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Does a Christian embrace his humanity?

Does a Christian embrace his humanity?


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A certain interesting challenge was made to me by kevcvs57.

Embrace your humanity and the beauty of simply existing before it’s too late.

Do you think a follower of Jesus embraces his humanity or does not embrace his humanity?

I take the challenge. I say to believe in Christ and His salvation is the best way to embrace your humanity.

Why would not being a Christian be more of an acceptance of one's humanity ?

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Embrace your humanity and the beauty of simply existing before it’s too late.

Well Kevcvs57, there is according to my faith the prospect, possibility, and even inevitability that my humanity will be eternally like that humanity of Jesus Christ.

His purpose is that I would be CONFORMED to the image of the Firstborn Son of God. In this process of this conformation the humanity I am owning is more and more being made like the humanity Jesus owns.

I consider the humanity of Jesus to be at the top of the most noble, highest, most perfect humanity that has EVER EXISTED. He is the perfect man.

Why should not be embracing what His salvation is working into my being?
Why should I not be embracing what the being a lover of Jesus is wrought-ing into me along with millions of other believers?

" . . . to those who are called according to His purpose. Because those who He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the FIrstborn among many brothers." (Rom. 8:28b,29)



Embrace your humanity and the beauty of simply existing before it’s too late.

Does "embrace your humanity and the beauty of simply existing" mean that I should tolerate the tendency in me to commit sins, transgressions, offenses, and iniquity?

These MAR the beauty of my being created "in the image of God" (Gen 1:26)

These blemishes of moral character DEFILE the beauty of my created humanity. Should I learn to embrace these failures and fallings as beautiful ?



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I wouldn't worry about it. This thread may become a good place where a returning troll like you is liable to make a point of the pitfalls of a anti-theistic self loathing humanity without me.


@sonship said

I wouldn't worry about it. This thread may become a good place where a returning troll like you is liable to make a point of the pitfalls of a anti-theistic self loathing humanity without me.
To be fair, he’s not the poster commenting negatively on your somewhat overbearing presence in this forum.

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@sonship said
A certain interesting challenge was made to me by kevcvs57.

Embrace your humanity and the beauty of simply existing before it’s too late.

Do you think a follower of Jesus embraces his humanity or does not embrace his humanity?

I take the challenge. I say to believe in Christ and His salvation is the best way to embrace your humanity.

Why would not being a Christian be more of an acceptance of one's humanity ?
Why would it. You see your humanity as the creation or programming of a higher being rather than one of the universes best ( possibly only ) option for self awareness.

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Why would it. You see your humanity as the creation or programming of a higher being rather than one of the universes best ( possibly only ) option for self awareness.

Our dignity as created beings is derived from our Creator, the Source of honor, beauty, dignity, value, and all eternal worth.

Right here is the origin of our preciousness and value, that God, after creating all other things and lives, had a special council in His triunity. He got more intimately involved then He did in the creation of all other things, including the angels.

In everything else He just said "Let there be . . . " But when it came to humanity God became more intimately and purposely involved -

"And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness . . . " (Gen 1:26)

Then like no other creature God invested human beings with deputy authority over all His creation.

" . . . in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of heaven and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping then that creeps upon the earth."

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There is nothing else on the planet like a human being.
There is nothing else ANYWHERE as far as we have yet seen, in all the cosmos, as a
human being.

God incarnated as a man. Man is the center of creation and the Son of God Jesus Christ is the center of humanity. God did not incarnate as a dolphin or a chimpanzee, as interesting as they are. He became a man in Christ.

Our dignity as creations derives from:
1.) We were created especially by God in His image and according to His likeness.

2.) God became a man like us. That is that we might be further united and reconciled to Him in eternal life and glory.

If you were to re-run the evolution accidental lucky paradigm back to start all over again, something completely different would happen. For it is based on luck, and fortunate accident, That is IF it is true. The next time around if it could all happen again by randomness, who knows what would be selected out Darwinian style?

Remove as you would the eternal Source of dignity and value and all collapses into absurdity. Our created honor is derived from God the uncreated and eternal fountain of dignity and honor.

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Why would it. You see your humanity as the creation or programming of a higher being rather than one of the universes best ( possibly only ) option for self awareness.

I don't see dirt accidentally becoming conscious or self aware no matter how long matter had time to combine in many ways.

And the fine calibration of crucial constants in physics has persuaded many that the universe seems to have expected our arrival. It is a put up job. It is here for humanity.

That is not bragging. That is just an evident fact.

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To be fair, he’s not the poster commenting negatively on your somewhat overbearing presence in this forum.

You can chat with Divegeester all you like and ignore "overbearing" me completely.
I'll stay of it, if he doesn't go out of his way to draw attention to me or things I wrote, which I may feel require a response.

Ignore me as you would prefer to. Go hash things out with Divegeester about Spirituality. I don't own the Forum.

Look at all those neat contributions on Zen and Eastern beliefs in thread . . . .

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We derive created dignity from the eternal Source and Ground of everlasting honor - God our Creator.

We were DAMAGED by His enemy. An enemy He warned us of but our great grandparent Adam with his wife disobeyed the warning.

We are worth much. But we also have been defiled and damaged by an enemy of God. So there is need of salvation in spite of the fact that we were created with intrinsic dignity and worth derived from the Eternal Uncreated Father.

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@sonship said

Why would it. You see your humanity as the creation or programming of a higher being rather than one of the universes best ( possibly only ) option for self awareness.

Our dignity as created beings is derived from our Creator, the Source of honor, beauty, dignity, value, and all eternal worth.

Right here is the origin of our preciou ...[text shortened]... er the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping then that creeps upon the earth." [/b]
“Our dignity as created beings is derived from our Creator, the Source of honor, beauty, dignity, value, and all eternal worth”

You talk as if you’ve proven your god exists and of course you know it has the qualities you boast of on it’s behalf.
You talk with the tongue of a cowed slave, why your god would think your a feather in its cap is beyond me.
To justify an irrational cleaving to a theoretical god by listing it’s theoretical qualities must be some sort of circular argument.
There can be no dignity in being a manufactured entity who is commanded to live by the manufacturers user manual.
What sort of existence is that?

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You talk as if you’ve proven your god exists and of course you know it has the qualities you boast of on it’s behalf.

No I don't say this proves that God exists. But we are surely on the right track to believe God exists. It is harder to imagine that God does not exist then that God does IMO.

You can explain alternatively, from where we derive any realistic notion that we are better than another animal or thing. But if your notion is just a preference that is not very solid. That is arbitrary. Some might say it is a form of "specieism" - an undue arbitrary bias towards your own species.

In your next post what makes us any "higher" or more special over the cockroaches?

You talk with the tongue of a cowed slave, why your god would think your a feather in its cap is beyond me.

As requested above - YOU then explain why YOU think there is a "feather in" your cap more so then in the cap of cockroach. And if you think NO such specialty is reserved for human beings OVER the cockroach, then clearly state so.

To justify an irrational cleaving to a theoretical god by listing it’s theoretical qualities must be some sort of circular argument.

I await YOUR rationale than that human beings should possess any inherent dignity over the tsetse fly or gorilla or chicken or orangutan. And if you entertain NO SUCH notion of some elevation in dignity over these, I expect you to clearly admit that you do not.

There can be no dignity in being a manufactured entity who is commanded to live by the manufacturers user manual.
What sort of existence is that?

Please tend to my inquiries above first.
Do you or do you not consider humanity has been somehow bestowed some "higher" level of dignity over all the other living things on the planet? And if so, tell me something about WHY your bias toward your species is justified.

And I will not count anyone else's opinion as yours.

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@sonship said

You talk as if you’ve proven your god exists and of course you know it has the qualities you boast of on it’s behalf.

No I don't say this proves that God exists. But we are surely on the right track to believe God exists. It is harder to imagine that God does not exist then that God does IMO.

You can explain alternatively, from where we ...[text shortened]... toward your species is justified.

And I will not count anyone else's opinion as yours.
Read my post again I’m saying it’s hard to bbbelieve that any god figure would go to all the trouble of creation just in order to have a few billion manufactured entities adore it whilst adhering to a manual of instruction.
Remember I’m agnostic about the existence of God or gods I’m saying your god as presented by you is a ridiculous construct. It’s only your arrogance that causes you to be offended on your constructs behalf.
If you think we are no more than cockroaches that is just because your viewing things from your constructs perspective. We are clearly very clever monkeys, superior to cockroaches in many ways unless you know one that has; split the atom, landed on the moon or constructed a god figure out of thin air.

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