"And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?"
Revelation 6:15-17
Originally posted by Ullryes, its a great pity ol Jefferson and ol Bernard Shaw uttered such nonsense, had they understood it i am quite sure they would not have uttered those statements, as for Shaw, his take on religion was, 'I am a millionaire, that is my religion', yes indeed, how very profound old Shaw was, better stick to writing fiction Mr. Shaw, its seems to be what you are good at.
To quote Thomas Jefferson the Book of Revelation is:
"merely the ravings of a maniac, no more worthy nor capable of explanation than the incoherences of our own nightly dreams."
and George Bernard Shaw:
"a peculiar record of the visions of a drug addict".
I couldn't agree more.
Originally posted by FabianFnasAgreed. It's apalling.
I see Revelations as the worst part of the bible. It is more or less like Nostradamus, and/or fantasies and hallucinations. Bible would be better without it.
I mean it's in the New Testament yet it has nothing to do whatsoever with the teachings of Jesus. It is nothing more than an instrument of fear mongering for the institution of Christianity.
Originally posted by FabianFnasNothing could be further from the truth, the very first prophecy contained in scripture finds its fulfilment in revelation forming a complete and harmonious whole. I doubt those whop criticise it have ever even read it. It contains much that is valuable for Christians.
I see Revelations as the worst part of the bible. It is more or less like Nostradamus, and/or fantasies and hallucinations. Bible would be better without it.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieNostradamus' foretellings are of the same style. You have to make heavy interpretations to make them work.
Nothing could be further from the truth, the very first prophecy contained in scripture finds its fulfilment in revelation forming a complete and harmonious whole. I doubt those whop criticise it have ever even read it. It contains much that is valuable for Christians.
Originally posted by FabianFnasno they are not and no you dont, there a a plethora of scriptures quoted in the book of revelation which are also quoted in the Hebrew and Greek portions of scripture, that a person does not understand this nor how they harmonise with the rest of the ancient text is hardly a prerequisite for saying that they are hallucinations, scaremongering etc etc indeed i notice that not one portion of scripture has been proffered to support any of the sceptics claims.
Nostradamus' foretellings are of the same style. You have to make heavy interpretations to make them work.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieYou know Robbie, nobody is trying to deny Christians their "end of the current world as we know it" myth/prophesy. After all you're not the only ones that have one. But when it's used by people like Josephw to try and instill fear into people then you kind of have to expect people to take exception to that.
no they are not and no you dont, there a a plethora of scriptures quoted in the book of revelation which are also quoted in the Hebrew and Greek portions of scripture, that a person does not understand this nor how they harmonise with the rest of the ancient text is hardly a prerequisite for saying that they are hallucinations, scaremongering etc et ...[text shortened]... tice that not one portion of scripture has been proffered to support any of the sceptics claims.
Originally posted by Ullryes Ullr, but dont you think that Joseph is simply trolling the forum, as his continual and in my opinion rather insipid attacks of atheism have shown? What he fails to understand is how this type of misuse and misapplication of scripture can possibly adorn the teaching of the Christ? its not the texts fault, for there are many beautiful visions contained therein, as well as some terrible ones, never the less, what he hopes to accomplish with as you rightly describe as scaremongering, i can only surmise, Indeed, I cannot think of one instance in which Christ tried to motivate others through a morbid fear of consequences.
You know Robbie, nobody is trying to deny Christians their "end of the current world as we know it" myth/prophesy. After all you're not the only ones that have one. But when it's used by people like Josephw to try and instill fear into people then you kind of have to expect people to take exception to that.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieAnd the same goes for the prophecies of Nostradamus. So say the believers. Samo, samo.
no they are not and no you dont, there a a plethora of scriptures quoted in the book of revelation which are also quoted in the Hebrew and Greek portions of scripture, that a person does not understand this nor how they harmonise with the rest of the ancient text is hardly a prerequisite for saying that they are hallucinations, scaremongering etc et ...[text shortened]... tice that not one portion of scripture has been proffered to support any of the sceptics claims.