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Beyond OSAS

Beyond OSAS


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I am going to coin a new acronym - OSED

It stands for Once Saved Eventually Deified

I call this concept beyond the eternal security of OSAS because it more emphasis the PURPOSE of God in saving man. He does not save sinners just for the sake of saving sinners.

Succinctly, the Bible concludes with a marriage of God's people to Himself as a Bride and Wife - the New Jerusalem. Once saved our destiny is to be in that corporate entity that matches Christ and is worthy to marry God.

"And he showed me the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." (Rev. 21:2)

God's full salvation brings human beings into a collective and corporate entity that deified, made God in life and nature (but not in the Godhead). She is made ready to correspond to God, match God, be a counterpart to God, be a "romantic" other of Christ.

Once Saved Eventually Deified.

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Originally posted by sonship
I am going to coin a new acronym - OSED

It stands for [b]Once Saved Eventually Deified

I call this concept beyond the eternal security of OSAS because it more emphasis the PURPOSE of God in saving man. He does not save sinners just for the sake of saving sinners.

Succinctly, the Bible concludes with a marriage of God's people to H ...[text shortened]... e a "romantic" other of Christ.

Once Saved Eventually Deified.[/b]
It definitely changes the original focus.
The OSAS concept was in response to the general lack of understanding (and/or overgrown ignorance) the church suffered from as a result of what eventually became the Dark Ages.
Hard to get too mad at us plebs, though: during His time here on earth, His disciples alternated between trying to establish His kingdom via force or completely abandoning Him.
Afterwards, Paul was chief in articulating the work which the Christ had performed and the purposes thereof.
And yet even his work was beset with needing to address the pettiness of everyday life among the Early Church.

Makes you wonder if we're going to get it even when there is no other competing reality!

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Originally posted by sonship
I am going to coin a new acronym - OSED

It stands for [b]Once Saved Eventually Deified

I call this concept beyond the eternal security of OSAS because it more emphasis the PURPOSE of God in saving man. He does not save sinners just for the sake of saving sinners.

Succinctly, the Bible concludes with a marriage of God's people to H ...[text shortened]... e a "romantic" other of Christ.

Once Saved Eventually Deified.[/b]
The phrases you use, marry, etc., which the bible also uses, are figurative. I simply say God made mankind to love Him the same way Jesus did. It is a two way relationship.
Simply put, for those like me, uneducated, God loves us more than we can comprehend and we are to love Him as only Jesus has.

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Once saved we are destined to be eventually deified.

1.) Why did Jesus tell us "You shall be perfect even as your heavenly Father is perfect " (Matt. 5:48) ?

It is because God's life and salvation, He knows, has the power to bring us into deification - to match God in His communicable attributes.

2.) Why does Jesus tell the Father that His petition is that the disciples eventually be where He is to behold His glory?

He asks in the mighty prayer of John 17:

" Father, concerning that which You have given Me, I desire that they also may be with Me where I am. that they may behold My glory, which You have given Me before the foundation of the world." (John 17:24)

To be with Him where He is is to be made like Him- the mingling of God and man. And this was God's eternal purpose, which He purposed "before the foundation of the world". Ie. that is before the creation of the universe.

So Once Saved Eventually Defied. What did you think He meant by "be with me where I am" ?

3.) Once Saved Eventually Deified. For His salvation will perfect oneness with the Triune God.

"And the glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one even as We are one.

I in them, and You in Me, that they may be perfected into one, that the world may know that You have sent Me and have loved them even as You have loved Me.

Father ..., I desire that they also may be with Me where I am, ..." (See John 17:22-24a)

In other words God's salvation brings man into a state in which to see this collective entity is to see God and man united.

4.) Paul says we believers were predestinated unto sonship before the foundation of the world - to be "holy and without blemish before Him, in love."

"Even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blemish before Him in love,

Predestinating us to sonship through Jesus Christ to Himself , according to the good pleasure of His will." (Eph. 1:4,5)

Can you see how all this is leading up to the New Jerusalem coming out of God as her source and brought back to Christ as His matching Bride ?

This is God's eternal purpose purposed in His good pleasure before the foundation of the world, meaning before the creation of the universe.

Now you can get a hint as to why the universe looks so purposeful in its design. Once saved we are destined to eventual deification - made to match God in life and nature (but not in His Headship).


Originally posted by checkbaiter
The phrases you use, marry, etc., which the bible also uses, are figurative. I simply say God made mankind to love Him the same way Jesus did. It is a two way relationship.
Simply put, for those like me, uneducated, God loves us more than we can comprehend and we are to love Him as only Jesus has.
It's more like Once saved, you must be in a pickle jar because ubadeah, that's all folks.


Originally posted by sonship
I am going to coin a new acronym - OSED

It stands for [b]Once Saved Eventually Deified

I call this concept beyond the eternal security of OSAS because it more emphasis the PURPOSE of God in saving man. He does not save sinners just for the sake of saving sinners.

Succinctly, the Bible concludes with a marriage of God's people to H ...[text shortened]... e a "romantic" other of Christ.

Once Saved Eventually Deified.[/b]
I would have thought this sort of belief would be sacrilege for a Christian. Would not this bring a 2nd deity into existence?

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Originally posted by checkbaiter
The phrases you use, marry, etc., which the bible also uses, are figurative.

We must consider which is more real.
The human marriage is a union lasting only ideally through a human life time.

The marriage of God and man in Revelation 21,22 is for ETERNITY.

Which is the figure and which is the REALITY of a figure ?

I simply say God made mankind to love Him the same way Jesus did. It is a two way relationship.


I agree. And He obtains that mankind in New Jerusalem.
She is the consummation of all His will.

I would advize some newcomers to the Bible to first read Revelation 21,22. And then go back to Genesis to read through the entire Bible. They should keep in mind - New Jerusalem is the goal, the climax. Everything in the Bible is going in the direction of these last two chapters.

This is what it is all for - creation, fall, redemption, salvation, forgiveness, eternal life, etc. It is all for obtaining this humanity perfected to match Christ and be joined to Christ as His Wife.

I ask. A human wife is for a brief lifetime. Christ's Wife is forever and ever. Which then is more real ? Which is a figure and which it the real reality that the figure points towards ?

Simply put, for those like me, uneducated, God loves us more than we can comprehend and we are to love Him as only Jesus has.


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Originally posted by BigDoggProblem
I would have thought this sort of belief would be sacrilege for a Christian. Would not this bring a 2nd deity into existence?
I would have thought this sort of belief would be sacrilege for a Christian. Would not this bring a 2nd deity into existence?

It is the one and only Deity DISPENSING His life and nature into man. God's life is dispensable.

This is the strong hint we have in Genesis 3 where man is created and placed before "the tree of life".

It is God imparting those communicable attributes of His very life into man.

Your point is a good one and is really the crux of what we need to understand.

The Holy Spirit of the Three-One God is the ultimate REACHING of God INTO Man in order to dispense Himself into man. This is why the Spirit and the Bride are said to speak together in harmony.

"And the Spirit and the Bride say, Come! ... " (Rev. 22:17a)

You would think that it should say the Bridegroom and the Bride speak. But it says "the Spirit and the Bride" speak.

That is because the Bridegroom Jesus Christ has become the indwelling Spirit in the church. The Spirit is the final reaching of God into man to mingle humanity with divinity. The Bride matches Christ the Son of God because the life of Christ is thoroughly dispensed as the Spirit INTO the Bride.

Now let's look at the whole verse.

"And the Spirit and the Bride say Come! And let him who hears say, Come! And let him who is thirsty come; let him who wills take the water of life freely." (Rev. 22:17)

The water of life is also the Spirit of Jesus Christ dispensing God into man, quenching all man's thirst for life.

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ANDOriginally posted by FreakyKBH
It definitely changes the original focus.

Think of that mighty prayer of Jesus in John 17. That prayer must be answered. It is awesome. And Revelation 21 and 22 is the full fulfillment of Christ's petition to His Father before He went to the cross.

It is good now for Christians to prayer - "Lord Jesus, Let Your focus now be my focus. Why then did you save me Lord ?"

The OSAS concept was in response to the general lack of understanding (and/or overgrown ignorance) the church suffered from as a result of what eventually became the Dark Ages.


Yes. It is the cry of Justification by Faith. And we still need in some quarters to fight for it.

But for WHAT is the fallen man Justified ?
Let us turn our focus on that as well.

It is not just for millions of individual saved good people.
God is preparing a Wife and Bride for the Godman Jesus Christ.

Hard to get too mad at us plebs, though: during His time here on earth, His disciples alternated between trying to establish His kingdom via force or completely abandoning Him.


The time for His servants to fight in that sense will come. It is not now. Now is the time to fight for our spirit where the Spirit of Jesus is. Now is our time to fight to live the all-inclusive Christ.

In Revelation 19 His bride accompanies Him to Armageddon. At that time we who are blessed to be rewarded with that honor, will fight with Him in the physical sense.

" These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and they who are with Him, the called and chosen and faithful, will also overcome them. " (Rev. 17:14)

Today we should fight to enjoy Jesus in our spirit.
We should fight our own old man and fight to experience Christ.

This will be rewarded in the future with fighting the enemies of God to take back planet for the will of God. But in this age our fight is not against flesh and blood. We wrestle in spiritual warfare our own fallen selves in order to let Christ live out from us. And we fight the principalities and powers in the heavenlies.

Please notice that verse 14 says that those accompanying Christ are:

1.) Called
2.) Chosen
3.) Faithful

We must add to our being called and chosen FAITHFULNESS. God is faithful. He will reward some who are faithful to the faithful God.

These the book of Revelation 2 3 calls those [b]"who overcome."
. That means NORMAL. By God's grace it should be normal that we Christians overcome.

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Afterwards, Paul was chief in articulating the work which the Christ had performed and the purposes thereof.


Yes. He said he completed the word of God ( Colossians 1:25) .

And yet even his work was beset with needing to address the pettiness of everyday life among the Early Church.

The local churches were not a utopia. But we need a recovery of the local churches and with a vision of the final consummation.


Makes you wonder if we're going to get it even when there is no other competing reality!

Some will overcome. And that the gates of Hades will not prevail against the church which He builds will not fail to be a fulfilled prophecy.

What is good is to contemplate HOW Jesus fulfilled prophecy in His FIRST coming. Some aspects of it will be the same as when He comes in His second coming.

Then we should pray - "Lord I want to be in the Bride at your coming. Lord I want the high calling. I want to attain the out-resurrection. I know I will be resurrected. But I seek with Paul the out- resurrection of reward."

And something like this we should pray not simply for ourselves. It is right to pray according to His will.

I believe it was sister M.E Barber who wrote - "I want nothing for myself. I want everything for the Lord." .

May God obtain such hearts for His coming back in these last days.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
It's more like Once saved, you must be in a pickle jar because ubadeah, that's all folks.

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Originally posted by Suzianne

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Because Christ is the High Priest with an indestructible life He is able to intercede to the Father as long as He lives. And He is able to save us from the guttermost to the uttermost.

"But He, because He abides forever has His priesthood unalterable.

Hence also He is able to save to the uttermost those who come forward to God through Him, since He lives always to intercede for them." (Hebrews 7:24,25)

He is interceding for His people all the way into the New Jerusalem being the match and counterpart of Himself. What powerful and faithful intercession.

He intercedes for the saints according to the eternal plan of God.

" But He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to God." (Rom. 8:27)

Once saved, deification is the goal of Christ's intercession for us and in us.

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Originally posted by sonship
I am going to coin a new acronym - OSED

It stands for [b]Once Saved Eventually Deified

I call this concept beyond the eternal security of OSAS because it more emphasis the PURPOSE of God in saving man. He does not save sinners just for the sake of saving sinners.

Succinctly, the Bible concludes with a marriage of God's people to H ...[text shortened]... e a "romantic" other of Christ.

Once Saved Eventually Deified.[/b]
I fail to see Jesus giving everyone go sin its no big deal message at any time ever.
I think for those that wish to remain in their sins and not follow God this message OSAS will
without a doubt tickle their ears.

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Because God is the Governor of the whole creation of time and space, He alone has the sovereign authority to cause all things to work together for the fulfillment of His eternal purpose.

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

This is why thanksgiving in all of the Christian's circumstances is a exercise in faith. By praise and thanksgiving in all situations, we acknowledge the truth that God is able to cause everything to work together for good that we be deified and conformed to the image of Christ, the FIrstborn Son of God.

"Because those whom He foreknew He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the FIrstborn among many brothers.

And those whom He predestinated, these He also called; and those whom He called, these He also justified; and those whom He justified, these He also glorified." (Rom. 8:29,30)

Once saved our destiny marked out beforehand by God is to be made like Christ as brothers to the Firstborn Son.

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