Hopefully I am not starting a thread that has already been discussed, I did look back a few pages and saw nothing.
I came across this article today and found it interesting, it has a bit of religion and a bit of science interconnected. For the Christians in this forum, have you heard of this, do you have any thoughts on it?
Originally posted by yoctobyte
Hopefully I am not starting a thread that has already been discussed, I did look back a few pages and saw nothing.
I came across this article today and found it interesting, it has a bit of religion and a bit of science interconnected. For the Christians in this forum, have you heard of this, do you have any thoughts on it?
http://www.express.co.u ...[text shortened]... d/469228/Four-blood-moons-Does-alignment-of-Mars-Earth-and-Sun-mean-the-end-of-the-world-is-nigh
Professor Gary Shogren, a former pastor who studied the New Testament at Aberdeen University, said: "You’ll never go broke predicting the apocalypse.
"An eclipse on Passover night seems wildly improbable, but we should remember that lunar eclipses only happen on full moons and that Passover by definition always takes place on a full moon. Sukkoth (The Feast of Tabernacles) also by definition coincides with a full moon.
"I thought in 2011 we all said we weren’t going to fall for this again, when Harold Camping twice missed the date of the Second Coming?
"It really is no different this time."
Harold Camping is also worth recollecting:
Camping admitted in a private interview that he no longer believed that anybody could know the time of the Rapture or the end of the world, in stark contrast to his previously staunch position on the subject.[18] In March 2012, he stated that his attempt to predict a date was "sinful", and that his critics had been right in emphasizing the words of Matthew 24:36: "of that day and hour knoweth no man".
Originally posted by yoctobyteIt is of course possible that God precisely aligned the orbits of the earth the moon and mars millions of years ago so that they would result in oppositions and eclipses at this particular time (amongst many others but who cares about those other times?) in order to freak out a few Christians.
I came across this article today and found it interesting, it has a bit of religion and a bit of science interconnected. For the Christians in this forum, have you heard of this, do you have any thoughts on it?
But it makes far more sense that if God wanted you to know when the end times were, he would have told you in a much clearer way. Perhaps even in writing. After all, you presumably believe he brought about much of the Biblical texts, surely a few more sentences would not be beyond him?
Originally posted by twhiteheadI make no claim or allude to any religious event... past present or future based on planetary alignment or content from this article. I happened upon the story and though it to be interesting and decided so share it in this forum to see if other Christians have heard about it and what their thoughts/take on it might be.
It is of course possible that God precisely aligned the orbits of the earth the moon and mars millions of years ago so that they would result in oppositions and eclipses at this particular time (amongst many others but who cares about those other times?) in order to freak out a few Christians.
But it makes far more sense that if God wanted you to know wh ...[text shortened]... e brought about much of the Biblical texts, surely a few more sentences would not be beyond him?
It is of course possible that God precisely aligned the orbits of the earth the moon and mars millions of years ago so that they would result in oppositions and eclipses at this particular time (amongst many others but who cares about those other times?)You have me confused here, are you saying that you believe God aligned the orbits or may have?
After all, you presumably believe he brought about much of the Biblical textsYes, you are correct.
Originally posted by yoctobyteI am actually an atheist. But I am saying that if one is to read anything into astrological signs then one must assume that God pre-planned it all well in advance (as the blood moons in question are predictable from the moons orbit well in advance). I am saying that this is possible, but doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If you have the power to decide the moons orbit, then you might as well simply write what you want to say in nice large letters on the surface of the moon for all to read. Making somewhat ambiguous signals using the earths shadow and a trick of the light (which causes the reddish color) just doesn't seem to be the best idea.
]You have me confused here, are you saying that you believe God aligned the orbits or may have?
Originally posted by twhiteheadWho am i to say? Thx for the comment.
I am actually an atheist. But I am saying that if one is to read anything into astrological signs then one must assume that God pre-planned it all well in advance (as the blood moons in question are predictable from the moons orbit well in advance). I am saying that this is possible, but doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If you have the power to decide t ...[text shortened]... and a trick of the light (which causes the reddish color) just doesn't seem to be the best idea.
09 Apr 14
Originally posted by yoctobyteWe may have to wait a year or two after this blows by to comment about what it means or doesn't mean. I honestly have no idea. I shall leave that speculation to others. Time will tell.
Hopefully I am not starting a thread that has already been discussed, I did look back a few pages and saw nothing.
I came across this article today and found it interesting, it has a bit of religion and a bit of science interconnected. For the Christians in this forum, have you heard of this, do you have any thoughts on it?
http://www.express.co.u ...[text shortened]... d/469228/Four-blood-moons-Does-alignment-of-Mars-Earth-and-Sun-mean-the-end-of-the-world-is-nigh
10 Apr 14
Originally posted by RJHindsYes. When the prophecy comes true you will know
We may have to wait a year or two after this blows by to comment about what it means or doesn't mean. I honestly have no idea. I shall leave that speculation to others. Time will tell.
what it predicted. Until then it's just speculation.
I have the same problem with my tea leaves - I have to
wait a few weeks before I know what they were telling me.
10 Apr 14
Originally posted by wolfgang59I have also problems with prophecies.
Yes. When the prophecy comes true you will know
what it predicted. Until then it's just speculation.
I have the same problem with my tea leaves - I have to
wait a few weeks before I know what they were telling me.
Every morning I get my weather prophecy, or as they call it: report, and I have to wait to see if they were right. If they were actually right in their prophecy then I hail them. When they are wrong I just forget about this particular instance. With this technique they actually are right in their prophecies in 100% !!! Hail!
10 Apr 14
Originally posted by RJHindsNo, time will not tell. There have been four blood red moons in the past and time has passed since then and time didn't tell. Even if a new world war starts just after the fourth blood moon, it would still be speculation to say that that was what the blood moons were signifying.
We may have to wait a year or two after this blows by to comment about what it means or doesn't mean. I honestly have no idea. I shall leave that speculation to others. Time will tell.
Originally posted by yoctobyteI wouldn't take any stock in it.
Hopefully I am not starting a thread that has already been discussed, I did look back a few pages and saw nothing.
I came across this article today and found it interesting, it has a bit of religion and a bit of science interconnected. For the Christians in this forum, have you heard of this, do you have any thoughts on it?
http://www.express.co.u ...[text shortened]... d/469228/Four-blood-moons-Does-alignment-of-Mars-Earth-and-Sun-mean-the-end-of-the-world-is-nigh
Originally posted by yoctobyteThe ancients took astrology seriously. Even in the Bible we see the Magi gazing at the stars to see that the king of the Jews had been born.
Hopefully I am not starting a thread that has already been discussed, I did look back a few pages and saw nothing.
I came across this article today and found it interesting, it has a bit of religion and a bit of science interconnected. For the Christians in this forum, have you heard of this, do you have any thoughts on it?
http://www.express.co.u ...[text shortened]... d/469228/Four-blood-moons-Does-alignment-of-Mars-Earth-and-Sun-mean-the-end-of-the-world-is-nigh
In fact, pretty much every ancient religion combined religion with the stars. For example, the pyramids were arranged according to the constellation Orion.
Originally posted by yoctobyteThe true "signs in the heavens" we are told to watch for will be impossible to miss, or to ignore. But they also may come too late for most. This one is less subtle than most, but those who wish to give it less credence can and will. If Christians have questions about this particular sign, we should just ask for wisdom. We can never have 'too much' wisdom. If any want to use it as an excuse to pray and find God, I'm not going to discourage them.
It's interesting stuff, but because many 'a well meaning authors have gone before' and fallen flat on their face with regards to prophecy, it is hard to lend any credence. We will see.