Conflict between Mormon and Biblical teachings

Conflict between Mormon and Biblical teachings


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San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
22 May 19

@eladar said

I do not think Mormons really worry aboit the regression. Immediately? Most likely our God the father.
So just asking but God told this human that he is a God now also? Didn't understand your answer.


12 Jul 08
22 May 19


I am guessing being put into his own universe and being told.


28 Oct 05
23 May 19

@philokalia said
No, no, no, you posted at me some disgusting question like "do you ever get drunk before you post here...? Alcohol on the breath, after throwing back a few drinks..." etc.

I distinctly remember it.
Yeah, in a conversation where you were boasting about having had a bottle of vodka and six beers and you were trying to invite yourself to Indonesia to stay with me? Drunkenness is not the same as alcoholism. And posting drunk is not a licence to post like a jerk.


28 Oct 05
23 May 19

@philokalia said
I wouldn't be surprised if you deleted it, and God knows I'm not going to spend my morning digging for a post that occurred over a year ago.
I only delete posts when I have double posted.


28 Oct 05
23 May 19
1 edit

@philokalia said
Like it or not, people are going to talk garbage on the internet because words don't really matter as much as you think they do here.
So why does this 'like it or not' declaration not apply to me in your mind? You have described my posting as "garbage", after all. My words don't really matter as much as you think they do here, right? So why are you so obsessed with me?

S. Korea

03 Jun 17
23 May 19

Nah man, I am not obsessed. I am just engaging the content you post -- you are in every thread, and that's great. Why you gotta act so prickly about criticisms?

And no -- it was days afterwards that you brought this all up again, and in a different thread. And it is something that you still bring up.

I think neither of us should be bothered by what people posted on an internet forum & we should both grow up and move on. I only bring it up because I think it would be appropriate for me to lord this over your head while you lord everything else over other people's heads.

Just relax, FMF. Romans posted insults & trolled you on the forum in a way that's more blunt than how you troll others. It's not a big deal.

None of this matters - it's just for fun.

16 Feb 08
23 May 19

@philokalia said
I did not see everything that Romans did. And one thing I do know: you latch onto small details for years & blow them out of proportion. You do this with me regularly -- to what extent are your characterizations perfectly accurate? No idea.

But I do know what I saw: Romans single-handedly trolling the pants off of both of you & Dive, and I found it to be funny in the sense that the threads were utterly defined by you interrogating anyone you didn't like.
You didn’t need to “see everything [Romans1009] did” because he had a short portfolio of posts 50% of which were laced with paedophilic inferences.

The reason you liked him is because he trolled your key detractors so you saw him as a sort of enemy-of-your-enemies. Your support of him then and now is not based on any intellectual quality of his posting as there wasn’t any.


28 Oct 05
23 May 19

@philokalia said
Romans posted insults & trolled you on the forum in a way that's more blunt than how you troll others. It's not a big deal.

None of this matters - it's just for fun.
So why then do you stalk me from thread to thread giving advice about my posting?


28 Oct 05
23 May 19

@philokalia said
Romans posted insults & trolled you on the forum in a way that's more blunt than how you troll others.
But you didn't stalk Romans1009 from thread to thread giving him advice about how his posting was detrimental to the community here.

S. Korea

03 Jun 17
23 May 19

It's not stalking so don't accuse me of doing that. I'm just posting around. In fact, my biggest posts recently are over in the Debates forum.

I don't really want to talk about Romans stuff. It's all in the past. But, if you want to share your pain about Romans, I will listen.

I'm very sorry that his words cut you so deeply but it's time to move on.


28 Oct 05
23 May 19

@philokalia said
It's not stalking so don't accuse me of doing that.
It's exactly what it is. It's what you do ~ and the topic, more often than not [and I mean, we're talking about an absolutely absurd proportion of your SF posts] is little more than your obsessive content-free disapproval of my posting style, dozens and dozens of posts saying you are going to ignore me, but there you are, again and again, gagging for my attention. It's stalking. By contrast, I do not stalk you.

16 Feb 08
23 May 19

@philokalia said
I don't really want to talk about Romans stuff. It's all in the past. But, if you want to share your pain about Romans, I will listen.
I'm very sorry that his words cut you so deeply but it's time to move on.
You brought the banned member Romans1009’s posting up when you publicly declared him to be one of the best posters on the site. We can move on when we are all done discussing your topic and your favourite poster.


28 Oct 05
23 May 19
1 edit

@philokalia said
I'm very sorry that his words cut you so deeply but it's time to move on.
Romans1009 was a ludicrous, vacuous creep. His efforts to create "fun" content that you approve of got him banned by the site. Ghost of a Duke and divegeester and I are still here, part of a community that your 'Best Poster on the Spirituality Forum' was trying to destroy.

I don't really want to talk about Romans stuff.

Of course, you don't. But we know now that his posting was creating the kind of forum you like and endorse.

Were you thumbing him up when he accused Ghost of a Duke of lying about his background for the 300th time across 20 or 30 threads even after Ghost of a Duke hadn't addressed him for two or three months?

Who is the next creep you are going to endorse?

Of course, you don't really want to talk about Romans1009. Of course not.


28 Oct 05
23 May 19

@philokalia said
I don't really want to talk about Romans stuff.
You liked his posting.

You don't like my posting.

It's potentially going to come up every time you say you wish I posted in a way you like.

S. Korea

03 Jun 17
23 May 19

@divegeester said
You brought the banned member Romans1009’s posting up when you publicly declared him to be one of the best posters on the site. We can move on when we are all done discussing your topic and your favourite poster.
I forget that the internet posts of Romans also hurt you.

Sorry about that man, but this is just the internet.

I think we can drop Romans. I think that's very old news.

But if you want to share some stories of your pain and hardship and how Romans hurt you, if you want to talk about it more... Idk, sure. I'll read and comment.