Bigotry and Human Evolution

Bigotry and Human Evolution


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Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
21 Feb 22
3 edits


I don't know who that person is. I'll look it up.

But, Right out the shoot the Bible says that man (men and women) - all of them were made in the image of God and in the likeness of God.

From there Genesis 1:26,27 the essential equal dignity, worth, value of ALL human beings on the planet is derived.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
21 Feb 22
1 edit

Now, the oldest writing in the Bible is the book of Job. Its writing predates Genesis.

In this oldest book there is Job the wealthy man saying his servants were equal to him thier master in human dignity because of God. Can you locate a earlier writing which expresses such a thought as this?

"If I have denied justice to my menservants and maidservants when they had a greviance against me, what will I do when God confronts me? What shall I answer when called to account? Did not he who made me in the womb ,ake then? Did not the same one form us both within our mthers?" (Job 31:13-15 NIV)

This is a very ancient document showing equality of dignity in human beings even uttered by one wealthy owner of servants.

I challenge you to find an older text affirming such equality of all people.
Now, you might just find one. But I think the point stands. At Abraham's time, before Mt. Sinai and the law of Moses, men recognized God had bestowed dignity on all races and all people.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
21 Feb 22

IF anyone wanted tyo push back they could say "What about the Jews as God's chisen race? Huh ?? "

That would keep me busy this morning.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 Feb 22

@avalanchethecat said
We're smarter than rats, but one could argue that rats are the more successful species.
We do all manner of things to rats to learn about life, is there a valid evolutionary reason not to do that to people?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 Feb 22

@avalanchethecat said
Of course. Homo sapiens sapiens.
Some have used this to make distinctions in the human race.

Jack Torrance

Overlook Hotel

04 Feb 11
21 Feb 22

@sonship said
Now, the oldest writing in the Bible is the book of Job. Its writing predates Genesis.

In this oldest book there is Job the wealthy man saying his servants were equal to him thier master in human dignity because of God. Can you locate a earlier writing which expresses such a thought as this?

[b]"If I have denied justice to my menservants and ...[text shortened]... Mt. Sinai and the law of Moses, men recognized God had bestowed dignity on all races and all people.
My slaves are equal to me.
Nice oxymoron.

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
21 Feb 22

@kellyjay said
We do all manner of things to rats to learn about life, is there a valid evolutionary reason not to do that to people?
A valid evolutionary reason? I don't think so. Good moral reasons not to, but then, there are good moral reasons not to do the things to rats that we do.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 Feb 22

@avalanchethecat said
A valid evolutionary reason? I don't think so. Good moral reasons not to, but then, there are good moral reasons not to do the things to rats that we do.
You suggesting evolution and morality are not related?

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
21 Feb 22

@kellyjay said
You suggesting evolution and morality are not related?
Hmm... No, they are related, insofar as one has evidently led to the other.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
21 Feb 22
1 edit


My slaves are equal to me.
Nice oxymoron.

Indentured servitude usually in the ancient NE world.

Now, if you have children, you would say that in no way your children were
equal to you?

Is there worth less?
Is their human dignity less?
Is their instrinsic human worth less?

If you were an emplyer would you argue that in no way are your employees equal
to you?

The passage I quoted may not have meant they were of equal hieght, or weight, or in possession of wealth or things. The passage indicated they were of equal dignity and worthy of equal fairness (especially in rights).


15 Jun 10
21 Feb 22

@sonship said

My slaves are equal to me.
Nice oxymoron.

Indentured servitude usually in the ancient NE world.

Now, if you have children, you would say that in no way your children were
equal to you?

Is there worth less?
Is their human dignity less?
Is their instrinsic human worth less?

If you were ...[text shortened]... he passage indicated they were of equal dignity and worthy of equal fairness (especially in rights).
What have children got to do with slaves?

In an employment, i.e. master/servant context which you are talking about, of course employer and employee aren't 'equal', since one employs the other.

Dignified slavery is still slavery.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
22 Feb 22

@avalanchethecat said
We're smarter than rats, but one could argue that rats are the more successful species.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
22 Feb 22

@avalanchethecat said
Hmm... No, they are related, insofar as one has evidently led to the other.
Yes, I heard that before but never cared for how some suggested that happen. That would be like a computer simply knowing how to handle a new device added to it without the software also being added.


08 Mar 11
22 Feb 22

@sonship said
Indentured servitude usually in the ancient NE world.

Now, if you have children, you would say that in no way your children were
equal to you?

Is there worth less?
Is their human dignity less?
Is their instrinsic human worth less?

If you were an emplyer would you argue that in no way are your employees equal
to you?

...[text shortened]... he passage indicated they were of equal dignity and worthy of equal fairness (especially in rights).
The Bible makes clear distinctions between slaves and servants. Jews could only be indentured servants; anyone else could be slaves.

You and other Christians here have (wrongly) tried to claim those terms were interchangeable so you can argue slaves were treated "nicely".

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
22 Feb 22

@kellyjay said
Yes, I heard that before but never cared for how some suggested that happen. That would be like a computer simply knowing how to handle a new device added to it without the software also being added.
I would say, if you look around at how creatures and humans in particular interact and behave towards each other, the rules and customs followed (and not followed) are much more like something haphazardly arisen and evolved than software installed by a perfect creator.