see the self sacrifice made? Another thing is that someone would not risk getting caught shoplifting if there was a camera watching every move yet there is sure a lot of religious folks bumping uglies with people outside of their marriage. Does god not see all or is this belief system only good when it is convenient? If there is a judgement day I say good luck to those that have painted him so ugly. No wonder war is easily justifiable if god is willing to kill everyone and everything except a select few. War mongers!!!!!!


01 Jun 06
17 Sep 13

Originally posted by joe beyser
You make a good point there. As stated before in the science forum the idea of a hell fire is obviously a man made concept unless we are to believe god is pure evil. It speaks volumes about someone who would believe such things but nothing about a loving god. If a religious person truly believes in life hereafter, and goes along with the whole collateral ...[text shortened]... fiable if god is willing to kill everyone and everything except a select few. War mongers!!!!!!
I think I agree with all you say but I also love to see the other side (plus, i am more than a little drunk!)

It's always worth proof-reading your comments and ansuring they make absolute sense. Your post sounds a little rambling to me, in my inebriated state.

--- Penguin


01 Jun 06
17 Sep 13

Originally posted by Penguin
I think I agree with all you say but I also love to see the other side (plus, i am more than a little drunk!)

It's always worth proof-reading your comments and ensuring they make absolute sense. Your post sounds a little rambling to me, in my inebriated state.

--- Penguin


01 Jun 06
17 Sep 13

Originally posted by Penguin
Oops, something went wrong there. As I say, I am a bit rat-arsed.

-- Pen (hic!) guin

29 Dec 08
17 Sep 13

Originally posted by sonhouse
So you think 3 miles of water won't kill all the land animals? Just which ones in your fantasy world do you desperately wish survives? Elephants? Would they just float? Does your delusion know no bounds?

So you figure your so-called Lord was waging WAR on those humans and oh well, touch shyte, all those BILLIONS of animals died.

So you figure 'the end ...[text shortened]... it get pissed at a bunch of humans and the ones that pay are ALL the land animals? Get real.
Elephants can swim.

(ironic logo on clip.)

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
17 Sep 13
1 edit

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
17 Sep 13

Originally posted by JS357
Elephants can swim.


(ironic logo on clip.)
Yes, that is true but can they eat water for 40 days and 40 nights and survive?


29 Mar 09
17 Sep 13

Originally posted by Penguin
I think I agree with all you say but I also love to see the other side (plus, i am more than a little drunk!)

It's always worth proof-reading your comments and ansuring they make absolute sense. Your post sounds a little rambling to me, in my inebriated state.

--- Penguin
Another beer should take care of that. 🙂

29 Dec 08
18 Sep 13

Originally posted by sonhouse
Yes, that is true but can they eat water for 40 days and 40 nights and survive?
Maybe they quickly evolved into sea elephants.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
18 Sep 13

Originally posted by sonhouse
So you think 3 miles of water won't kill all the land animals? Just which ones in your fantasy world do you desperately wish survives? Elephants? Would they just float? Does your delusion know no bounds?

So you figure your so-called Lord was waging WAR on those humans and oh well, touch shyte, all those BILLIONS of animals died.

So you figure 'the end ...[text shortened]... it get pissed at a bunch of humans and the ones that pay are ALL the land animals? Get real.
You seem to forget that God had Noah build a very big Ark to save the animal kinds as well as the few worthy humans. If God had not intervened when He did there would have been no humans worthy to save.

The Instructor

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
18 Sep 13

Originally posted by joe beyser
You make a good point there. As stated before in the science forum the idea of a hell fire is obviously a man made concept unless we are to believe god is pure evil. It speaks volumes about someone who would believe such things but nothing about a loving god. If a religious person truly believes in life hereafter, and goes along with the whole collateral ...[text shortened]... fiable if god is willing to kill everyone and everything except a select few. War mongers!!!!!!
Hell fire is not obviously man-made. Man may imagine what spiritual things are like, but man was too innocent to think of such a thing on his own. So either God or Satan told man about such a place. That is the way I see it.

The Instructor

Child of the Novelty

San Antonio, Texas

08 Mar 04
18 Sep 13

Originally posted by RJHinds
You seem to forget that God had Noah build a very big Ark to save the animal kinds as well as the few worthy humans. If God had not intervened when He did there would have been no humans worthy to save.
The Instructor
Yes, yes. An ark filled with every single species which ever lived on the planet. And some super duper magic road for all those dinosaurs to walk back to South and North America. It was a lot of dinosaurs. Quite impossible for that little boat to carry all species. Maybe they were just dino eggs and god hatched them and then built the super duper magic road for them to walk half way across the planet. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄