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Evolution from a Common Ancestor is not Science

Evolution from a Common Ancestor is not Science



The unequivocal consensus in the scientific community is that intelligent design
is not science and has no place in a science curriculum. The U.S. National
Academy of Sciences has stated that "creationism, intelligent design, and other
claims of supernatural intervention in the origin of life or of species are not
science because they are not testable by the methods of science." The U.S.
National Science Teachers Association and the American Association for the
dvancement of Science have termed it pseudoscience. Others in the scientific
community have denounced its tactics, accusing the ID movement of
manufacturing false attacks against evolution, of engaging in misinformation
and misrepresentation about science, and marginalizing those who teach it.


However, they have no objection to the theory of evolution from a common
ancestor being included in the science cirriculum in education even though
it is not testable by the methods of science. This is pure prejudice in action.

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the theory of evolution is testable by science. your ignorance to the contrary is irrelevant.

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Originally posted by VoidSpirit
the theory of evolution is testable by science. your ignorance to the contrary is irrelevant.
Many things seem to be irrelevant to todays scientists.

P.S. Like the truth.

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People, please don't feed the troll. Force him back into the spirituality forum where he belongs. I actually enjoy the content at this forum.

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Originally posted by amolv06

People, please don't feed the troll. Force him back into the spirituality forum where he belongs. I actually enjoy the content at this forum.
what makes you think he belongs there? he is as divorced from spirituality as he is from science.


To the MOD's

The OP and the poster of the OP does not belong in science forum.
It contains no science, It does contain religion.
It contains no logic or rationality, it is irrational.

Please move to spirituality or delete.


I and many others have explained many times why you are wrong.
You either paid no attention to what we said or are too thick to understand it.

You are categorically and demonstrably wrong.

Your opinion is irrelevant and irrational and not science.

You do not belong here, and neither do your views.

Please cease posting about evolution in the science forum like a mindless spam bot
for ignorance.

You have absolutely no interest in debate or the truth you simply want to
proselytise and preach your ignorant and incoherent religious views.

This has no place in this forum, and if it belongs anywhere it belongs in spirituality
and not science.

Creationism and ID (creationism with some fancy words put in) CANNOT make ANY
predictions and CANNOT be falsified or tested which means that they can NEVER be
considered scientific.

Evolution does make testable predictions which have been and still are being tested
and thus far after over 150 years of scientific enquiry by millions of scientists around the
world producing mountains of data not one single piece of evidence has been found that
contradicts or falsifies evolution and mountains of evidence has been found that supports it.
Elements of evolution have been observed and documented over and over again.

Evolution is a FACT. It is Science. And nothing you can do or say will EVER change this.

So go away little YEC, peddle your nonsense somewhere else, you will get nowhere here.

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Originally posted by VoidSpirit
what makes you think he belongs there? he is as divorced from spirituality as he is from science.

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Its hard to say whether RJHinds takes more of a beating here or in the Chess Only forum.

You gotta give it to him - he's equally ignorant about both science and chess.

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Originally posted by SmittyTime
Its hard to say whether RJHinds takes more of a beating here or in the Chess Only forum.

You gotta give it to him - he's equally ignorant about both science and chess.
Luckily I use the Firefox browser, and I've just reinstalled the gbaway script so kindly provided by orangutan. I no longer have to read anything posted by RJ Hinds. Now if all of you other posters did the same he wouldn't be able to disrupt any discussion about anything as we wouldn't be tempted to feed the troll.

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Originally posted by VoidSpirit
what makes you think he belongs there? he is as divorced from spirituality as he is from science.
True that.

He is as bad a Christian as he is a scientist.


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Originally posted by Kewpie
Luckily I use the Firefox browser, and I've just reinstalled the gbaway script so kindly provided by orangutan. I no longer have to read anything posted by RJ Hinds. Now if all of you other posters did the same he wouldn't be able to disrupt any discussion about anything as we wouldn't be tempted to feed the troll.
This GBAway script sounds really neat. Unfortunately, it seems to have disappeared from all the locations it was made available that I can find. Does anybody have a copy they can provide?

--- Penguin


Originally posted by googlefudge
To the MOD's

The OP and the poster of the OP does not belong in science forum.
It contains no science, It does contain religion.
It contains no logic or rationality, it is irrational.

Please move to spirituality or delete.


I and many others have explained many times why you are wrong.
You either paid no attention to what we said ...[text shortened]... this.

So go away little YEC, peddle your nonsense somewhere else, you will get nowhere here.
Your opinion is irrelevant and irrational and not science. HalleluYah !!! 😏

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Originally posted by RJHinds
Your opinion is irrelevant and irrational and not science. HalleluYah !!! 😏
@ the mods...

If RJHinds posts are not considered to be preaching religion in the science forum then nothing is.

RJHinds is not engaging, and has never engaged in reasoned discussion of science.

The point of having a separate science forum is so that discussions of science can occur WITHOUT creationists butting in and derailing every discussion.

RJHinds does nothing but lie and preach his religion.
That has no place in the science forum.
Please remove him and his posts from science.

2 edits

Originally posted by googlefudge
@ the mods...

If RJHinds posts are not considered to be preaching religion in the science forum then nothing is.

RJHinds is not engaging, and has never engaged in reasoned discussion of science.

The point of having a separate science forum is so that discussions of science can occur WITHOUT creationists butting in and derailing every discussion. ...[text shortened]... eligion.
That has no place in the science forum.
Please remove him and his posts from science.
Science is meant to discover the truth no matter what field of study may cross
over into it. If there is another field of study that conflicts with science, then
it should be the duty of science to search out these conflicts and discover where
the truth lies even if it concerns a belief that is considered religious. It has
been done in the past. Why should it stop now just because evolution is
being called into question? I think it is because it also challenges the religion
of athesim. There is no need to argue religion if the science on this was more
than opinion. But we know opinion too is not science, so the discussion of the
theory of evolution should be eliminated too, for it is only opinion. 😏

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