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Calling out Science...

Calling out Science...


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hey you scumbag, factual, logical piece of nonsense! science must not exist because if it did, science would have thrown a lightening bolt at me right now where i stand...

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Originally posted by EcstremeVenom
hey you scumbag, factual, logical piece of nonsense! science must not exist because if it did, science would have thrown a lightening bolt at me right now where i stand...
Science doesn't have the power to cast lightning bolts. Science is a method of investigation.

God on the other hand, apparently does have these abilities.

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Originally posted by scottishinnz
Science doesn't have the power to cast lightning bolts. Science is a method of investigation.

God on the other hand, apparently does have these abilities.
Yes he does, but his power to love is his greatest.

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Originally posted by josephw
Yes he does, but his power to love is his greatest.
As evidence by the way he sends people to hell.

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Originally posted by scottishinnz
As evidence by the way he sends people to hell.
Actually by the way He made for people to avoid hell.

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Originally posted by scottishinnz
As evidence by the way he sends people to hell.
God justifies the ungodly. But if one refuses his gift of eternal life, then one dies in their sins.

And by the way. I didn't make the rules. I believe in God, and I believe in his word the bible. Nowhere in the bible do I find instructions for me to hate anyone or get pleasure in their death.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
Actually by the way He made for people to avoid hell.
So he's not omniscient then?

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Originally posted by scottishinnz
Science doesn't have the power to cast lightning bolts. Science is a method of investigation.

God on the other hand, apparently does have these abilities.
Didn't this Popperian assessment of science become supplanted with Kuhn's paradigmatic revolutions or have I been away from grad school too long?

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Originally posted by demonseed
Didn't this Popperian assessment of science become supplanted with Kuhn's paradigmatic revolutions or have I been away from grad school too long?
I love your avatar. Scientists drive me nuts. 😉

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Originally posted by demonseed
Didn't this Popperian assessment of science become supplanted with Kuhn's paradigmatic revolutions or have I been away from grad school too long?
I think Popper and Khan are working to different time scales, is all.

Khan is talking more about how ideas develop over long time scales, and his work equally applies (in my limited understanding) to religion or anything else.

Popper sets our rules on how the individual should approach science.

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Originally posted by scottishinnz
Science doesn't have the power to cast lightning bolts.
Tesla had that power.


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Originally posted by scottishinnz
Science doesn't have the power to cast lightning bolts. Science is a method of investigation.

God on the other hand, apparently does have these abilities.
That's true, but esctreme venom could always stick a fork in an outlet or his tongue in a light socket.

I vote light socket.

I also request that he have a loved one, incase ecstreme venom doesn't survive, video tape it and post it on youtube for our entertainment.

thank you esctreme venom and good bye

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Originally posted by jonas555
That's true, but esctreme venom could always stick a fork in an outlet or his tongue in a light socket.

I vote light socket.

I also request that he have a loved one, incase ecstreme venom doesn't survive, video tape it and post it on youtube for our entertainment.

thank you esctreme venom and good bye

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Originally posted by KellyJay
Actually by the way He made for people to avoid hell.
Ah, not being QUITE omniscient enough to simply banish hell.
BTW why would this god allow old people to deteriorate to such an extent they no longer have minds but the body still goes on for decades more, maybe even to 110 years but that body not having a mind for the past 40? Or allowing a 3 year old girl to get cancer of the vagina? Such a loving god, eh.

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