When Bin Laden was killed, the US President commented that "the head of the snake is killed." I repeated the same thing on Facebook and Twitter but I noticed that there was an amazing silence on FB and Twitter.
So here are the issues....
1) Whether it is right to kill a man because he was so evil and caused so many innocents to die? The 10 commandments forbids us to kill.
2) Why it took so long to kill Bin Laden and Hitler? Was there a conspiracy to keep those two alive to fuel war production, etc?
3) Why people kept silent on FB/Twitter after Bin Laden was killed?. I remember a quote "All that is needed for the forces of evil to succeed is for enough good men to remain silent."
4) What if Hitler & Bin Laden were killed much earlier in their lives, it would have saved millions of people and the world might have been a much better place with all their potential/talents.
While, I am not for killing, I personally believe it was right to take out Bin Laden, but it should have been done much earlier. Assassination when used with such surgical precision can be like taking out a cancer; and bring about much good.
Your views Biblical or otherwise...
Originally posted by shahenshahPakistan was protecting him by allowing him to hide in their nation.
When Bin Laden was killed, the US President commented that "the head of the snake is killed." I repeated the same thing on Facebook and Twitter but I noticed that there was an amazing silence on FB and Twitter.
So here are the issues....
1) Whether it is right to kill a man because he was so evil and caused so many innocents to die? The 10 command like taking out a cancer; and bring about much good.
Your views Biblical or otherwise...
That is my view.
P.S. I understand that he was killed because he was reaching for a
Originally posted by shahenshahDeath honours no one. The United states government is a very fickle friend!
When Bin Laden was killed, the US President commented that "the head of the snake is killed." I repeated the same thing on Facebook and Twitter but I noticed that there was an amazing silence on FB and Twitter.
So here are the issues....
1) Whether it is right to kill a man because he was so evil and caused so many innocents to die? The 10 command ...[text shortened]... like taking out a cancer; and bring about much good.
Your views Biblical or otherwise...
I am generally in favour of assassination as opposed to war. I think the whole concept of hiring thousands of soldiers to die on the battle field along with many innocent civilians whilst the instigators sit back and watch, is so unfair and out dated.
If we really have to kill, then kill the leader and only the leader.
Of course capturing would be even better.
The only reason why assassinations and kidnappings are not carried out by major governments against foreign leaders, is because it is considered politically incorrect. For some reason the general public has less problem with killing thousands of soldiers and civilians than will killing one leader.
Originally posted by RJHindsit wasn't that when you were handing out stinger missiles to help the Mujahideen fight
Yes, we do not act to friendly toward betrayers.
the Russians though was it, he was your big time buddy then. American government,
fast and fickle friend! and now you just killed 24 Pakistani nationals, imagine if Pakistan
had done the same in America, oops were sorry i dont think would wash, do you?
Originally posted by twhiteheadBin laden was a terrorist, and leader (possibly just figure head?) of a terrorist organisation.
I am generally in favour of assassination as opposed to war. I think the whole concept of hiring thousands of soldiers to die on the battle field along with many innocent civilians whilst the instigators sit back and watch, is so unfair and out dated.
If we really have to kill, then kill the leader and only the leader.
Of course capturing would be even ...[text shortened]... has less problem with killing thousands of soldiers and civilians than will killing one leader.
As such he aught to have been arrested and put in prison, no martyrdom for him.
However that wasn't likely to ever happen and so the US assassinated him when they finally
found him.
The leaders of countries however are a different matter.
If you assassinate leaders of countries to achieve your goals, you invite people to assassinate
the leaders of your country (and/or their families) in retribution, or simply because you set the
The question is whether it really is that one guy who is the cause of the problem, or the entire
leadership structure, or the people at large.
Assassinating Hitler would have changed the course of events, but I doubt it would have stopped
WW2 from happening.
Also, assassination is not always as easy as it's made out, the people who you likely would want
to assassinate tend to have large and paranoid security surrounding them.
Originally posted by googlefudgeI am advocating assassinations, so obviously a precedent would be good.
The leaders of countries however are a different matter.
If you assassinate leaders of countries to achieve your goals, you invite people to assassinate
the leaders of your country (and/or their families) in retribution, or simply because you set the
My argument is that assassinating a leader is far better in my opinion than killing off thousands of soldiers and civilians.
The question is whether it really is that one guy who is the cause of the problem, or the entire
leadership structure, or the people at large.
The fact is that in many cases it would make and immediate difference, and in most cases it would provide an strong incentive.
Also, assassination is not always as easy as it's made out, the people who you likely would want
to assassinate tend to have large and paranoid security surrounding them.
Not easy, maybe, but lets take the Iraq war for example, if the US had put all its resources from day 1 into assassinating Sadam Hussein, then:
1. Would it have cost more, or less?
2. Would there have been more or less casualties on both sides?
Originally posted by shahenshahThere were many attempts to kill Hitler right from the Burgerbrau kellar bomb blast to the famous failed attempt carried out by von Stauffenberg.British bombers regularly raided the Chancellory wher he was shelterring himself in an underground cellar,especiall on his birthdays,if I remember correctly. There is no basis to believe that he was allowed to live inorder to make it profitable for the war industry.
When Bin Laden was killed, the US President commented that "the head of the snake is killed." I repeated the same thing on Facebook and Twitter but I noticed that there was an amazing silence on FB and Twitter.
So here are the issues....
1) Whether it is right to kill a man because he was so evil and caused so many innocents to die? The 10 command ...[text shortened]... like taking out a cancer; and bring about much good.
Your views Biblical or otherwise...
Bin Laden was attacked by US bombers in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border mountains where he was hiding.
Originally posted by twhiteheadThe US leaders did not have the benefit of hindsight as you do now.
I am advocating assassinations, so obviously a precedent would be good.
My argument is that assassinating a leader is far better in my opinion than killing off thousands of soldiers and civilians.
[b]The question is whether it really is that one guy who is the cause of the problem, or the entire
leadership structure, or the people at large.
T ...[text shortened]... ld it have cost more, or less?
2. Would there have been more or less casualties on both sides?[/b]
Originally posted by shahenshahI dont think anyone should be killed, except perhaps in the most direst of circumstances (which Bin Laden MAY have been)
When Bin Laden was killed, the US President commented that "the head of the snake is killed." I repeated the same thing on Facebook and Twitter but I noticed that there was an amazing silence on FB and Twitter.
So here are the issues....
1) Whether it is right to kill a man because he was so evil and caused so many innocents to die? The 10 command like taking out a cancer; and bring about much good.
Your views Biblical or otherwise...
Whatever happened in the past is there for us to learn from, for if we dont then we are doomed to repeat it (as the saying goes...)
But I'll give it a shot-
1.It is not right to kill a man who killed many innocents himself. (I liked the way Buddha dealt with a notorious mass murderer of his time. This murderer approached him form behind, buddha "sensed" this guy behind him, turned around and looked the guy right in the eyes, showing no fear, only love. The murderer renounced his evil ways and became a buddhist on the spot)
2.Yes, I think there was a conspiracy to keep those two (and others ) alive for the reason you mentioned.
3.I'm not sure about this one. although it does sound very suspect and there is prolly more to it than meets the eye at first glance.
4.But then some other idiots would've done what they did. We needed to go through all these wars and murders to learn lessons. (The lesson(s) should be obvious)
Originally posted by robbie carrobieI am often appalled how much coverage a single Australian death gets on the news where sometimes hundreds are killed in other parts of the world and it barely gets a mention.
it wasn't that when you were handing out stinger missiles to help the Mujahideen fight
the Russians though was it, he was your big time buddy then. American government,
fast and fickle friend! and now you just killed 24 Pakistani nationals, imagine if Pakistan
had done the same in America, oops were sorry i dont think would wash, do you?
I know that countries are usually more interested in the death of their own countrymen, but I think it is way out of proportion.
Thats why 9/11 needed to happen. 3000+ U.S. citizens murdered, on U.S. soil no less!!
So America goes and invades Iraq (WTF??) and kills god knows how many. I bet it was at least 10 times as many as were killed in the 9/11 incident.
Dont get me wrong. 9/11 was a deplorable act, but with the cold war over and China not "coming to the party" , the US needed another common enemy to justify it's huge military spending.
The basterds got their wish 😛 - or should I say, they got their way.
Originally posted by shahenshahYou kill a Hitler and a Stalin pops up. You kill a Stalin and a Saddam pops up. You kill a Saddam and a Bin Laden pops up. You kill a Bin Laden and a Gaddafi pops up.......
When Bin Laden was killed, the US President commented that "the head of the snake is killed." I repeated the same thing on Facebook and Twitter but I noticed that there was an amazing silence on FB and Twitter.
So here are the issues....
1) Whether it is right to kill a man because he was so evil and caused so many innocents to die? The 10 command like taking out a cancer; and bring about much good.
Your views Biblical or otherwise...
I know, lets blow up the world!! ðŸ˜
For the record, saying that you are cutting of the head of the snake is retarded. Obama might as well had a big old sign behind him saying. 'Mission Accomplished'.
The cancer are not these dictators, they are the symptom of something more sinister at work.